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Monday, September 19, 2011

Summer Pudding - Blueberry Week # 1

A dessert that looks better than it tastes.

If you love white bread with jam, maybe you'd like this. But I'm the type that must have white bread with BUTTER and jam. So, this is kinda off for me. I also served this with plain yogurt, which might have been unsuitable. Whipped cream might have been better. As whipped cream will give it that dairy taste like what butter will give me.

I made this because I have a bunch of frozen berries, left over from here and there.
I will attempt this again if I happen to buy tooo much berries so that I can make myself love this beautiful dessert.

Here's the recipe if you are a bread and jam lover.

Summer Pudding
Recipe source: Baker's Dozen

6 slices of not so fresh sandwich bread (40-50% taller than your container, I used homemade Sandwich bread, therefore are denser and only used 5, if store bought bread, you will need at least 6)
1 cup mixed berries (I used strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries)
½ cup water (you can use slightly more)
2 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp lemon juice (use less if fruits are tart)
1 Tbsp Kirsch or Grand marnier

1. Cut strawberries into small cubes. Put all the berries into a saucepan. Put sugar in, stir and let it sit for half an hour to an hour. The berries will soften and juices start to ooze.
2. Put in water (gently!!) and on low heat, bring to a boil. Let the fruits cook until the colours ooze into the water until it looks really deeply coloured.
3. Turn off the heat, put in lemon juice and liquor of choice.
4. Trim crust off sandwich bread. Put a big piece of plastic wrap over plastic container, making sure you have excess to cover the top later.
5. Place one piece of bread into container and spoon 4 Tbsp of the cooked berries over.
6. Top with another piece of bread, press the bread and spoon over more cooked berries.
7. Repeat step 6 until all the bread and berries are used up
8. Fold down the plastic wrap to cover the bread slices.
9. Cover with the lid.
10. Chill overnight before cutting and serving.


  1. Hai wendy.Will sure try this recipe.Suond easy to make and looks very yummy..

  2. Oh my this is s such a lovely colour! Nice!

  3. If you didn't post to tell it was made from bread, I wouldn't have known it! From the look of it, thought it was a cheesecake! What a brilliant idea. I loves dessert

  4. Pn Ros,
    You can omit the liquor used to make it Halal :)

    Yeah, berries are always beautiful :)

    Not my idea ler.. from a book :)

  5. that's a pretty purple pudding!!yeah, i spread my bread with jam or any spread i find it my fridge..lemon curd, pie filling, pesto, black sesame paste..quick way to finish up my leftovers..hehe..

  6. What a unique dessert! And a pretty one too! It's a good way to use up leftover bread. Thanks for the idea!

  7. I always wanted to try to make this dessert but never get to do it as I don't usually buy the regular white sandwich bread. I love the beautiful purple color of this dessert

  8. lovely color..and verrrry easy, will make for my self too. Thank you Wendy..

  9. Angeline,
    Errr.. I don't find it that yummy, unfortunately

    Haha.. sometimes the more we bake, the more we have to be MDKK, in your case, DBI.

    Actually leftover bread can be frozen for future use.

    You can alter the colour with the berries you use. I used a lot of blueberries, therefore, it's very purple

    Hope you like it :)

  10. I wonder if my boys would like this? Looks delicious enough to tempt them I think!I won't tell them it's bread of course:D

  11. the pudding looks nice and easy to operate...the colors are so matched ^0^

  12. Sound so good! BTW, where you got the Kirsch ? My hubby try to search for me at the duty free shops at airport, but can't get one for me.

  13. didnt know you can use bread to make this! I tot we have to use cake or sponge layers.. the colors and overall look fabulous though!!

    maybe I ll try with chiffon? ;)

  14. Jeannie,
    try this only if they like bread and jam.

    Yeah, looks good.

    I didn't use kirsch here, it's only in the book. I used Grand Marnier here.
    But I just got myself a bottle of good kirsch from Switzerland, a friend bought it for me at 99 Swiss francs. Just recieved it last Friday and haven't try it yet.

  15. Food Dreams,
    oh no, summer puddings are always made with bread.
    but you can try with chiffon cake, but I guess you might have to change the name, it no longer will be a bread pudding

  16. it really does look like cake if you didn't say it was bread I wouldn't have guessed! looks really beautiful, and it's a pity you say it looks better than it tastes :p

  17. This is truly interesting take on putting 2 everyday ingredients and making it into something so different and gorgeous looking. Hmmm...ever thought of serving it with some cold butter slabs?

  18. simple to make n lovely bread pudding. Healthy too ;) good for kids. KIV this 4 my Sunday school kids;) thanks for this simple to make pudding.

  19. Janine,
    Yeah, how I wished it tastes nicer :)

    Hmm... since this is a dessert, I think vanilla ice cream or whipped dairy cream will be nice to give it that dairy feel.

    Woah, for sunday school? A bit too high on the budget if you're making this.

  20. I guess I would try to add some condensed milk to even out the tartness of the berries. I bet my niece and nephew would love them!

  21. emy,
    summer puddings are always made w/o milk, but you can have your own version.

  22. Dear Wendy
    I been following your cooking blog for almost 1 year. Ur blog really inspire me ,but i not well versed in cookery terms and rarely goes in the kitchen.But i was so excited want to share with you ,last nite i made this summer pudding, as my hubby is bread and jam lover. Btw can check with you for the Kirsch or Grand marnier
    can we omit this ? As i did't not know what is that so i omit this ingredients. Is there any substitute?Last congrats on getting into the semis!

    Thank you & Regards

  23. Wendy...kalau dah nampak pun cantik....mesti rasa pun sedap....heheeee

  24. lynn,
    Tak semestinya.
    Bagi saya, ni memang tak sedap.


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