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Friday, September 28, 2012

Raymond Blanc’s 'bare' Gâteau au Citron - Lemons #3

I made this cake because Alan told me to. LOL.
He didn't like this cake, but it was otherwise for me.
His poison is my meat.

Both my MIL and I found this cake to be lemony and the bouncy texture absolutely delicious.
It's not a fluffy fluffy type of cake, but something with more texture, but yet it's not dense. The texture is hard to describe. Almost similiar to the Lemon Thyme Pound Cake I made before, but this one is even bouncier. LOL. I'm not sure if the adjective I used is correct. But it's definitely not melt in the mouth, not fragile, the crumb is fine and enjoyable to chew. Won't take ages, don't worry, but longer than usual.

I didn't want to do such a big cake and scaled it down to a 3 egg recipe. I also chose not to adorn the cake, let it go bare.

Raymond Blanc’s 'Bare' Gâteau au Citron
Original source: Raymond Blanc
Seen on Travelling Foodies

3 eggs
180g caster sugar
84g double cream (I used whipping cream)
1 heaped Tbsp lemon zest (mine is a very huge Aussie lemon, hard to tell you how much in pcs)
15ml dark rum
1 small pinch of salt
48g unsalted butter – melted
144g plain flour sieved with 1/3 tsp baking powder

1.Preheat oven to 180°C. (I used 160C with fan)
2.Lightly brush loaf tin with a little softened butter and line with the greaseproof paper. ( I used disposable aluminium pan, 1L capacity)
3.In a large bowl whisk together the eggs, sugar, cream, lemon zest, rum, salt and butter.
4.Separately, in a large bowl, sieve together the flour and baking powder.
5.Whisk the flour into the egg mixture until smooth. (I whacked it for 1 minute, something like in the video)
6.Fill the tin with the mixture and bake for 50-60 minutes approximately, turning halfway through cooking. (I baked for about 40 mins)
7.To check if it is cooked insert a small knife blade into the middle of the cake, if it comes out clean it is done, the core temperature at this point will be 88°C.
8.Turn it out onto a baking rack and leave to cool for 10 minutes


  1. I loves lemon juice/lemon zest in cakes... so I know I loves this cake too! Must be moist as cream was added in. I loves this!

  2. Macam butter cake. I know what you mean by bouncy, is it in Hokkien we say "jun jun". I thinks its a nice cake.

  3. Wendy, if i don't have rum, what can i replace with?

  4. glad you liked it! your meat is my poison indeed! LOL

  5. Mel,
    Moist and toing toing, nice!

    Phong Hong,
    hehe, try it see if u like the jun jun 'ness' of this :)

    Hmm..... do you have any other liquor?
    I don't think lemon juice will be suitable here as it will interfere with the texture due to the the acidity.

    LOL, thanks for the order
    "You make la!"
    hahaha! See, I so obedient.

  6. Very nice golden color and the cake looks god too.

  7. Thanks for sharing Wendy.

    I have seen his show and I must say that I have some knowledge of French cooking from him. The only challenge is to understand his Frengilish.

    He has been to Malaysia and been praise in one of the episode.

    Should watch it as it takes us from simple dishes to the upmost elaborate ones.

  8. it is must put dark rum?what is the diff dark rum and rum?

  9. Yummy Bakes,
    Yeah, I love the colour too!

    Han Annie,
    A few chefs on TV is speaking Frengilish, Stroobant is one, haha.
    Will watch out for his shows, if I get to hold the remote :)

    This question, I dunno leh.
    I used golden rum.

    Rum could bring out the flavour of the lemon in a much better way, I think.

  10. Hayırlı sabahlar, ellerinize sağlık. Çok iştah açıcı görünüyor. İyi hafta sonları.


  11. I like the 'honey-combed' look texture..perfect for afternoon tea with friends and family.

  12. from the way you described it, sounds like ' kuih'! LOL!

  13. lena,
    hahah, not like kuih lor, u can say a cake like pak tong kou, hahaha!


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