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Friday, September 7, 2012

Pig Stomach with Pineapple and Chillies - MFF Sarawak #3

I don’t eat innards of the pig, except the stomach. It’s chewy and nice to eat.

There are three ways that I have eaten the pig’s stomach, in pepper soup, in Bak Kut Teh and in porridge. This method will be my 4th and give this a try of you like the idea of hot and spicy, sourish and yet sweet pork stomach.

This dish is a specialty among the Bidayuh tribe in Sarawak. It looks like a modern Bidayuh dish to me due to the use of Maggi chilli sauce. (I might be wrong, pls correct me if I am) This dish calls for Sarawak pineapples and they are really delicious. Unfortunately, I can’t get any Sarawak pineapples, but I tried to get a ripe firm Morris(see here). The pineapple on its own was sweet and not fibrous. According to the fruit seller, this wasn’t grown in Johor as most Morris are. This Morris that she sold is sweet. Yup, she is true to her word.

This dish is very appetizing and quite fiery. But it depends on the type of dried chilli you used. Some are milder, some hotter. So if you don’t like it too fiery, reduce the dried chillies. I also made a mistake, I misread the chilli and ketchup proportions and got these 2 mixed up, but I’m glad I did because it could’ve been even hotter if I didn’t. LOL.

Pig Stomach with Pineapple and Chillies
Source: Hunter's Food

1 pig stomach (boiled weight, about 500gm), sliced
500gm sweet firm pineapple flesh, cut into smallish pieces
7 + 3 dried chillies, seeds removed and soaked in tap water for 10 mins.
1cm ginger
5 shallots
½ bulb garlic
2 cm belachan (shrimp paste)
3 Tbsp ketchup
2 Tbsp chilli sauce
25gm tamarind pulp + rubbed with ¼ cup water
2 tsp sugar
½ tsp salt
3 Tbsp oil
Coriander for garnish

1. Pound/Mill shallots and garlic.
2. Pound/mill 7 dried chillies with ginger. Tear the other 3 pieces of dried chilli.
3. Heat wok on medium heat. Put in oil and sauté garlic and shallots until fragrant.
4. Put in chilli paste and belachan and sauté until very fragrant.
5. Put in ketchup, chilli sauce and stomach slices and stir fry for a while (30 secs)
6. Put in strained tamarind water and bring to a boil.
7. Put in pineapple pieces, and torn dried chilli. Season with salt and sugar. Taste and adjust accordingly.
8. Cook until the pineapple starts to release moisture. If you want more gravy, add some water (don’t forget to use additional salt)
9. Dish up and serve. Garnish with some coriander.

The dish also called for the use of soft cooked stomach, but plainly boiling the stomach for 2 hours and discarding the boiling water is a bit wasteful. So I boiled the whole stomach together with half a free range chicken and 1 tsp of cracked white peppercorns. Add some shallots to the soup if you want. To know if the stomach is soft enough, poke a chopstick into the stomach. If it could penetrate, then it’s ready. Mine took 1 hour 45 mins. This way, I also made soup for dinner!

Pig stomachs sold at supermarkets are usually blanched, but not cooked thoroughly, as in until soft to bite. You will still need to boil it to soften.

My raw stomach ordered from my mom's favourite butcher happen to be very clean (as commented by my mom) so I only washed it this way. Mine doesn't have smell.

Turn the stomach inside out, rub it vigourously with 1 Tbsp of salt. If there’s yellowish stuff on the stomach’s lining, use a knife to scrape it off. Let the stomach sit for a while as you boil some water. Use your hand to push away most of the mucus that will be produced as you rub with salt. Put the stomach into a small stainless steel basin and pour boiling water onto it. Flip it once. Pour away the hot water and pour another round of boiling water onto it. Make sure very part of the stomach looks opaque. Pour away the hot water and rinse it under tap water. The stomach should no longer feel slithery. Turn the stomach back in again. The stomach is now ready for further cooking.

