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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream - Blueberry Week # 2

Last 2 weeks when I went to KL to meet up with fellow bloggers like Swee San, Reese, Sonia, Ann and Veronica, Swee San brought a box of macarons. She knew my first experience with macarons was a nightmare. When she described in her blog that it was sweet til the roots of my teeth, it was actually understated. The fact was, it was so sweet that it burned my throat. She had been hoping that I would one day change my mind about these sugary UFOs. When I took the ones that she made and ate one, I was surprised that it was a lot more pleasant. It was sweet no doubt, but not that that crazily sweet that I can’t swallow. But after that, it was ok. Macarons are meant to be sweet, so don’t go about finding one that is not sweet, just not crazily sweet.

Then Sonia mentioned that there’s one bakery downstairs (of where we were that day) selling macs for RM3.90 a pair. We went “Woah! So pricey”. Then Swee San told us, it’s not hard to make and she didn’t even rest her macs. Baked them straight away. And that got us interested. Veronica (Quay Po) was the first on the quest for macs, then next came…………. Me! Why I was this quick? Not because I fell in love with macs, but I had some buttercream left over from Lydia’s flower cake.

Swee San quickly got her macarons posted for me and I quickly made it. And now I’m quickly posting it. I wasn’t that confident, and I told her, I’m going to risk my 100gm of almond meal, so here I go.
I used freshly cracked eggs, but not freshly laid eggs. I saw Cynthia of Mumto4Angels had success with fresh eggs which was why I dared to. Come to think of it, in Malaysia how fresh can eggs be. If you leave them in our room temperature for a few days, they’ll water and the yolk spreads like nobody’s business. It’s unlike overseas where their room temp is much cooler, the eggs stays fresher longer. So, just crack up some 4 day old eggs and used them straight away.

I halved her recipe and my egg whites were rather underwhipped before I added in the sugar syrup. So, my meringue was rather slacky. I whacked it for almost 10 minutes, arms were sore, still no peaks formed, nor do they gain any volume. Darn, stop it la! Anyway, I didn’t hope for any success. LOL. I folded it into the almond mixture, got it into the right consistency, piped them on the pan and sprinkled on some coloured sugar.

When it was baking…………… tadah! Feet appeared! But it looks more like petticoat to me, LOL.

Swee San warned me, making this is addictive. Not because it is terribly delicious, but the process itself is rather challenging and the possibilities of flavour, colour  and combination is just too fun to explore. I might be trying out the french method because I can work with 1 egg instead of a minimum 2 with this recipe.
I already have a few combinations in my head and let's just see when will I make them into reality.

The Filling Process

The outcome of my first endeavour
  First tray was baked almost immediately and the 2nd tray was baked after the 1st was done. So, you could see higher feet on the 2nd. Rest or do not rest before baking, look at the visuals and you decide for yourself. I left the 2nd tray in the oven longer as I was bathing my kids, the oven was off, but the residual heat browned them. If you like them to be white and not cream coloured, take them out asap when they are done.

Due to my inexperience, I piped  the first few too closely. Some became triplets and duplets. Luckily I had a pair of them each, so I can fill them up as triplets and duplets. There was one one quadruplet, but Lydia ripped them off and chomped on them without my consent! I had to stop her from eating more and she was crying for more. Well, I haven't fill them up you see. She loved it. No matter how I tell her, I'm going to put yummy cream in it, she won't listen. So, in the end, I had to show her Swee San's macaron post and asked her ," Do you want it like this or like Swee San Che Che's burger biscuit?" Immediately she said, "I don't want to eat now, eat later like burger". Then she went off for her nap, and got her burger right after she woke up.

My girls loved this, especially Lydia. Asking for the burger biscuits or 'macaroni' few times in a day. Lyanne prefers them without the cream. But on the first day, she was fine with the cream, but maybe when the macaron has aged, when it turned chewy, Lyanne didn't like it. Lydia will lick and lick the cream and goes, "yummy", LOL.

