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Friday, September 9, 2011

Lydia's Rainbow Cake - Birthday Week #3

Remember I asked Lydia what cake she wanted? Her first answer was rainbow cake. So, I thought of making her an upright rainbow cake. The rainbow will be nestled on clouds on a bed of 'sky'.And the cake will be brought to kindergarden to be shared with friends. Only kids will be able to take on so much 'colours'.

What are the cakes used? The sky cake was a tray baked Designer Chocolate Baby Grand. The rainbow is just a simple orange chiffon cake. I chose a sturdy chiffon recipe, one that will hold up and Alex Goh's chiffons perfectly fits the bill due to its high amount of flour.

I bought lots of MnMs and a large tube of imported Smarties, as I know MnMs don't have purple. These 2 are Lydia's current favourite candies. I also bought mini marshmallows for the clouds. Not cheap for all these candies.

I split up the preparation. 2 days before the celebration, I made the chocolate layer, chilled it. The next morning, after preparing Lydia to school, I quickly made the chiffon. Chiffon cakes need time to cool down, so better do it early.

In the afternoon, when the girls went to their nanny's house (their 2nd last day there), I assembled and frosted the cake with dairy cream. I also painted the 'sky' blue. Then, into the fridge it went. I didn't do anymore on that cake because Swee San told me the candies will bleed. I waited until all the kids were asleep to stick on the candies as I couldn't afford to do it in the next morning due to time constraints. The cake should arrive in school by 9am and I need to prep the other 2 kids before going out.

Did the cake bleed? Oh yes! Sure did, but it still had my girl terribly ecstatic about it. So were the other kids.
Most of them said, " Aunty I want the soft soft white white one". They recognised the marshmallows. LOL.
The huge cake was walloped by all the kids and teachers, and recieved positive reviews about it.

If you'd ask me, whether decorating the cake with candies is easy? I'd say no. I prefer piping the colours on. Because the candy will bleed and I can't do it way ahead of time. Candies also cost a lot lot more. I bought almost RM50 worth of candies, but I didn't finish them, of course, like the marshmallows or Smarties, were just partially used, but then again, I can't buy any less. I used 2 packs of regular M&Ms and one whole pack of individual servings M&Ms because I couldn't get the colour I want. Too many of some and too less of others.

Anyway, this cake was a good experience. Lydia super loved this cake :) But it doesn't show in her cake blowing sessions. She always gets tensed up when the candles are lit... remember last year's Carousel cake, she hugged me tight after the candles were lit. Funny girl!


  1. Wendy, this is so awesome! Love the happy colours and the patiences and love behind this cake.

  2. Lydia must be really real thrilled having such a beautiful colourful rainbow cake! Any hugs and kisses from her again? :-)

  3. Ur daugh must be proud of u as my mommy very good in making cake..u should do business leh

  4. a lof of effort and loves putting into this Birthday cake, well done Wendy!

  5. Awesome cake. Your daughter is so cute! :)

  6. Hahaha, so cute and FUNNY. Pretty cake and lucky kids to have a caring mummy. :)

  7. wow, very cute and colorful cake. You are very creative.

  8. i guess those kids will pick on the M&M first before eating their slice! You very patient leh to make such a cake! It's very nicely decorated! ah, leant something about the candies!

  9. This gorgeous cake really took time for you to prepare! Haha...why you blow my candle! Kids really have fun if they have siblings :)

  10. aw... great job as usual! What happen to the left over candies I spied in the pic? ;)

  11. No leh, I think Lydia is very keen on blowing the candles this year! Not so tense liao, heehee! She even said in the video "mei mei why you blow my candle?!" lol! Happy birthday to Lydia! Wonderful mummy made such a cheerful and pretty cake for u, best birthday present ever! 

  12. edith,
    only for kids that I can make such a cake. won't be long til they refuse such kiddie cakes :(

    sure, my girl is ver generous with them :)

    yes she is but no thanks to a biz ;)


    Yes she is :)

    Swee San
    That was the moment she has been waiting for!

    Belly Good Cooking,
    mothers will always dote on their kids :)

  13. Amelia,

    LOL, depends. Some save the best for the last.
    Candies are not easy to use in our humid weather :(

    Nur Misnan

    Ah Tze,
    when they dun fight yes lor, but when they do, headache

    Food Dreams,
    packed up to be eaten over the days :)
    Lydia love the blue ones and Lyanne the yellow ones.

    She enjoys blowing, but will look at the cake tensely, she's being careful this time about the flames rather than being frightful.

  14. The kids sure love it...all the pretty colors!! cute..."why u blow my candles"....LOL

  15. Hi Wendy,

    I am one of your blog follower, since long time ago. Your cooking and baking always impressed me and insprired me a lot.

    You are such a gorgeous mama. It should be very 幸福 to become your family member or friends.

    May i know since when you have been learning for these ? Did you went for any cooking or baking school ?


  16. Reese,
    No only the kids, even adults :)
    kekekeke. There's always a bit of 'kiddiness' in each of us.

    thankyou for following my blog.
    the information of my culinary background is in my "about" for since May 2010. You can read about it there.

  17. Wendy,
    I think you are right. When I check again, seems like auto-programmed copy bcoz same sequence & date with timing all minus 60 minutes (i.e. her posting is 1 hour earlier than mine, so seems like I'm the one who ciplak hers!!).
    Wow, you are so creative...! The other choc cake so neatly sliced!

