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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Eight Treasures Pumpkin Loaf 八宝南瓜包

I got this recipe from MeishiChina again. The original recipe is shaped into a wreath and the treasures all strewn on top. I put my treasures inside instead and rolled them up like a swiss roll.

You can use any 8 types nuts or seeds or dried fruit. I find that the fruits are a bit dry after baking, and maybe you can brush some water on the dough before you sprinkle the fruits on, this way, it'll hydrate the fruits better, rather than to have it drawing moisture from the bread.

The plain one that you see in the picture about is filled with only chopped raisins because my kids don't like nuts and seeds.

350gm bread flour
80gm sugar
1 tsp instant yeast
1/3 tsp salt
1 large egg
180gm pumpkin puree
50gm butter
1 ½ cup mixed fruits and nuts (6 types: golden raisins, black raisins, bing cherries, cranberries, almonds, pistachios), coarsely chopped
½ cup mix seeds (2 types: pumpkin and sunflower), placed in a tray big enough for the loaves

1. Mix bread flour, sugar, yeast and salt together. Make a well in the center.
2. Combine pumpkin puree with egg. Pour pumpkin mitxure into the well. Combine and form a dough.
3. Knead until smooth, add in butter and knead until stretchy. (the whole kneading process by hand will take about 30 minutes or more)
4. Put dough covered (with a small opening) in a warm place (I just put the whole basin I knead my bread with into my cool oven) and let it proof for 1 hour until double in size.
5. Punch down and give it a good knead for another 2 minutes.
6. Divide dough into 2 loaves.
7. Take one piece of dough and roll it into a rectangle. Spread half the mixed fruit and nuts onto rolled out dough. Roll dough up (from the shorter side), and pinch the ends to seal.
8. Brush loaf with water and roll it in the seed mix.
9. Repeat with the other piece of dough.
10. Proof loaves for another 45 minutes.
11. Bake in a preheated oven at 170/180C for 20 minutes or until loaf sounds hollow when tapped at the bottom of tray (Put a small tray of boiling water at the lower rack of oven while you bake the bread)


  1. Ha!! I bet I'm the 1st to see this post, coz it wasn't here when I was reading the earlier post! This bread looks so nice! And all the fruits and nuts inside...too bad the lil'ones don't eat seeds. The bread must be soft coz you added pumpkin right?

  2. Wendy, lools so nice with lots of raisins and seed, I like the color of the bread too!

  3. Oh! This is a healthy loaf of bread, fill with dried fruits, nuts and seeds. The kind of bread which I would like to have. :)

  4. The loaves look super good and professional! My husband would love such types of bread, thanks for the recipe!

  5. Two slices of it will fill my tummy and I'll be contented! A chock-full of goodness!

  6. What a healthy, hearty looking loaf, great for breakfast!

  7. that is the beauty of home made. Packed with goodness.

  8. Sound so yummmyy!! And, Really healthy. I love homemade bread.

  9. These are very healthy bread! And with the golden yellow color really attractive!

  10. Mel,
    Frankly I'm still not that good in bread baking.
    Sometimes they turn out well, sometimes a bit hard.
    This one, is a bit dry, maybe due to the fruits drawing moisture from the bread.

    Sometimes I can be pretty generous, sometimes a wicked miser. Haha!! This time, I was being generous.

    Happy flour,
    the more the better right?

  11. Wenn,

    Cooking gallery,
    For nuts and dried fruits lover, yup yup.

    2 slices enough or not? sure boh?

  12. Sonia,
    Haha, yeah. It sounds funny when someones says I makes healthy stuff. Cos I'm always made to feel I'm poisoning my hubby with my bakes and dishes, by some superior family members.

  13. HHB,
    For snacking too :)

    I can pack it up, cos those stuff are not too expensive, kekekeke.

    I love homemade stuff too.

    Kitchen Corner,
    The golden colour makes the day brighter :)

  14. Wow, nice bread! i feel like making bread! Haven't made them for months! The picture of your bread has triggered the bread making button. haha !!

  15. wow, that is one yummy looking bread! I love stuffed bread!

  16. WOW! This is really yummy, I love all the mixed fruits added in it.

  17. NEL,

    Sweeter Side of Life,
    Haha, Ok. Then quickly make some.

    Stufffed full right? I don't like slightly stuffed bread.

    Me too..


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