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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Sticky Date Pudding with Cinnamon Butterscotch Sauce

I used to think this doesn't sound delicious.
I used to think dates in cakes sound soggy.
I used to think cake like puddings to be weird.

It was after Eid-ul Fitr and dates were on sale. Very very cheap!
Each year, muslims will consume dates during the fasting month of Ramadan and once Syawal approaches... the dates goes on clearance sale.. and it goes cheaper and cheaper as the days go by.

I bought some dates to eat and remembered that I have some excess whipping cream that needs to be used up.
Should I just try to make sticky date pudding?
Since dates were going so cheap at that time, if it didn't turn out well, I won't feel so bad.

I made half of the original recipe and brought it to work. My colleagues all loved it. It was sweet, but indulgent and satisfying. My colleagues loved the cinnamon butterscotch sauce. I regretted making so less and so I decided to make more the next day since I had more dates at home.

This time, I tried steaming half of the batter and baking the other half. Although the pudding can be steamed, but it tasted better when baked. The original recipe was a lot sweeter and I reduced 40% of the sugar, but it's still sweet enough to be eaten on its own. Dates on its own are very sweet.

So did I like this? I love love love this. So sinful and each spoonful just gave me the ummmmm feeling.

Sticky Date Pudding

Rewritten by WendyinKK
Ref: Donna Hay
Makes 12 individual puddings

210g chopped dates
250ml boiling water
1 tsp baking soda

150g self raising flour
70g brown sugar
2 cold eggs
100g unsalted butter, melted

Prepare pudding.
1. Pour boiling water over chopped dates, let it sit for 2 minutes and add in baking soda and stir. It will bubble up.  Let it turn warm to touch and puree. Add in cold eggs and blend together.
2. Place self raising flour and brown sugar in a mixing bowl and mix. Make a well in the center.
3. Pour date mixture and melted butter into the flour well. Mix until everything is moistened.
4. Pour batter into 12 greased muffin cups* or buttered ramekins and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 20-25 minutes** or until toothpick comes out clean. Or steam the pudding for 20 minutes on medium heat.
5. Invert warm pudding onto serving plate and spoon butterscotch sauce over. If served in ramekins, just spoon the sauce over. Best served while warm.

*I used disposable aluminium muffin cups. Can be baked in paper lined muffin pans, but remove the pudding from the pan once done and put it back into the oven for 10 minutes to dry off the base .
**Mine was done in 20 mins

Cinnamon Butterscotch Sauce

by WendyinKK

75g unsalted butter
125gm dairy whipping cream
130g brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt or more
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Generous pinch of cinnamon

Prepare sauce
1. Put butter into a saucepan and heat until it melts on medium low heat. Let it gently bubble for a minute.
2. Add in sugar, cinnamon and salt, and stir, then add in the cream. Stirring all the while. Add in vanilla and cook until it thickens slightly to the consistency of runny honey. If you like it saltier, add more salt.
3. Pour into a clean jar, cool down and chill.

*Can be prepared days ahead. Sauce keeps well in the fridge. Use a clean spoon each time to prevent contamination.
**Excess sauce can be used to serve with ice cream, plain yogurt or spread on bread.

The cold sauce melts and gets soaked into the warm pudding....


  1. Hey Wendy I follow ur blog n all ur recipes especially bake ones never fail me.this sticky date pudding looks sinfully tempting😉will surely try.

  2. I never really like dates but this look so yummy!

  3. Hi Wendy,

    Tried the recipe and it tasted fantastic! Thanks for sharing!


  4. EC,
    Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it


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