  18. I'm sure boy will like this cake very much since he love "Smarties" very much.

    Can see with all the love from mummy to Lydia.

    "Happy Birthday to Lydia!"

  19. oh wowww... love the video.. your girls are super cute!

  20. LOL! Lydia did look very tense and she was really very fierce when she said "mei mei why you blow my candle?" I think she was just hoping for the songs to be over so that she can blow the candles. Both girls are just so adorable! LOL!
    Your cake is very beautifully decorated, and very colourful! I like it very much!

  21. Hi Lydia,

  22. Happy Belated Birthday Lydia..
    They are so adorable same hairstyle mei mei and cher cher..


  23. What can I say here.... The rainbow cake is so pretty. Happy birthday to Lydia.


  24. Happy belated Birthday, Lydia!!

    She is so adorable. Love ur rainbow cake, very creative.

  25. Wendy,

    i'm Liu from JB, i read your blog long ago but just registered as follower. the food that you present is marvellous if i have 1/3 of your power that would be wonderful. i would like to say thank you for your wonderful recipe, i copy & keep in my to do list. last Saturday i tried your orange chiffon & designer chocolate baby grand hmmmmmm all my family members said it was nice & soft but for chocolate cake i didn't do the 2nd step bcos i have no whipping cream. may i know, 1) did you prepare chocolate syrup for the cloud cake? 2) can you please teach me how to make blue & colour on the cloud?

    thank you.

  26. Happy Belated Lydia. Wait this Aunty Quay Po meet you in person one day Vibrant Colors, lots of kiddies' goodies on it. Make me wish I am a kid again but a real kid but second childhood lah hehe.. BTW, thanks for letting me know about the red wine in my last post.

  27. I come back to wish you and your family Happy Moon Cake Festival. Have a great one!

  28. Home Kreation,
    A cold cake and clean knife helps alot

    Mary Chey,
    U're making a similar cake?
    Happy birthday in advance to ur boy

    Echo's Kitchen,

    Passionate about Baking,
    Oh yes, that was the moment she has been waiting for

    Ching lei sor yun :)

    LOL no la, one has straight squarish fringe, one has shaggy fringe.


    Yee Er,

    the choc cake won't be as nice w/o the syrup. It's the syrup that makes the cake moist and special.
    For the sky, I did make the syrup, and chilled the whole cake til it set before frosting.
    To colour the cake blue, just mix some blue food colouring with water and paint it on.

    Quay Po,
    No need to be a kid to have such cakes. Why can't adults have cheerful cakes?

  29. such a pretty cake - lucky Lydia :)

  30. 好美噢,尤其是那像海浪般的装饰。我的生日要到了,记得做个给我哦,哈哈。。。

  31. You never fail to impress me with your cake decorating skills.

    And check out her friends look, all full of envy!

  32. Gosh! this post made me drool over the foods.

  33. Hi Wendy, love this cake. I would like to make this cake for my daughter's first birthday. Can you kindly share the dairy cream recipe? For the sky, did you just mix the colouring with the dairy cream and paint it on top of the chocolate syrup? Thought it would be chocolate in colour. For the chiffon, is it just a coating of dairy cream? Thank you so much in advance. Regards, May

  34. May,
    Dairy cream preparation recipes are in most of my decorated or filled cakes. Try Chocolate Enigma cake, the recipe in there.
    It's just the technique to whip it.

    For the sky, as you can see from the pictures, I coated the whole cake with cream before I did anything to it. There's no chocolate syrup to be meddled with. It's under the cream. I mixed some blue food colouring with few drops of water and painted the colouring onto the cream.

    For the chiffon, yes, just a coat of dairy cream.

    You can do anything anyway you want, it's just the concept of an upright rainbow cake with candies and a chiffon cake for the arch. You can use any cake as the base.

    If you are a newbie, I suggest you use non dairy cream. It's more use friendly and more temperature friendly just in case you work slowly and carefully. It's just pour and whip, pretty straightforward.

  35. Thanks Wendy for the prompt reply. Very much appreciated. I was referring to the Grand chocolate cake recipe where you made the syrup. Did you apply the syrup then the cream on top as a coating? Sorry I was just confused by the comments to MKLiu where you mentioned you made the syrup too. Thank you so much once again. Regards, May (Keep up the good work with your blog, i love it).

  36. May,
    Yes, the chocolate cake is brushed with the syrup, cooled down totally before it's being coated with cream.
    I hope your cake turns out well.
    If you have FB, please take a picture and tag me.
    I'd love to see it and share your joy :)

  37. Thank you Wendy. I am excited to try this cake now. Since I am a newbie, would probably need couple of trial runs leading up to my cutie's big day! I tried your salted chicken recipe and even my hubby whose an english loves it. May x

  38. May,
    Salted chicken??? I don't think I have that rcipe.
    Anyway, looking forward to seeing ur cake.

  39. bummer it was the salted egg yolk fried chicken yum. i hope i know how to cream the cake. you're such a pro. xxx

  40. Sorry Wendy one more question, what tray size did you use and do I follow the measurements of the chocolate cake that you posted? Thanks, may

  41. May,
    It was a 10 inch square cake. I forgot how much of the recipe I made, LOL. I think, it was double.
    I baked them in 2 shallow 10 inch trays.


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