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Friday, July 4, 2008

Patin Masak Pedas (Silver Catfish in Hot Gravy)

One good thing about moving to Kuala Kangsar is … Abundant fresh river catches at very reasonable prices.

Every Saturday morning there is this Pasar Tani (Farmer’s Market) nearby where I stay. There’re 2 stalls that sell live river fish… still alive and swimming around. If u can’t stand the sight of the fish mongers killing them by banging them on the head…..don’t look. It does look brutal.

One swimming Patin goes for RM8/kg. I know it’s more expensive than Tesco (less than RM4/kg)..but hey, this is alive and it’s from Perak River… not ikan lombong (mining pool fish).. very nice and sweet.

I was introduced to this dish when I was in Selancar, Pahang, by Pak Yob.. the canteen man of my first school (as a teacher)


500 gm ikan patin

3 pieces asam keping (tamarind fruit pieces) or more, depending on the maturity of the fruit, the younger, the more u'll need
½ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 bunga kantan- halved (ginger flower)

2 hot red chilies or more
3 shallots
2 cloves garlic
2 cm ginger
1 cup of water

1. Blend (B) in a blender.
2. Pour into a wok and bring to a boil.
3. Add (A) and fish.
4. Cook for 10 minutes or until fish is cooked.
5. Dish up.

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