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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lyanne's 1 today!

Lyanne is my 2nd daughter, born on this day 1 year ago.
Her birth was God's planning and thinking back... it really touches my heart on how God really takes care of everything for me.

I thank God for this girl, this little sister to Lydia, whose first words are not "papa" or "mama" or "nen nen" or "mum mum", but "No More", with actions some more :)

We did some early celebration. My side of family celebrated it on Christmas Day itself as most of them will be back that day.
I created a Light Carrot Cake for her... I'm not 100% satisfied with the outcome, need to perfect the recipe. Something feels missing, might be the cinnamon. Need to find a spot to put that in.


2nd Cake:
Celebration on Mike's side of family was done on 27th Dec, cos everybody went or were in PJ that day.
Bought by pretty Aunt Iris, Golden Nugget by Secret Recipe. A new release, and everybody that ate it found that it is not as tasty as Secret Recipe usually will be.

Getting ready for the big blow..

As usual, Lydia wants to have her cut tooo:)
Lydia, u better let Lyanne share ur cake too next year....

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers,
Happy New Year
May U have a great year ahead!!!


  1. Hey, the 2nd cake is bought by pretty Aunt Iris but not Aunt Elaine.

  2. I thought Lyanne has a strong resemblence to Lydia(your profile picture)!If they are only one year apart, people may think that they are twins. Your cake reminded me so much of the ones I used to have when I was a kid but I bet, these taste much better!

  3. Awww, that's so sweet! She's 1years old and she have got so many candles on her cake. I guess mummy can't wait for her to grow up? he he..
    A very Happy Belated Birthday to your beautiful daughter and Happy New Year!

  4. Iris: Ok, ok.. sorreeeeeee.... Will make changes.

    Shirley: Yeah, they are 16 months apart, and Lyanne is bigger than Lydia when Lydia was at her age, soon they will look like twins. Actually, they don't really look similiar. Lydia is Papa's mould, and Lyanne is more like my mom, that's if u break off the features one by one to look at.

    TRacie, I can't just put an "H" on the cake..., so I have to put in all. Hehe!! Let her grow up faster lor!

  5. Agree with Shirley, both your daughter really look alike. And I like to see all the kids surrounding the cake, waiting for their shares :)

  6. Hepy Belated B'day to ur dearest daughter..

  7. I've seen all your BD cakes and they were really beautifully baked with love. Your girls are very adorable and lucky to have you as their mummy who can bake so well. My boy Jermaine is turning 19 yrs this month and his pathetic mum's baking skill and so I have perfect excuse to buy one BD cake for him from the shop


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