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Monday, June 19, 2017

Ingkung Ayam ~ Indonesian Chicken Coconut Milk Stew

Ingkung Ayam is a chicken stew popular in Central Java. White coconuty chicken stew that has hints of aromatics but it wasn't spicy at all.

The recipe I cooked wasn't as complicated as the version in Jogya, but it came together with Nasi Liwet Solo's recipe.

Serve the chicken in large pieces or tear it into strips to serve in Nasi Liwet Solo.

Ingkung Ayam

1/2 free range chicken (ayam kampung), cut into large pieces

1 tsp coriander seeds, lightly toasted
2 candlenuts, lightly toasted
4 shallots
1 clove of garlic

2 cm galangal, bashed
3 lemongrass, bashed
1 kaffir lime leaf
2 salam leaves
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 Tbsp brown sugar

1. Put candlenut, coriander seeds, shallots and garlic into a blender, put in 1 cup of water and blend until fine. Pour into a pot. Put in another cup of water to rinse the blender and pour into the pot.
2. Put everything, except the chicken into the pot and bring to a boil, stirring all the while to prevent the coconut milk from curdling. When the mixture has boiled, add in chicken.
3. Bring back to a boil, add brown sugar and salt to taste and lower to a simmer for around 30-40 minutes, until chicken is tender.
4. Fish out the chicken, let it cool down and tear into thick shreds if served in Nasi Liwet Solo.

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