Pictures taken when they had their first macaron, right after they woke up from their afternoon nap.

Macarons with Blueberry Compote Buttercream
Recipe source: The Sweet Spot
*Please visit Swee San's blog for step by step pictures

Almond mixture
100gm almond meal
100gm icing sugar
37gm egg white (from 1 Grade A egg)
Small pinch of salt

37gm egg white (from 1 Grade A egg)
100gm sugar
25gm water

Violet Sugar
1 Tbsp sugar
1 teeny weeny blob of violet food colour

1. Pulse almond meal with icing sugar in blender/mill and sift once.
2. Mix almond mixture with 37gm egg white and salt. Set aside.
3. Cook sugar and water until it reaches 118C.
4. When the syrup reaches 105C, beat egg white until medium peaks.
5. When syrup reaches 118C, pour it into egg whites with beaters running on low speed.
6. Turn speed to medium high and beat meringue until stiff and glossy (mine was all slacky, but glossy)
7. Stir 1/3 of meringue into almond mixture.
8. Pour almond mixture into meringue and fold(not stir) until batter is able to fall without trace after a count to 10.
9. Place batter into a piping bag with a plain 1cm nozzle. Pipe dollops of batter onto a lined baking tray (I used Tesco’s baking paper and they are easy to be removed).
10. Preheat oven to 150C (fan off).
11. Rub some sugar with violet colour paste. Sprinkle on top of piped batter.
12. Bake for 14 minutes on the lower 3rd of oven.
13. Remove from tray (with paper) and let it rest on a rack to cool down.
14. Peel macarons off and pair them with similar sizes.
15. Put half a teaspoon of blueberry compote buttercream onto one macaron and top with another piece.
16. Place covered air tight and keep in fridge overnight before consuming.

Blueberry Compote Buttercream
50gm fresh blueberries
1 tsp sugar
½ Tbsp lemon juice
100gm Swiss Meringue Buttercream
Cook fresh blueberries with sugar until juice ooze out, but not mushy. Turn heat off and put in lemon juice. Let it cool down totally and mix to combine with buttercream


  1. RM3.90 a pair, you called pricey? In Singapore, a pair cost about $9.90! Is that pricey? Yeah, making this is addictive not because it is delicious but a challenge!

  2. Mel,
    Maybe that 9.90 is big big one leh.
    It's only 50 sen size for 3.90 leh. I mean, dollar to dollar, dun convert la.

  3. Wendy, I love the twin and the triplet macaroon tu....I enroll my self in macaroon making class last month and till today belum cuba buat,takut tak jadi pulak...

  4. Waw! Wendy,nampak sedap sangat macarons tu..

  5. Wendy dear,

    Yours truly me have really gone into craze with these little macs....and I can tell you I am until now, LOL
    Your macs are so lovely and now you have again heated me up for some more macaron baking, hehehe
    Invent more extraordinary flavors and fillings, I loved it!!

  6. wendy.. i love d colours combine with white and berry's

  7. Puan Ros,
    cubalah, tak cuba tak tahu.
    Jgn buat batch besor, buat 2 putih telur cukup.

    huhuhu, sedap dan maniiiiiiiis.

    Haha.. maybe some one wants to eat them, not u, u know what I mean LOL.
    No la, nothing really out of the ordinary, but going to be experimental, definitely.

  8. 好没的搭配,你又激起了我想做马卡龙的心情了。

  9. Wendy your "burgers" look nice. I actually like your first batch.

  10. Gorgeous! I can never bake mine to that color, still trying to find the perfect heat and timing for macarons in my oven.

  11. It's crazy pricy over here in Sg, so it's actually blessing to know how to bake these. Havent got to it again as I'm quite put off by the sweetness after my first attempt a couple yrs back. Since you recommend Swee's recipe, will try it. 

  12. cherry potato,
    Great, hope to see more macarons from you

    Yeah, me too actually.

