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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Natural Rainbow Jelly Eggs - Jelly #2

I made these for Reuben's 1st Birthday Bash few months back.

Since nowadays not many fancy red eggs, of which is a must for Chinese birthdays, I switched to Rainbow eggs and made them with jelly so that everybody will enjoy eating them. I also chose to use natural colours so that everybody can eat colourful jelly with an ease of mind. I layered the colours with a milk layer in between so that the colours will look more prominent.

Natural Rainbow Jelly
Recipe source: WendyinKK

30 egg shells, washed and boiled.

Orange layer
250ml carrot juice (from 100gm carrots, strained)
20gm sugar
1 tsp agar powder

Blue Layer
250ml blue pea flower infusion (from about 30 buds)
30gm sugar 1 tsp agar powder

Green Layer
250ml pandan juice
30gm sugar
1 tsp agar powder

Pink Layer
250ml pink dragon fruit juice (from half a dragonfruit, fork pressed,then mixed with water, strained)
25gm sugar
1 tsp agar powder

Milk Layer
*Make 3 times
125ml water
125ml fresh milk
30gm sugar
1 tsp agar powder

1. Wash and prepare egg shells. Place them in egg tray, over a large piece of plastic..
2. Cook first layer of colour. Combine ingredients and heat until boiling. Remove from heat. Use a syringe and insert 8-9ml into each egg shell.
3. Cook milk layer. Combine ingredients and heat until boiling, remove from heat. Use a syringe and insert 8-9ml into each egg shell.
4. Repeat with next layer of colour and milk layer, until the layering is complete.

*Take note that the layers are quick to cool and harden with the initial 2 layers, and takes longer as more layers are built. Work under the fan or somewhere cook and refrain from moving the egg trays before everything is fully set.

I also made this is an 8 inch pan with the same recipe, just nice and almost filled the pan to the rim :)


  1. hi hi

    i came across your colourful eggshells .. but how do you make the shell like shape?

  2. Hi Wendy, i love the natural colour jelly so so much!! My boy's birthday is coming, hopefully i could make one but not egg shaped... don't have the egg shell :( Thanks for sharing!

  3. Really cute! When you decide to make this egg jelly, you must have started to collect the egg shells till you have enough, right? Children sure loves this because they are cute.

  4. Jolly,
    egg shells. It is shown in pictures and stated in recipe.

    Kah Chin,
    Just collect, hehe.

    Didn't take too long, because I baked for this birthday, I used a lot of eggs. But it's not hard that I cook 5 eggs for dinner, hehehe.

    K. Nor,

  5. Hey this month's #AB is jellies and puddings...should send in all your posts this week. :) Egg jellies, so special!

  6. i wonder the orange color from carrot juice will taste carrot?

  7. Wahhhhh...lovely colorful jelly egg!

    You think roselle can use to make red color? I love the taste of roselle woH

  8. 很喜欢天然的颜色,真的很漂亮!

  9. Wendy, the colours are so vibrant and pretty! I really love the egg jelly. Chin chia sui wor! How did you remove the jelly from the pan? I see you have very neat cuts.

  10. Pei San,
    Yes, got a bit.

    Unfortunately roselle might react with the milk layer and not stay pink, the natural pigment in dragon fruit and roselle is not the same.

    Tracy Low,

    Phong Hong,
    Agar-agar is very easy to remove from pan, just pry it all around and turn it to drop.

  11. Love the colours ! Very creative .

  12. So pretty! (^.^)

    ~Josephine Goh~

  13. These are so pretty and what an excellent idea to replace red eggs with this! Quite some work isn't it and need to be fast too otherwise the layers wont stick together properly? The one set in the pan looks equally pretty.

  14. very creative and the jelly looks so nice....

  15. Very sharp col and nice. My jelly always failed always too soft. How long you have to wait for the 1st layer to set before add 2nd layer?

  16. really salute you la...have so much sum kei to do this. Very beautiful

  17. Wow! what a splendid idea! thanks for sharing!

  18. Haaaaaa..... you really know how to persuade me to step into the kitchen har...? I did something similar 2 yrs ago when my hubby's nephews came back for CNY---your red dragon fruit with lemon juice, but with the seeds and in egg shells. He kept on asking for "jelly-eggs" after that. Thanks for the this marvellous idea!

  19. wow...really takes a lot of effort to make the 7 colours.. fook chor lei... :)

  20. egg-cellent idea !
    btw, what is blue pea flower infusion..where can I get this?