But if your stomach has a strong smell and doesn't look too clean, use this method as seen on Annie's blog.

I am submitting this to Malaysian Food Fest,
Sarawak Month hosted by Sharon of Feats of Feasts


  1. Whoaaaa~!!! I had been wanting to cook thissss!!! If i were to cook this, I think my husband will love die me! Hahaha... Ok! This is in my cooking list! I love u wendy! :D

  2. you submitting this? u forgot to include the 'I am submitting this to....etc'

    The dish looks appetizing by the way though like you, not a fan of innards, not even pig's stomach. :P

  3. One stone kill two birds, i must try this next time i cook stomach pepper soup..Sound really delicious! Ya, you can buy Sarawak pineapple from Jusco..

  4. Oh boy, i LOOOOVEEEE pig stomach, innards, the whole works kakaka. Must learn this, i think i tried this once at one of the mix rice place, or something similar lah, sweet sour type. Clever girl, made soup with it first. Great idea.

  5. Annielicious,
    Pls dun drag me into the court case.... if u ever die because of that, hahaha

    hehehe, forgot to put in.
    dun imgine it la...makan saja

    After I cook this hoh, only I saw Tesco pun ada, but I buy 2 times, both times also cannot get ripe de. Ipoh's Jusco dun have.

    Phong Hong,
    red red right? hehe.

    I think this might be too hot for u since u dun take cili padi too, hahah. It's more like a sambal based thing and the ketchup was to enhance the taste only, it's not the main flavour in this dish. I think quite different from the sweet sour version.

  6. for me, the tiny belachan made a lot of difference :D

    i think anybody who can't stand the heat, maybe can skip the dried chili paste, just use normal cili boh a bit, and use the dried chili at almost the end. this may be a bit modern in terms of ingredient, but for us we have made this for a very long time. we do have maggi chili sauce 20 years ago :D

  7. I'm so trying this!! Gosh it sounds so appetising. Dad taught me to use some vinegar to rub the pig's stomach while cleaning it too - this is get rid of the smell, and the slimy membrane.

  8. Nimi,
    Thanks for this recipe. It was delicious!

    20 years ago is still quite recent. Well, what I meant was it wasn't like a really traditional dish as in passed down from great,great grandparents .. u know... because we usually relate traditional to hundreds of years :p I added that line because I was actually asked by someone about this recipe's authenticity due to the use of Maggi chilli sauce. I personally had no doubts about the origin but I told this person, this event is not about old traditional dishes, but modern dishes too, as long as it's eaten within that community. I hope you understand.
    Personally I believe that tribal food does not only involve bamboos and open fires. People modernise and cooking methods and use of ingredients also evolve with time. There can always be modern tribal food, but just some ppl's brains tend to get stuck in those jungle hunting days and relate everything to things in that era.

  9. mouth full of water...:) so tempting....sadly the place where i stay rare chance to get pig:(

  10. I loved pig stomach but never had it cooked this way. Yours look so delicious, Wendy. A mouth-watering dish indeed. I usually clean my pig stomach with white vinegar and salt.

  11. Like you, I dont take any other innards except the stomach. Pepper soup with stomach is one of my favourite dish. Interesting to know that the dish is a Bidayuh speciality. Look so appetizing!

  12. Hi Wendy,
    This dish looks super tasty..especially I am so very far away from M'sia. I am one of your new follower, looking at your diahes makes me feel closer to home :)Thank you

  13. I love pig stomache in peppery soup and I know the tedious work involved in the cleaning. Only my mom knows how to do it properly.

    This dish looks yummy. Will share with my mom and see whether she can cook for me. hehehe

  14. Wendy, yep you got that right, that was what I was trying to potray. Thank you for your understanding :D

  15. Edith, washing pig stomach is not as difficult as what you think la. If you get really fresh pig stomach from butcher, it is not that difficult to wash. If you get overnight pig stomach (that probably one or two day's old), the pig farm's smell is stronger and it takes more time to wash. That's all lo.


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