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Monday, November 7, 2011

Hokkaido Milk Loaf - White Loaf Week # 1

moon effect from my camera's external flash

My bread postings are soooo long overdue.
It's time for me to flood you all with my breads. But don't worry, breads won't run for a month straight. But I can do bread month's' if I want to. It's crazy, as usual, that's me.

This is not my first loaf.. I made a few loaves before this and I just wanted to post white sandwich loaves first.

Hokkaido Milk Loaf.. took the blogosphere by storm few years back. I was already around, snooping around other's blogs but never ever thought that one day I get to try making this because I never imagined I will one day own a heavy duty mixer.
Make this if you have lots of whipping cream to dispose of. But yet, you can always get a carton, separate into portions and freeze. Use each portion for each loaf of bread. It's a very nice direct method bread.

Hokkaido Milk Loaf
Source: Angie's Recipes
Makes: One 5X5X13 inch pullman tin, without lid

540 gm Bread flour
60 gm Cake flour
10 gm instant yeast
30 gm Milk powder
80 gm Sugar
9 gm Salt
1 large Egg
250 gm Fresh milk
150 gm Whipping cream

1. Mix everything together and mix until a dough forms.
2. Knead on speed 4 (Kitchen Aid) for 20 minutes until a smooth, glossy and elastic (It will pass the window pane test)
dough is achieved.
3. Cover and let dough proof for 1 hour or until doubled.
4. Punch down and separate dough into 4 pieces. Make them round and let them rest for 10-20 minutes.
5. Roll out dough (like a longish oval) and roll up (like making swiss roll) and place them into a greased pullman tin.
6. Let dough rise until 2/3 full. Preheat oven at 150(fan)/170C. Brush on egg wash if preferred.
7. Bake for 40 minutes or until pan sounds hollow when tapped.

Verdict: Manual kneading friendly, final dough is not tacky, but very workable, texture is very soft, beautiful crumbs, soft for 2 days. Crumb turns crumbly on 3rd day, best if reheated but still fine if eaten just like that.


  1. Very soft loaf. I attempted it once without success. Maybe should give it a try again.

  2. Ah, I think I have seen Angie's recipe too. The Tangzhong method seems to be more dense and less airy compared to this... I am really sold by the Tangzhong method for now... :) Yes, it is easy to get carried away by bread....:)

  3. Looks so soft.Haven't make any loaf bread before,will give this a try....hehehe

  4. oh dear.. look superb... must try ..
    thanks for sharing here sweety

  5. Oh you finally decided to post up all your loaves! Looking forward to seeing them all!

  6. Nice loaf of bread from all angles! Yummy!

  7. I've tried this a few times without much success. Sigh. Will have to find the courage to try it again.

  8. I always admire to those who made their own bread because homemade bread is always the best and healthy! Your bread looks so beautifully made! Bravo!

  9. Looks so fluffy! I don't mind flooding with bread for a month. :)

  10. 第一张照片真美^^

  11. Just when I thought I will take a bread break, there you are tempting me with this fluffy bread. Now I can feel the bread bug biting me.

  12. very soft looking loaf!
    sigh, i never do good in bread stuff :(

  13. I'm so sorry tho hear this happen to you too. This is so unacceptable.Almost similar like mine,I'm just tired of this and closed my other site. (the otherhand when you give the site of the stealer to others, the stealer will get benefit from statistic of people who comes :(

  14. Oh my goodness..wendy, I'm so sorry I giving comment to your friend blogger through your site about copy-paste experience but i have no idea why the comment comes to yours. Please forgive me

  15. Wah.... Wendy your bread looks so soft and fluffy.
    Very beautifully baked, thumbs up.

  16. I just bought a litre of cream, look like time for me to make this loaf. Both you and Shirley made a nice Hokkaido loaf.

  17. I love the look of thishokkaido bread. I can see it is really soft. I bookmarked this recipe already. I am going to try it out when I am in SF. I already packed up all my baking pans :)

  18. havent tried this hokkaido loaf. I'm sure you're good at baking breads now...looking forward to all your bread!

