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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Vermicelli Aglio Olio with Chinese Sausage - Waxed Meat #2

One kick ass idea from Peng. LOL. Love ya Peng.

I love aglio olio. The fragrant garlic makes this pasta dish soooo appetizing and not that cloying to eat. And when fusioned with Chinese sausage, double the enjoyment.
The Chinese sausage is used in place of bacon..and imagine honeyed bacon.. OOOOOooooooooo....

I chose to use spring onion instead of parsley to add more oriental touch to it. Remember to slowly cook the garlic until it dries up before you toss in the cooked pasta. If not, it won't be nice, seriously!

Personally, vermicelli is my favourite compared to other forms of 'long' pastas. I use vermicelli most of the time. It's easier to lift compared to spaghetti and has better texture than angel hair.

Vermicelli Aglio Olio with Chinese Sausage
Recipe source: WendyinKK
Idea sourced from: Peng’s Kitchen 
Serves: 4

350gm vermicelli pasta
4 chinese sausages, remove the casing and slice
1 bulb garlic, finely minced
4 Tbsp sliced spring onions
Chilli flakes, as much as needed
2-3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper
1.5 tsp salt

1. Boil a pot of water and cook the vermicelli according to instructions on packaging. Strain the vermicelli.
2. On medium low heat heat a pan/wok, (no oil), cook the Chinese sausages until they start to caramelize, and oil oozes out. Do not burn them. Push them to the side, let the oil drip down. Dish up the sausages. Use a paper towel and soak up the oil in pan/wok. Discard the towel.
3. Put in 2-3 Tbsp olive oil, on low heat, slowly cook the minced garlic until lightly golden, put in chilli flakes, black pepper and salt and cook until golden. Turn heat to the highest.
4. Put cooked vermicelli into the wok/pan and toss everything together. Put in Chinese sausages and give everything a good toss to combine. (Add few Tbsp pasta cooking water if it turns too dry).
5. Sprinkle in the spring onions, give it final light tossing. Dish up and serve.


  1. Brilliant idea Peng! I do love aglio olio. Although not a big fan of lap cheong (exactly the same smell as the cadavers during medical school so have been scarred since), I do have a few links left, maybe I will use it in a tomato base sauce for pasta haha!

  2. HAve to buy wax meat after this

  3. This is a great idea!
    Will try it with vermicelli too. :)

  4. I am not a fan of lap cheong and Kelly's comment made me feel geli, leh! But still, this is a brilliant fusion dish. My Mum is a lap cheong fan so she will love this.

  5. Wah, i never thot of this...brilliant idea!! Like chorizo sausages and pasta.

  6. Hi Wendy! Fusion pasta... Very clever idea! What about some bak Kwa Rissotto or Salted fish ravioli? :D

  7. Now why didn't I think of using lap cheong....such a simple dish yet so flavorful...pinning this to try out soon!

  8. Sharon,
    Oh, so chorizo tastes like lap cheong? I have never tasted any. Next time I'll look out for it.

    Chef and Sommelier,
    LOL, Not that adventurous yet. Thanks for the suggestion. :)


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