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Monday, August 16, 2010

Apricot Blueberry Rolled Up Cobbler

This cobbler looked so cute. Anything spiral always catches my eye. Anything that looks out of the ordinary shouts “Try me”. And I made this cos I have a lot of apricots left from making my jam. I used blueberries and some cherries for colour, and colour always brightens up my day.

You might think, apricot and blueberries are almost at the end of the season now. Actually you can do this with other fruits, such as plums, softened apples, pineapples, or even bananas. Or just wait for southern summer fruits end of the year of you don’t want to wait for next year. As always I omitted the cinnamon and used vanilla. You can refer to my recipe source for the amount of cinnamon to be used. I also reduced half the sugar, cos my apricots are so, so sweet, and I believe 100gm is sufficient. Indeed it is. And I added some freezing steps in the instructions, so that rolling and cutting is a breeze.

You might hesitate about pouring the syrup over a shortcrust pastry and bake it swimming in the pan…. Wondering if it’ll turn soggy. I was very scared too. But I trusted Peabody’s recipe. And it didn’t turn into a nightmare!!! The top was crunchy, middle was cakey and a short layer on the base tasted like pie filling. The experience is phenomenal. It’s like eating fluffy cookie, cake and pie at the same time!!!! See the pic below.

A true true keeper and I’ll try this with bananas next time. I’m sure it’ll be super!!! I wish I could use cinnamon with the bananas… Or I’ll just ask Mike to skip it and I’ll have it all to myself, hahaha!!!!

Apricot Blueberry Rolled Up Cobbler
adapted from Peabody

250ml water
1 empty vanilla pod
100gm sugar (1/2 cup)

180gm self raising flour (1 ½ cups)
1 tsp vanilla extract or seeds from 1 vanilla
60gm cold butter (1/4 cup)
80ml milk (1/3 cup)
60gm melted butter (1/4 cup)
2 Tbsp soft brown sugar

Fillings (It called for 3 cups of berries, but I just used less than 3 cups, anyway, just be generous and make sure the rolled out dough was spread well with fruits, with no empty spots )
250gm apricots
50gm blueberry
A few dark cherries

1. Prepare syrup. Bring water, empty vanilla pod and sugar to a boil. Turn off the heat and let it steep until time of use. This step can be done ahead of time.
2. Prepare dough.Combine cold butter, and flour. Rub until it look like crumbs.
3. Put in milk and press it lightly to become a ball of dough ball.
4. Put dough between 2 sheets of plastic or baking paper and roll out to become a rectangle (11X9 inch, I just rolled it out the size of my plastic cutting board)
5. Put rolled out dough into freezer.
6. Meanwhile, prepare fruits, rinse and cut small.
7. Take dough out from freezer. Peel upper sheet and place it back on. Flip dough to have the upper sheet of plastic facing down now. Peel lower sheet (now on top) and scatter fruits around, leaving 1 inch from both long sides.
8. Hold lower sheet of plastic and roll up like a swiss roll. Wrap the plastic sheet around like a swiss roll for sale in the bakery.
9. Put roll into freezer and freeze for 10-15 minutes, to firm up and ease cutting later.
10. Meanwhile preheat oven to 160/180C.
11. Melt butter and put into baking dish (9 inch pie dish, but I used 9X6 baking dish).
12. Bring roll out from freezer and slice into 1 inch thick slices and arrange onto baking dish. (I cut 12pcs)
13. Fish out vanilla pod and pour syrup over the dough and bake for 45 minutes or until lightly golden.
14. Remove cobbler from oven and sprinkle 2 Tbsp of brown sugar and bake again for another 10-15 minutes until cobbler turns golden.
15. Serve warm.