  21. Love the rainbow colour especially when they are all natural. Clever girl!

  22. how to wash the eggs shell?(eggs membrane r so sticky)

  23. Mai Lin,

    Josephine Goh,
    Thanks ^_^

  24. Lite home Bake,
    Absolutely true, the timing is crucial, too soon and the layers break, too slow and it won't stick

    GK Arusavai,

    Are u asking about the egg or pan ones?
    The egg is immediately leh... using syringe to insert is rather slow de, haha.
    The pan, you have to visually gauge, wobbly but not sticky to touch.


    terima kasih!

    Small kucing,
    It's to make kids happy lor, and for everybody to eat with an ease of heart.

    haha, Kalo ada masa ok, jangan buat masa rush, memang pengsan!

  25. Siew,
    U're welcomed

    If u lazy to layer it hoh, just make different colours in diff eggs, hehehehehe.

    reanna claire,
    actually just 4 colours, but 7 layers, the white layers will eventually take on some colour from both sides of the pigments :p


    It's the infusion from the blue pea flower.
    I am not sure where are u from.
    But here, it's grown at home.
    Some ladies do sell it, but rarely.

    I try as often as I can to use natural colours,

    Shu Han,

    Anonymous (please leave a name)
    Rinse under running water, it's quite easy.

  26. Hi Wendy, I m sure these colourful eggs appealed to Reuben as well as me, what a creative and wonderful mum you are!

  27. Your eggs look lovely. This is very good idea! Greetings:)

  28. 那每一层颜色都不可以等冷了才放第二层咯?

  29. Summer,
    I didn't wait for the first 3 layers because by the time I finished the 30th egg, the 1st egg is hard already. If the layers are too hard before you add the next, it will not stick.
    It should be wobbly with a set surface. 4th layer onwards I waited a while only until surface set.

  30. thanks u reply to me!
    if use koniaku do oso same step by step too?

  31. thanks to reply to me!
    i wan 2 ask, if use kuniaku powder oso same step by step do it?

  32. speechless. too beautiful! also like guli :) all the natural colours turned out very vibrant and sharp too!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. fantastic blog n jelly eggs :)
    wondering can i substitute with orange juice for carrot juice, kiwi juice for pandan juice?
    how long can the egg last? can i do it 1 day b4 the actual day? thx

  35. summer yee,
    konyakku solidifies way way faster, you will need to work extra fast

    if you keep them in the fridge, they can be made days ahead. Orange juice may not give you strong colours without the pulp. Kiwi juice, I'm not sure if the enzymes will interfere with setting.

  36. Hi Wendy,

    I made these yesterday and they are so pretty. I use pan, not eggs. However, taste wise is not so great. Any idea how I can improve on the taste? Can I replace milk with coconut milk? I can quite distinctly taste the carrot and the pandan flavour and they taste a bit odd to me. Timing is really crucial here, I broke the first milk layer a bit, and the second layer I waited too long and when I bite they split, haha! I guess practice makes perfect. Thanks again!


  37. Jennifer,
    I made this for sugar conscious adults. So, it could taste bland to some, but ok for others. Add more sugar if you like it sweeter. But I'll say, sweeter will taste better because it could bring out the flavours better.
    You can try half milk half coconut milk because coconut milk might split when cooked. The milk in it helps prevent a split look.You can use evaporated milk too.

  38. Hi Wendy,

    Yes, I noticed it's not very sweet, just to my liking! I remember my mom used to make agar-agar with coconut for the top layer and they're yummy. Good idea to use evaporated milk. Thanks again! I'll make again once my blue pea flower plant starts flowering :)


  39. Hi, beautiful eggs. My boys love them. For the milk layer, make 3 times? Meaning triple the amount in total; can make together then split into 3 portions? Btw, how many grams is 1 tsp of agar agar powder? Hope to hear from u soon. Thanks:)

  40. Hi, great for easter day. can i ask how many gram is one tsp of agar agar your recipe? Thanks

  41. Shanna Soh,
    I didn't weigh it, but it should be around 4g each tsp as 1 Tbsp of agar powder is around 10gm.

  42. Hi Wendy,

    May I know can I replace the fresh milk with yogurt drink?

  43. Jessica,b
    the 'white' effect might not be as prominent if you use yogurt drink

  44. vry pretty eggs but doubt i hav the patience for egg ahgar haha .
    any idea if i use plastic container would it affect the end result?

  45. ur green vry nice ...i had tis green too but probably it mixed w milk? cos turn out a darker green at the end

  46. Hi... Love your blog.
    I would like to ask, if I use Konnyaku jelly to make the jelly egg, will the out come be wobbly that the egg shape will not stand?

    Do I need to add in (veg) gelatin to make it hold better?

    (Jasslyn Hoh)

  47. Jasslyn,
    You can try with konnyaku, but the measurements will be different. Method will be different and colour outcome might be different due to the acid needed in konnyaku jelly. Acid will turn the blue to purple and green to a faded green.

    Sorry, I have no experience in using Vegetarian gelatin.


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