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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fried Daylily Buds 炸鲜金针-MFF Pahang #7

The last of MFF Pahang entries, I think.

Fried daylily buds is a street food that you can find at Brinchang Night Market in Cameron Highlands.

Local produce are being fried in batter like tempura and eaten as snacks. Oyster mushrooms and daylilies and sometimes I see strips of sweet potato too. There might be new varieties of fried vegetables now as it's been years since I last went. Before I had Lyanne, we do go there very often, few times in a year. Sometimes we just drive up for tea and then drive down hill.

Daylilies are a common ingredient in Chinese cuisine, but usually sold in dried form, that we fondly call as 'Kam Cham" 金针 or golden needle. In Cameron Highlands, they are cultivated and harvested for fresh consumption. If you were to take a drive from Brinchang to Blue Valley, there are lots of daylilies growing by the side of the road.

I don't think you can find fried daylilies anywhere else (I might be wrong) and do give this a try. You can use any batter you like, almost tempura like, but not that thick of coating.Fresh daylilies are easily available at supermarkets

Fried Day Lily Buds
Recipe source: WendyinKK
Tasted and recreated from experience

100gm fresh daylily buds
Oil for frying

75gm rice flour
25gm all purpose flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
125ml water
1/4 tsp salt or u can use chicken stock powder

1. Wash lily buds and let it air dry until it's no longer wet.
2. Prepare batter by combining all the ingredients. Let it sit for 30 minutes.
3. Heat oil in wok/saucepan.
4. Mix lily buds in batter and put each lily bud into the hot oil.
5. Fry until it is lgihtly golden and crispy.
6. Serve warm with some chilli sauce.

Day Lilies in full bloom
Picture source: Two Nerdy History Girls

I am submitting this to Malaysian Food Fest Pahang Month hosted by WendyinKK of Table for 2... or More


  1. I never knew these buds are edible! I learn something new everyday.

  2. had these before, stirfried...they are sweet and crunchy, this is an interesting way to cook it too, will give it a try if I see these sold in supermarket:)

  3. Sharon,
    The dried form is very common in our Chinese cuisine.

    I bought mine in Jusco, Tesco has it too

  4. Oh, that's nice! Didn't know can get the fresh ones. The flowers are pretty too :)

  5. Can I ask if the batter stay crispy ?

  6. Phong Hong,
    Can can :)

    Because the lily bud has moisture of its own, the batter doesn't stay crispy for long, but it is crispy when warm.

  7. earlier, when you told me i thought it's kam chum koo! .hehe..


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