  19. Hey wendy,

    Ive nv tried bread making b4. But this bread looks lovely. Will this bread be a nice n easy recipe for a first timer like me? And oh what's a window pane test? :)

  20. hi wendy, lovely loaf u have here
    u have lifted up my bread baking, it's a kind of submerged lately :)

  21. come on come on, waiting for more posts from you of your breads, have made very wonderful bread, i wish i'm able to bake a nice bread one day...

  22. Oh my, your bread looks lovely. So soft and fluffy, just like a pillow of cloud. Wish I could have a slice. And excellent photography skills!

  23. Pn Ros,
    LOL, no problem, I could understand, the bread got you so excited you jittered and created a typo.

    No success.. as in?

    I think I'm pretty much opposite of you.

    oh do try

    Nur Misnan,
    sure try it out

    Ur recipe will be on Wendnesday!

    Passionate Abt Baking,

    Extra virgin chef,
    Oh what was the problem?

  24. Mel,
    LOL, not everyone thinks like u, and one of them is my hubby!

    Small small baker,
    U're a bread lover! LOL

    Haha, I think so too

    Experimental cook,
    I hope it infected you :) LOL

    ah Tze,

    Yeah, many will love this

    I didn't too, until I got me a mixer. Seriously

    I had the same experience too. I knew that posting about boycotting or whatever won't work because they have a certain software to download everything inluding the labels and the labels link back to us when we click it. Funny man!


  25. Sonia,
    Try it, it's quite easy if you have the mixer for the job

    Then I shall wait for the day you touch down in SF ;)

    not to say good la... just gained some experience. Better than before only :)

    Shu Yin,
    With ur KA, this shouldn't be a problem. It's manual kneaders who always have problems, which is why I dun bake much bread before my KA got on my counter. It's pretty much a straighforward bread. Window pane stage is the point when you bread dough can be stretched thin without breaking. Some call it membrane stage, it's the same. Just take a small piece of the dough and stretch it, it will look like roti canai and won't break, if it breaks it should break with a circular hole, not a straight hole.

    Keep the fire burning, bread is life!

    LOL.. u sure u won't get bored or not?

    Swee San,
    Yeah, all dressed in white :)

    Off the screen only :)


  26. Wendy, I have never been sucessful using the KA to knead the dough. The dough tears easily and it don't reach the membrane stage . Hence I used my Z breadmaker to knead the dough but need to do 2 circles.

    Hey congrats to your latest conquest. I told my sis that you will surely win cos" she is talented mah".

    Been following you in facebook too. : )

  27. vien,
    Huh? Not been able to do with KA? Surprising, knead it for 15-20 mins on speed 4, sure can one woh. If speed 2 for 10 minutes as said in the recipe books sure cannot. If it needs 2 cycles inthe bread maker, then for sure it needs some time, even on KA.
    Thanks but then again, I was lucky also la.

  28. I must give this a try too. Looks so good :)

  29. Wendy Wendy, do you have a recipe for kaya? Not the greenish looking type but the brownish type which I used to buy in bread/coffee shop in Kampar last time.

    Sons love kaya toast whereas I eat with steamed glutinous rice.

  30. I love bread, would love to make my own but no success yet, my problem is always the yeast rising thing. Not risen at all! Your bread looks yummy!

  31. Hi Wendy

    First, let me congratulate u for winning the M'sia's Master Chef Blogger Award.

    I agree with u that it was a hard chore to make bread before I invested in my most expensive pc of kitchen gadget which is a powerful 1400 watts stand mixer some 2 months ago. Now making that perfect loaves and bread buns is a breeze to me. Like you, I bought my stand mixer for the purpose of bread making. I am pleased that my stand mixer performs easily and perfectly well in kneading my bread dough till window pane stage.

    Thank you for sharing the Hokkaido Loaf. If u do have bread recipes which use 100% whole wheat flour (Atta), I would appreciate if you could share.

    I guess breads made with a portion of 100% whole wheat atta flour is softer than wholemeal flour.

    Priscilla Poh

  32. Elin,
    Try try ;)

    I am waiting for the day that my mom will cook her commercial size pot of kaya again so that I can document it. We used to sell Kaya, the brown type. One day...I will post that

    Are u kneading with hand or machine?
    If you're kneading by hand, please dissolve the yeast first in water before use,if not it takes double the time to rise, seriously. If you're kneading with machine, it's fine to use it direct. So funny, never rise?