    Yeah, it works differently with different ovens. I was lucky to be able to get it right on first attempt

    It is still sweet. I think pairing it with a less sweet filling will work well. Go for SMBC or IMBC and not simple buttercream which is super sweet. And combine some fruits with the BC so that it will tune the sweetness further down.

  13. i like the white color of the macaroons, the surface so smooth and matched with other colors perfectly...suddenly thought about snow white, haha...

  14. Pretty macarons! I agreed with you it is very addictive to enjoy this small dedicate macarons. My boys will have macarons for their breakfast, tea and supper too. I myself also enjoyed it too ;p

  15. hi wendy,

    nice macaroon, but if i don't have a thermometer, how can i know when the sugar reaches 118 degress C


  16. Sherleen,
    Haha, this being my maiden macaron, I dared not be too creative with the shell :)

    Happy flour,
    Oh no, I am not addicted to eating, but to making it

    Swee San,
    LOL, no la, her mouth was so full that she raised her thumb so high up to show how much she liked it, LOL

    118C is the soft ball stage. If you don't have a thermometer, you have to do it the hard way.
    Prepare a bowl of tap water, drop small balls of the boiling syrup into the water. If it hardens to be a soft sugar ball, then it has reached 118C. But because this amount is so little, by the time you tested the sugar syrup, the temperature would have gone even higher to hard ball stage. Something you do not wish to happen.

  17. wow! Wendy the macarons are lovely like a ... princess!!! I seldom eat the macarons but I wish to have one of these!

  18. wanted to try, may i know how many this recipe yield?

  19. The triplets and twins are so cute! I can't believe you managed to find matching twins and triplets hehe. And I've been trying out macarons for more than 5 times already, but I keep failing - no feet!, am not sure what I'm doing wrong! looks like i need to try the italian meringue for better results!

  20. Your macarons looks really beautiful!!! You should see mine when i baked it for the first time. It gets better once you get the hand of making it. For me resting the macarons are important to get good feet. I put them into the oven once without resting it and no feets appears :)

  21. Oooo look at your to see them eat...:) Yup, I must try making this soon, cannot always ask SS to give...LOL

  22. Ah Tze,
    I rarely eat too, but now will be more often :)

    about 25 pairs, depending on how large you pipe them. They could all fit onto my cooling rack for filling.

    Yeah I've tried the french method few times after I made these, nope doesn't work for me too.

    Yeah, even mine looks different when one gets rested and the other tray doesn't.

    Before she sells, she will still give cos she's experimenting like mad now, LOL. U are so lucky to be her guinea pig. I wish I can be.

  23. Thanks Wendy - did you manage to get feet for the French method?

  24. Janine,
    All cracked, don't even dare to think of feet, LOL

  25. Ur macaron looks beautifully done. I saw there's a macaron baking class quite famous at 19atculinary. Quite number of ppls attended this macaron class but i'm not fancy of eating it.

  26. wow, you made macarons!! this is something i actually wanted to ask you whether have you made them before. Very very pretty and the colour combination here is so romantic.Give a big pat to yourself cos i really find them beautiful! I have not attempted macarons, see lah one day if got nothing else better to do, might try...RM3.90 a pair expensive meh?

  27. Jes,
    Some flavours could be nice to eat, LOL.
    Italian meringue method is easier to do. No need classes, LOL.

    I mean a pair is that one piece looo, sandwich liao, as big as 50 sen 3.90 leh.
    My cost to make this is like...sell 3 pairs, all cost returned liao and that is because I used blueberries, if not, sell 2 pairs, more than enough to cover cost.

  28. These macarons are so lovely!!! Wish to try some NOW! Thumbs up!

  29. LOL.. it doesn't matter the macaron become triplet or not the fact your little one love it.

    the filling is so inviting, i love to try too.

  30. beautifully done especially its your first attempt! beautiful high feet!

