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Monday, June 12, 2017

Chayote in Spicy Coconut Milk @ Sayur Labu Siam

This way of cooking chayote is easy and nice. I have never eaten chayote other than those cooked with Chinese cooking methods.

This dish is part of Nasi Liwet Solo.

Sayur Labu Siam

1 chayote (mine was 350gm), cut into thick matchsticks
2 red chilli, grind to a paste
4 shallots, sliced
3 clove garlic, sliced
2 lemon grass
2 salam leaves
1/4 cup coconut milk

1. Heat wok and put in 2 Tbsp of oil. Saute sliced shallots and garlic until fragrant. Add in chilli paste and saute until glossy.
2. Put in lemon grass, salam leaves and chayote.
3. Add in 1/4 cup of water and cook until chayote starts to soften.
4. Add in coconut milk and season with salt.
5. Cook until chayote softens to your preference. Do not cook until mushy.


  1. Hello Wendy, thank you for your interesting recipes. In Australia, we call this vegetable "choko". Like you, I have only fried it Chinese-style. But this recipe sounds very tasty. Similar to cabbage "masak lemak".

  2. Susan,
    Yeah, a bit similar with the coconut milk, but kobis masak lemak is much simpler

  3. Hi Wendy thanks for sharing this simple recipe.
    It will be a good addition for my vegetarian diet

    1 Query - what is Salam Leaves? Is it available in wet markets?

    Thanks, regards Mrs Singh Ipoh

  4. Mrs Singh,
    It's ok to omit the daun salam, it's difficult to get in Ipoh, but I was lucky to be able to get them from Aeon Kinta City, sheer luck I guess.
    The ones in wet markets are the daun salam for ulam, they are not the same. BTW, personally I am not sure if the daun salam I got from Aeon are the same as the ones from Indonesia because I don't find them to have any special fragrance.


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