    I am planning to experiment with Atta flour, but not at the moment. Waiting for my MIL to be back from the States so that there will be someone to help eat it. The grains are more finely milled than regular whole meal flour, so it could be softer, but there are some organic shops that sell finely milled whole meal bread flour. If I can get that in Malaysia, I'm sure you can get that too in Singapore.

  33. Well, it kinda gave me a pathetic poof after 2 hours of anticipation, not the 'whoa!-Double the size' outcome. And I put it on top of the fridge because it's warmer there too. But it could be my fault because i think there's a difference between 'instant yeast' and 'active yeast'? Maybe you can educate me on all the different yeasts out there because i am LOST.....

  34. Sharon,
    For our Malaysian weather, just counter top will be fine, unless your house is fully air conditioned. I find active dry yeast to be more temperamental. Very susah one, sikit sikit, dun want to rise, mix with milk and not water, then make fuss oredi. Slightly too hot, die oredi. I will never buy another packet of active dry yeast, but then again, it's hardly found here, I got mine from US, just for the fun of it because my MIL raves about it.
    I use instant yeast mostly and it depends on the recipe, one recipe on my blog is horrible when it comes to proofing time, but it's very soft due to the high fat content, that's the "wonderfully soft bread".
    But other than that, I don't have much problems with instant yeast, but I do find some brands being more sugar tolerant than others. There is one brand that I used, when comes into contact with high sugar amount, gets retarded. But I'm not sure whether that's a one off event, I do hope to try that brand again with the same recipe.

  35. Haha, dats why I probably messed up the steps somewhere....but I followed the recipe exactly and it didn't rise. Don't have a lot of experience with baking bread to figure out what's wrong yet. But will try this recipe of yours. You know where I can get dry active yeast?

  36. Sharon,
    I'm still new to bread baking too, although have been making pau for quite some time.
    I'm sorry but I used instant yeast, I CnP Angie's recipe and forgot to edit the yeast type. To test whether your yeast is active, mix a pinch with some water and a pinch of sugar. If it froths, then it's alive and kicking

  37. Hi Wendy

    I dropped u a question last week but dunno y it wasn't published. Anyway, forget abt tat qn cos I went to buy a bread tin juz to try out this recipe! As my oven is small, I bot a tin of dimension 5 x 5 x 7.5. It's half the length of the tin u used. Does tat mean I can halve this recipe? Appreciate yr advice cos it my first time baking bread. I hope it turns out well! TIA.


  38. Eleen,
    Last week? Which post was it? I don't remember getting any comments regarding bread last week.
    Yes, half the recipe please.

  39. Wendy,

    I think I posted around late night on 7th. Oops.. that's nt last week but earlier tis week. Lost track of time, sorry. I actually asked if I can use loaf pan to bake this but I went to buy a bread tin instead. I just saw ur lastest posting using two loaf pans. How innovative!! So using loaf pans to bake bread is possible afterall! I take my hat off u for being able to think out of the box everytime.


  40. Eleen,
    It's actually alright to bake bread in loaf pans, westerners do that all the time, to get the mushroom shape loaf :)

  41. hai wendy..ur pictures shows how delicious the loaf would b..nice to know u dear...tempting n wanna have a try..maybe he he he...

  42. Hi Wendy,

    I really enjoy your blog. Thank you for your generousity in sharing all the recipes. I made caesar salad based on your recipe last night & my kids love it so much. Previously, I have also followed your recipe on grilled lemon grass chicken, I think...can't remember exact name...and it was a success. This morning, I tried making the Hokkaiddo milk loaf but not too succesful. The flavour is nice except for the texture which is a bit dense eventhough the volumn after proofing & baking is double the dough size. I used my Amyway bread maker ,which I just bought to knead the dough for half an hour. Then I took it out, knead manually for 5 mins, left it proof for 1 per your recipe. Any advice. Thanks. Gen

  43. Mandy,
    Thankyou for the feedback, glad you enjoyed my recipes.
    I have no experience in using a breadmaker, but is your bread kneaded until window pane stage?