  31. Wendy, KUDOS to you my dear. First time already a success, poor me, it took me 3 times to get it right and still not as pretty s yours. Although I am old enough to be your mother, for cooking and baking, I really got to call you "Tai Ka Jay" hehe... love the combination of colors there, LOVELY MISSY PRISSY! Frankly, those who knows what one had to go through to get a piece with the right appearance, texture and right flavor for the filling, one will not mind paying the RM3.90. I would pay more for a really perfect mac. Go try eating those sold in KL, they are charging the price of "REAL" mac but give us a dollop of dressed up egg white and sugar! I won't eat it for free. How is the little one doing? Give him a hug for me:D

  32. Your macs are beautiful, esp the double/triple burger design. Totally rock!

  33. Siew Ping,
    If u ever come, tell me :)
    I'll be glad to whip up a batch for u

    I actually liked the triplets :)

    Thanks to a reliable source and tips, I got it right :)

    Quay Po,
    I won't mind paying of it's made by PH, hahaha.
    But after knowing how to make, I don't think I'd pay unless it's filled with very special fillings or made with other nuts besides almonds..
    Reuben's zzzzzzzzz now. :)

    Cuisine Paradise,
    thanks. They were accidently made, but I'm glad they came by. A good accident they were.


  34. Thumb up to your first attempt, so pandai to get it right on the first time.

    I don't think I will learn to make macarons any time soon but I am pretty interested in your blueberry buttercream. Do you think I can replace swiss meringue buttercream with regular buttercream (just butter and icing sugar)?

  35. Angel,
    I think you can, shouldn't be a problem.

  36. so envy you success on your 1st trial, i made two batches, both batch also failed with no feet..sob sob..Earlier i thought is the temperature problem but later found out from SS that I have to use themometer which I dont own one. Now i have to wait till i get a themometer then i will try again! BTW, did you use teflon paper to line the pan or just normal baking paper?

  37. sorry, just saw you use Tesco baking paper, maybe i should get one too. You use your new Borsch oven for this?

  38. Sonia,
    Thankyou. I heard from SS about ur attempts.
    Yeah, you must need a thermometer, if not you can just do the simple manual testing with water to check whether your syrup has reached the soft ball stage.
    Yeah, used my new oven. The old oven is old house, haven't been using that more than 5 months.
    Try Tesco baking paper, very nice to use and nice to keep since it's in a roll. Don't buy 1 roll, buy a few because they always run out of it. Becareful not to buy Tesco's 'greaseproof paper', it's not the same, but packaging looks the same.

  39. Wendy ur macarons look so good! *thumbs up*

    I want to bake but scared of failing. But definitely will try one day!


  40. angeline,
    Try this method. But you have to use a thermometer. Italian meringue method seems more tedious, but it's really worth the extra pot to wash. It's more fail proof than the french method.

  41. Wendy,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I just realize the blueberry buttercreram may not be suitable for frosting coz the blueberry may stuck at the nozzle. :( (I tot I can use it to frost chocolate cupcake which I plan to make tomorrow for my friend's house warming).

    What do u think?

  42. Angel,
    Mash it up. Or strain the compote while pressing the fruit to release the juices. At least it's naturally coloured and flavoured.

  43. Congratulations, Wendy! These look perfect! Looking forward to more Macaron posts!

  44. Wow your mac looks gorgeous even the triplet...! Reading your story makes me wanted to try too. I bought the almond meal 1/2 yr ago but have not make the mac!

  45. Wow..your macarons looks fabulous. Yes, agreed that the selling price is too pricey especially Natalie Studio. Thanks for linking to my "Natural Colour Bakes" above.

  46. 颜色的配搭真美,我好喜欢,小孩也赞,很好吃咯,真想咬上一口.....

  47. Shirley,
    There will be more.. my kids and husband loves eating them, LOL. Lucky me.

    Try this method is you have the thermometer. The french method altho looks simpler, but is more failure prone. I've failed 3 batches so far.

    My kids love all t hings sweett, luckily I can experiment and they can eat up the failures, hahahaha.

