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Friday, October 19, 2012

Soy Jelly with Roselle Poached Pears

I made this for Eat Tau Huay Day event on Facebook some time back.

Making this was supposed to be easy with store bought soy milk.. but long story cut short, I had a horrible time making this with sick kids in the house making me unable to get out of the house during day time to buy the soy milk and the beans.. sigh.... oversoaked cos I just can't squeeze the time to do it and sigh..... the GDL overcurdled and...... sigh........Rushing through desserts is never a good idea. It is a hobby done leisurely for fun, not a necessity.

Instead of the old fashioned Tofufah (Cantonese) or Tau Huay (Hokkien), I decided to play with it. Setting it with gelatin and then top it with poached pears instead of the usual syrup. I tinted the pears and syrup red with roselle. The roselle also gave the syrup a beautiful tangy touch and there's no need to add in any lemon juice.

I love natural colours :)

Soy Jelly with Roselle Poached Pears
Recipe created by: WendyinKK

Soy Jelly

300ml unsweetened soy milk
1.5tsp gelatin + 1 tbsp water

1. Place water into a bowl (about 500ml capacity. Sprinkle gelatin over the water, make sure they get moistened. if not, add a few more drops of water to moisten the gelatin granules.
2. Heat soy milk until it boils (be careful it will flow out). Turn off the heat and pour over the bloomed gelatin. Gently stir and make sure the gelatin dissolves.
3. Divide the soy milk into 2 glasses.
4. Let it cool down and chill in fridge to set. It may take a few hours.
5. To serve: top with poached pears and the syrup.

Roselle Poached Pears
*Do this one day in advance
1 packham/forelle pear
2 roselle buds
sugar to taste

1. Peel pears and cut into cubes.
2. Place pear cubes into a small saucepan and put in enough water just to cover the pears.
3. Wash roselle bud and discard the seed pod, retaining the calyx. Put the calyx into the saucepan.
4. Put in 2 Tbsp of sugar and bring to a boil. Lower it to a simmer and cook until the pears start to take on some colour from the roselle. Taste the syrup and add more sugar if needed (water too, if it has dried up), the syrup needs to taste oversweetened.
5. Remove from heat, let it cool down, place into a bowl, cover and chill. Let the pears sit in the syrup until the pears are really pink


  1. nice to eat tau huay in a different way.

  2. Hi, just wondering what kind of soy milk did you use? fresh soy milk?

  3. Phong Hong,
    Hehehe, glamer punya cara, hahaha!

    It was fresh, but whether it's bottled, it doesn't matter as long as it's unsweetened

  4. Sick or what - you did a great job ! Aesthetic wise beautiful. Table for two in a tight black dress .... tempting all senses !

  5. U luv natural color? I lap yu!

  6. Beautiful colours and nice pictures. Really pretty to see those red syrup sipped into the Soy jelly.

  7. Lovely dessert......can make for Valentine day....romantic leh...

  8. Gorgeous! and yes.. is should be a fun and not a must... ;)

  9. hi wendy,
    nice pic dear..and also delicious:))

  10. Hello.. bumped to this while searching for soy milk recipes.. which is sooo gorgeous! will definitely try it. thanks for sharing ;)


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