  1. Wendy, I am for sure going to bake this weekend, I have 5 days to hunt for the ingredients heeheehee...

  2. Jess,
    Why is there a dateline?
    Anyway, I hope to hear your review about this soon.

  3. Sonia,
    Oh.. I can't wait to see yours. Feel free to use any baking fruits.

  4. Wendy, I am still in awe that you are baking so much...! You can't post fast enough...can you eat fast enough or not? If not, you can pass some around :D

  5. So different from the usual cobbler! And I like it this way which is more appealing and interesting. If only I don't have to bake to taste!!! :P

  6. I need to build up my passion in baking. I'm very far behind, just know baking simple cake and muffin.

  7. Shirley,
    Haha, I have neighbours on both sides, my husband's shop and workers, and my kid's nanny to share the bakes. I can't eat all la. But this cobbler, just me, nanny, hubby and a few at the shop, finished it in just an afternoon. My kids didn't have any.

    True true, it's this difference that made me interested. I'm always attracted to stuff like these.

    Little Inbox,
    Be brave and try. Baking is not that hard. Just do more reading up, I'm sure you'll bake as well as you cook in no time.

  8. Oh this looks very tempting! I love anything with fresh fruits. Though, not many people like it warm but I do! That's why I said never ever stay closer to a food blogger. It's dangerous! haha.... Have a nice day.
    Cheers, kristy ^_^

  9. Wendy, I do baking only during Fri night or wkend, wkday normally I dun do baking unless no choice e.g. birthday cakes or the bakes must send out within next day :) So from today till Fri, I have 5 days to look out for ingredients hee hee hee...

  10. eh this one was up fast haha.. half the recipe and make with bananas..

  11. Very nice cobbler! Indeed the roll up method is making think it's cinnamon buns at the first look. :) looks like a easy enough recipe to whip up for breakfast. Thanks, will try it with cherries and blueberries as well.

  12. Looks inviting Wendy! Love the fillings and sugar sprinkle on top of the cobbler. Great alternative to bake instead of cinnamon buns. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Interesting! You make me 流口水 by just reading your description ... Argh!

    Yea lor, when I was down in SG, everyone asked me: "Why Wendy bakes and cooks so much ar? Can finish everything so fast ar?" Haha! I just told them you have piles of backlogs. I'm assuming this is one of them. Right?

  14. Kristy,
    This one is definately nice warm, 10 mins after out from oven. It is a warm dessert. If left overnight, I'm sure the upper crust will turn soft, no longer crispy.

    Swee San,
    Have to la, apricot season almost going to end.

    Yeah, whip this up for breakfast, roll, cut and put in fridge, the next day, pour in syrup and pop into the oven.

  15. Jessie,
    The curls may remind of you cinnamon buns, but this is totally different. It's a baked fruit dessert.

    Nope, you missed Swee San's comment eh. She said I was fast this time, made fresh last friday. Seasonal fruits have to be up fast fast fast. The season is going to end :)
    I'll be doing another apricot recipe, just stay tuned.
    Well, I am baking and cooking this much, in fact too much, if not I won't be having so much backlogs. I can churn out 10 post in a week at times. Scary!!!! Sometimes 1 dinner oredi gives me 4 posts.

  16. This cobbler looks good to me too! Really makes me mouth watering. Must bookmark it and make it soon.

  17. What more can I say? Just delicious...!

  18. Anncoo,
    Yes, soon, cos apricots is almost going to finish!!!

    Cooking Gallery,

  19. What an absolutely beautiful dish

  20. Do enjoy all the summer fruits while it last. It will be over soon. I am freezing up lots of berries for winter. Can't live without them. I like how you incorporated fresh fruits into the cobbler. They are beautiful!

  21. So glad you liked it. I was worried the first time I made it too with the syrup on top. I just thought I had wasted ingredients. But it's soo tasty.

  22. I like this, looks really special, have to get the fruits ready before I can bake this, thanks for the recipe, can't wait to bake it!

  23. Gert,
    I can't get blueberries since the last 2 trips to Jusco, always sold out!!!! Darn!!! I'm getting anxious now not having any later, but haha, we get Aussie fruits year end. So, it's still not too bad.

    Thank you.

  24. Peabody,
    It's not tasty, it's phenomenal!!!
    Thank you so so so much for the wonderful recipe.

  25. Min,
    Don't forget to give me feedback ok!!

  26. Thanks for sharing your divine looking cobbler. Great job, Wendy. Can't wait to try it.

    Veronica @


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