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Friday, December 14, 2012

Honey Butter

actual amount

I made this to eat with Feta Cheese Bread. I really loved it so much so that I felt like licking it of the spoon.

I used manuka honey to make this because of the strong flavour and thick consistency.
If you used other honey, it could be more runny and flavour less pronounced.
I also chose to use salted butter, because like caramel, I believe it will enhance the taste and flavour.

Honey Butter
Source: WendyinKK

60gm salted butter
30gm manuka honey
1 drop of vanilla extract
Pinch of cinnamon

Mix everything together until smooth.

I used the honey butter with Feta Cheese Bread


  1. YUM in BIG capital letters!! So gonna make this pronto.

  2. Mmm...this will be very nice. I want to try!

  3. oh i know i'll love this Wendy, yum!
    i want to make!

  4. I always eat butter on toast with honey drizzle on it, maybe I should try this way. Thanks

  5. Tried it immediately.
    Butter has never tasted this good. Thanks!


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