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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Nasi Liwet Solo Komplit

Nasi Liwet Solo is a famous coconut rice dish in Surakarta, Central Java, also known as Solo.

There are two types of nasi liwet in Indonesia, one is Nasi Liwet Solo and the other is Nasi Liwet Sunda, of which is popular in Bandung.

Nasi Liwet Solo Komplit is Nasi Liwet with all the works, namely Ingkung Ayam (Coconut Chicken Stew), Labu Siam (Chayote in Spicy Coconut Gravy), Telur Pindang (Stewed Eggs) and Areh Telur (Coconut custard). It's a very filling and rich meal, with lots of eggs and coconut.

I managed to get 2 packs of salam leaf (Indonesian bay leaf)  at the supermarket, of which is rarely found, and got on to cook this dish that I've read about some time back. I didn't cook it as soon as I should, and my salam leaves were partially dried up in the fridge in just a few days. My friend told me, it's ok to use dried salam leaves.

There's almost 400ml of coconut milk (2 coconuts), 8 lemongrass and a handful of salam leaves used to prepare the whole rice meal. There are a few components that needs to be cooked. It seems tedious, but actually preparation was swift because the dishes were mostly simmered or involved some quick cooking.

It was all worth it for an enjoyable meal.

Nasi Liwet Solo

Serves 5
Reference: Sajian Sedap and Diah Didi's Kitchen

Can be prepared ahead of time.
Order of work

1. Boil eggs for telur pindang.
2. Prepare and cook Ingkung Ayam (recipe here)
3. Prepare and cook Telur Pindang (recipe below)
4. Cook Nasi Liwet
5. Prepare Sayur Labu Siam (recipe here)
6. Steam Areh Kuning (recipe below)
7. Cook Areh Putih Telur (recipe below)

Nasi Liwet
1.5 cups rice (375ml), medium grain
1/2 cup coconut milk
2/3 tsp salt
2 salam leaves
2 lemongrass, bruised
Sufficient water for cooking rice

1. Wash rice and drain well.
2. Put everything into the rice cooker and cook until done.
3. Leave the rice to sit in the pot for 15 minutes and fluff with chopsticks or a fork.
4. Serve with Ingkung Ayam, telur pindang, areh telur and sayur labu siam.

and now all the eggs in the rice set

Telur Pindang

5 Grade C eggs, hardboiled and peeled *
2 salam leaves (Indonesian bay leaf)
5 mature guava leaves
1 lemongrass, bruised
2 cm galangal, sliced
1 tsp salt
Shallot peel and ends (from the shallots used Ingkung ayam and Sayur Labu Siam)

1. Put everything in a saucepan together with 1 L water.
2. Bring to a boil and lower to a simmer for 45 minutes.
3. Leave the eggs in the liquid and until it's almost time to serve.
4. Bring it back to a boil and fish out the eggs. (To quick dry the surface)

 * Eggs can be boiled while preparing for Ingkung Ayam

Areh Kuning

3 egg yolks
1/2 egg white
3 Tbsp Ingkung Ayam gravy

1. Lightly oil and small bowl.
2. Beat egg yolk, egg white with a pinch of salt until frothy.
3. Add in gravy and beat until combined.
4. Pour into the oiled bowl and steam on medium heat until set.

Areh Putih Telur

2.5 egg whites
1/4 cup coconut milk
1/4 tsp salt

1. Beat egg whites with salt until frothy. Add in coconut milk and beat again.
2. Cook egg whites on a pan until scrambled.

Once everything is cooked, it's time to serve Nasi Liwet Solo Komplit!

Happy Eid-ul Fitr to all my Muslim readers
Happy Holidays to all Malaysians


  1. I am such a katak di bawah tempurung, Never heard of this dish before! Wow, so many steps in the recipe and so tedious too. Must be delicious to make it worth your effort in putting together this dish.

  2. Veronica,
    Don't worry about not knowing this dish, I didn't too, previously. It's from Indonesia.
    Seems like a lot of work, but most of them were just simmering.

  3. Hai Mdm Wendy,

    Mak saya di Melaka ada tanam pokok salam. selalu digunakan untuk masak rendang minangkabau dan gulai kalio. jika datang melaka boleh datang ambil anak pokok salam. Mdm Boleh hubungi saya thru emel

  4. Rineldi,
    Terima kasih.
    Lain kali kalau Wendy perlukannya dan ada kebetulan akan pergi ke Melaka, Wendy akan khabarkan.


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