  48. hankerie,
    Oh, I haven't been to Natalie's Studio before and I'm still quite a noob with macarons. I haven't been living in Klang Valley for about 5 years, so I've pretty much lost touch with a lot of things, especially eateries.
    If they are using nuts like pistachios or pecans, or filled with liquor or some expensive stuff, I might pay for it cos I can't be making the whole batch. Sometimes we might want variety, just like why I won't make sushi at home. I want variety. But if the macs are just made with almonds and filled with ganache or flavoured buttercream, it's just not worth the money.

  49. Wendy, the mac look great.... I keep trying for few times but dun know why it come out .... :( may i know the sugar syrup just pour it in slowly right... hmmmm really need to try more.

  50. Annie,
    Yes, drizzle it down and beat.
    U must get it to 118C. MUST.

  51. Wendy, I was attracted to the triplets and duplets, I thought you made that intentionally! Hahaha!

    Not sure if I want to make this again. And with this recipe, a thermometer is needed. Don't wish to get one just for making macs, what's more I don't like macs.

    Btw, you think the "burning of throat" then has got anything to do with your pregnancy? You know, hormones change ;-)

  52. BH,
    No ler.
    I have always cannot take too sweet things, not that I dun like it, but I can't stand it. Even SS agrees that mac I took was way sweeter than usual. She ate it also.

  53. Wendy, I saw one of your earlier comments that your French method macs cracked? Mine too! So frustrating! Although my family still raved about the taste, I was really miserable about the cracks and no feet. : P I will try this recipe for sure since you ladies has so much success with it. Have my candy thermometer, but you mentioned to Sonia that using Tesco baking paper will be good? But there's no Tesco here in Sg, do you think I can use the Glad Bake ( baking paper instead? It's not the glossy surface kind right? Thanks for the help!

  54. Bee,
    Yes. I used to use this paper before I knew Tesco had it. It has the same non stick property. I don't use this simply due to cost, but it's the same.

  55. Thanks Wendy. :)'s more expensive...but now I know what it is, I'll look for the house brand in the supermarket there, thks!

  56. Hi Wendy, can you please show me how is the right consistency for the macaron batter when we mix the meringue with the almond + icing sugar ? I have tried 3 times using your recipe, 1st time tak jadi, 2nd time jadi, 3rd time also tak sad...please make one more time & show the consistency....thank you so much.....

    bkt mertajam

  57. choiyoon,
    the picture will not be able to show you. Frankly.Unless it's a video
    The marks of batter after folding should be able to dissapear when you count to 10.
    I don't think I'll be able to take pics of this cos I work alone in the kitchen. And this thingy needs a quick hand, not a minute to spare for pics since I don't have an extra photographer. The batter is not fluffy, just take note of that.
    What did you mean as tak jadi?
    Crack? no Feet? Wet? Or what?

  58. Hi,

    When you cook the sugar and the water, do you use low heat or high?


  59. MK,
    Medium heat.
    The amount is little, which is why I used medium. Low heat would take so long

  60. Congrats Wendy on making into the Bloggers Masterchef final.

    Really need to your advice on the Macarons. I follow ur recipe but the result is Fail too....

    The 1st & 2nd tray is crack & w/o skirting but the 3rd tray is crack too but w skirting.

    I already posted the photo in my FB. This is my 4th times making Macarons but only the 1st time I made turn out to me nice & using the French Method.

    Really wondering ....

    Appreciate ur advice. : D

  61. Annie,
    Did you cook the syrup to 118C?
    Crack, biggest reason, oven too hot.
    BTW, I don't have your FB.

  62. Wendy,

    I cook the syrup to 118C.
    Need to try more .....
    I already click "LIKE" at ur page or u have another FB acc. U may add me at

  63. Can I reduce the icing sugar amount?

  64. Anonymous,
    I won't. I don't want to risk it.
    But it's up to you.

  65. Annie,
    I'm sorry but I'm a bit protective of my real account.
    Being a fan through my blog's FB page won't allow me to see your details.
    It's ok. But if you want to show me, you can email me.
    Woah, mostly people say the french method is so so hard to do! LOL, geng la u.

