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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pan Fried Spicy Tofu Cubes with Basil and Mint - Pressed Tofu # 2

My mint was thriving in my garden. Lots of it. I can't consume it that fast because my hubby isn't a fan of it. I use it mostly for garnishes and give most of them away to relatives.

When I saw this dish on Elin's blog, I knew I must make this. But there's one problem. I don't have the same tofu as she does. So, I adapted the method to what I could get and use.

My thai basil was also growing furiously and needs lots of trimming..... I used them together with mint in this dish.

Cook this dish not too long before serving. After leaving the dish for a while, the tofu could start releasing moisture and the tofu crust will not stay crispy. I don't know when exactly it started turning soft, because I cooked this 1 hour ahead of dinner time. It is still delicious, just no longer crispy when we finally had it during dinner.

Pan Fried Spicy Tofu Cubes with Basil and Mint
Modified Version: WendyinKK
Original Idea: Elinluv Tidbits Corner

800gm pressed tofu
2 heaped Tbsp rice flour
2 heaped Tbsp corn starch
2/3 tsp 5-spice powder

½ bulb garlic, finely chopped
Few bird’s eye chilli, finely sliced
½ tsp salt
Handful of thai basil leaves (your preference)
Handful of mint leaves (your preference)

1. Cut tofu into cubes.
2. Mix rice flour, corn starch and 5 spice powder together.
3. Coat tofu cubes with the spiced flour and pan fry until lightly golden and surface feels dry and crispy. Drain and dish up.
4. With some oil(about 1.5Tbsp) remaining in pan/wok, use medium low heat and fry garlic until almost golden, put in sliced chilli and fry until garlic is golden and crispy. Put in salt. (No rush, make sure the garlic is dry and crispy)
5. Turn heat to high and put in fried tofu cubes, lightly toss around, let it cook for about 1-2 minutes.
6. Put in basil and mint, toss it few times until both herbs wilt.
7. Dish up and serve immediately.

*I prefer to use a pan to cook this so that I don't need to toss the tofu cubes at step#5 with a spatula . I use the handle of the pan to shake the pan and toss the tofu around.


  1. Living herbs tofu.....a healthy dish!

  2. Awwwwww....I misss this and I am going to make this soon...for the time being DRool first...if you use mint leaves it is nice too :) Love this and this is very addictive ! I normally have one big portion for myself :p and thanks for the linked :)

  3. looks very delicious and healthy too..i wish to try this out sometime...tks for sharing!!

  4. Another nice tofu dish. Wah, your basil growing furiously, wish mine would do the same :(

  5. Sounds deliciious, must make this soon. You must hv very green fingers, i've been trying to grow my thai basil but its a bit sad looking..lmaybe i need to repot and feed baja.

  6. I find that a lot of men dislike mint, I wonder why that is? THIS on the other hand looks like it might appeal to everyone---looks YUM!

  7. Hi Wendy,
    This dish looks so yummy.
    I will try cook this in future.
    Between may I know 'firm pressed tofu'. Is it the blocked type '水豆腐'?

  8. The Squishy Monster,
    I heard mint or menthol is not good for them. Maybe it's why they naturally dun like it, hahaha.

    That is silken tofu. You can see what is pressed tofu on Monday's tofu.

  9. Hi Wendy,
    Thanks! Will go see on Monday.
    Have a nice weekend!

  10. hi Wendy,

    Can i use curry leaves instead of basil and mint leaves? Thanks, Kat.

  11. Kat,
    The taste will be different, but can, shouldn't be a problem, only that it will no longer taste refreshing.


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