  44. Hi Wendy. I don't think the program I used kneaded the dough until the window panel stage. Maybe I will try using another program the next time I do it. Additional 5 mins knead. Thanks for your feedback. Gen.

  45. Hi Wendy,

    I bake this today and it is such a big failed to me :'(. Is it possible for you to show the picture of this pass the window pane test? I not sure it is bcos i kneed not enough :( SIGH....

    Jamie Low

  46. Jamie,
    Knead by hand or machine?
    There is one picture in my split top butter loaf.

  47. Hi Wendy. I managed to bake this bread successfully today. It was actually by fluke. You see I forgot to fix in the kneading blade into the bread pan of my bread maker so the dough wasn't mixed/kneaded at all. Didn't realized it after an hour. As my timing was such that the bread should be ready before I left for church this afternoon, it was not ready to be baked when I left due to the 1 hour delay. So I just left the dough in the baking tin with the lid on to proof. By the time I came back 5 hours later, the dough rose until overflow. I just scrape away the overflow & without opening the lid I beked it. It came out very nice & fluffy. So the answer to my earlier problem could be longer proofing time is required. What do you think? Thanks. Gen

  48. Mandy,
    from what I know, most ppl will do double kneading cycle with bread maker, which is 15 +15mins.
    Next time if you don't have time to work with your bread, throw it into the fridge to halt the yeast.
    The long hours fermentation took over the kneading process as it also developed gluten, but at a much slower pace.
    I'm not sure which function you used, but try to knead it twice with dough function and compare the results.

    If you kneaded your bread sufficiently in the first place, 5 hours of 2nd proofing will give you a flat bread instead of a fluffy one, because it would've over fermented and collasped.

  49. Hi Wendy. I made the bread yesterday following your suggestion by doubling the kneading cycle which is 25+25 for my bread maker. Took out dough & left it to proof for an hour+. Then divide into four, flatten, roll them and placed into the loaf baking tin. I let it proof for 2 hours. After baking for 1 hour, it comes out perfect. Thanking so much for your advice.

  50. Mandy,
    Lately the weather's a bit cool, I find my breads take longer than one hour to proof too.
    But when the weather turns warmer, check your pullman tin, let it rise until 80% full then you should bake it already :)
    Happy bread making

  51. Hi Wendy,

    If I m using my bread maker to prepare the dough, does that replaced your steps 1 to 3? or steps 1 & 2 only? Kindly advise :)

    Best Regards,

  52. Chilliqueen,
    If you want it to proof in your machine then let it be. Up to you. It's just the location.
    BTW, run the kneading twice to get to window pane stage, that's what I hear from my friends who use the breadmaker. One cycle of kneading won't get to the window pane stage. You will need twice.

  53. Hi Wendy,
    I have tried out this recipe and it REALLY yields a soft & fluffy bread loaf! Thanks for sharing!
    But can i know why my bread loaf has yeasty smell?
    thanks !

  54. wvfy,
    Hmm... overproofed? Or maybe used too much?

  55. Wendy,
    since i m using the Pullman tin for baking this loaf, i waited until it reaches 90% of the tin takes abt 1.5hrs ...issit overproofed??

  56. wvfy,
    that does seem too long.
    for this bread, I only let it go to about 75% full when i pop it into the oven, about 2/3 when I preheat the oven.

  57. That looks really good. I'm planning to make it but I only have multigrain bread flour. Will it change the texture of the bread if I use multigrain bread flour instead of just regular flour? Thx!

  58. Karyn,
    of course.
    This is just a white bread loaf.

  59. Hi Wendy, may I know which method is better, using the tangzhong method or the 17hrs fermentation method in making bread recipes of any type or just specific types of recipes. What about coconut bun?Thanks.

  60. Lina,
    Seriously, nowadays I don't really go into all those fancy methods.
    A well hydrated dough that is sufficiently kneaded will give wonderful results that has softness that can last just as long.

  61. Hi Wendy, what is the difference between hokaido loaf and white loaf? Thank you

  62. Cindy,
    Hokkaido Milk Loaf has cream.
    White Loaf doesn't have cream. Some don't even have milk or eggs


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