  66. hi wendy - ur macacons really awesome..any tip you could share with us. Mine one not feet :)

  67. lina,
    They are all written here already.
    I'm still no expert with macarons, and this was only my first attempt.
    Just be careful and follow everything to the T and it should be fine

  68. Your macarons look perfectly gorgeous for a first attempt!

  69. Hi Wendy,
    usual mac recipe is place almond and icing sugar sieved in a bowl and mix with meringue. i noticed your recipe i a little different. Can you share how the different method will result the mac please? Your white mac is so white, not achievable in oven when I tried. Did you have to add a little titanium into the recipe? Lovely mac.

    Thank you

  70. Shou,
    this is italian meringue method.
    I believe the method you mentioned is the french method.
    There are 2 methods when it comes to making macs.
    I did not add any titanium to my macs, as long as the temperature is not too high, it won't darken.

  71. Thank you Wendy for your reply. I will try again when i am in the right state of mind sometime soon. Oh..when i said tak jadi, basically it was cracked and no feet & hollow shells....


  72. choiyoon,
    oh... could be oven too hot. I'm still a newbie to macarons.

  73. Hi Wendy,

    Are u staying in KL/PJ?
    i am staying at PJ here... wondering where to get the almond meal for making this macarons?
    or any place to recomend to purchase raw material?


  74. LY,
    May I know if you are a new baker?
    I suspect because you do not know where to buy baking supplies. Try Bake with Yen at Bandar Puteri or Taman Megah. Any bakery supply shop will have it, it's a very common ingredient.
    Try it and I'm wishing you all the best, if you are a new baker.

  75. Hi Wendy,

    Bingo ! yup.. i am a new baker...
    and i onli bake this b4 :)
    this ...

    i get confuse when i see so many ingredient,
    but ur macorons are so nice.. tat i feel like trying :)

    i am not new to cooking nor roasting chicken, bake rice, etc..
    but i am really new in baking cakes, cookies and etc


  76. LY,
    I'm not trying to intimidate you, but macarons is not an easy thing to bake, compared to butter cakes which are so so easy. This recipe needs a thermometer, make sure you get one.

  77. Hi Wendy,

    Ya, understand that :)
    thanks for ur advice...


  78. It's true i also addicted baking macaroons, i baked few times (French meringue method), it makes me want to bake macaroons every day instead of other cakes.

    My 2nd tray also like yours got higher feet and the shell rose higher than the 1st tray, i think because while waiting the 1st tray, the mixture sat in the piping bag that could make the mixture thicken up a little.

  79. Wendy,
    The violet sugar, do u use powder colour ? The sugar as topping, won't melt when baking in oven ? I love he bluberry Buttercream, very nice colour... But I m lazy thinking to use blueberry filling insteaD

  80. Simonne,
    gel colour.
    if it melted then you won't see it on the macs ;p

  81. Thanks Wendy, I bought a gel colour in deep pink ^_^ I'm make some colour icing. Oh I try the Buttercream the lazy ppl goes very well

  82. Hi Wendy,
    Stopping by to say that I love your blog, the recipes and the photography.
    Thank you for sharing your experiences and I look forward to many more delicious recipes.

  83. Hello Wendy!
    May I know if I could replace almond meal with coconut flour?

  84. karyee,
    I am sorry that I have never used coconut flour before. I have no knowledge on its application

  85. Hi,
    Did you rest the macarons till a 'skin' is formed after piping?
    I've noticed that several recipes have asked for that so as to prevent cracks and allowing feet to form.
    What do you think?
    Thank you!

  86. Lujuan,
    Yes, most recipes do need that drying stage, but not this recipe by Pierre Herme.
    My friends and I just baked it after the oven is preheated. We all got feet


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