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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Laksa Kuala Kangsar - Perak MFF #9

Kuala Kangsar or some fondly call "Kuale" is the royal town of Perak.
I have been calling this town, home, for the last 6 years.

When I first came here... I was told laksa was nice. It was such a big thing in this town that they even have a Laksa Complex. It's actually a food court, not a tall building, to house laksa sellers from around town into one place. When you walk in, all you see are laksa stalls and cendol stalls. But there are still quite many laksa stalls around town. Famous ones include Laksa Station and Laksa Pak Ngah. The Chinese in town also sells laksa that taste similar, unlike the Chinese in other Perak towns that sells assam laksa mostly. Favourite Chinese laksa sellers are the ones infront of BHP petrol station and the one at Highland Park's junction.

Laksa Kuale's broth is somehow more diluted in consistency than all it's cousins, but more sourish and spicy. If that's how I should describe it. The main star of the noodle dish is the noodles itself. It is a laksa noodle made from wheat flour, not rice flour. It is this wheat noodles that makes Kuala Kangsar's version special and it is well loved by all who grew up here, all orang Kuale. My local friends told me, that most outsiders find the laksa to be an acquired taste. I do agree with that as I am an outsider who grew up in Kampar. I prefer rice laksa noodles. But I'm alright with the broth, though not crazy about it unlike how I am for Assam Laksa or Laksa Utara. My husband and all his family members totally love this laksa.

If you see my ingredients here, you will realise how little fish is in it. I can tell you,  there's lesser fish in the broth if you eat in town. So, what flavours the broth? LOL, nothing other than Mr Aji. (Hate me for saying the truth) So, instead, I chose to use anchovy stock cube. My husband said I could use more than 1, so you can add more if you like it to be "sweeter". And yes, laksa kuala has no sugar. It only has umami.

If you feel like making life easier, go with canned sardines. Anyway, you're going to use stock cubes, right? LOL.
Seriously, I do know of certain stalls in town that uses canned sardines.

Laksa Kuala Kangsar
Tasted and recreated by WendyinKK 

2 fresh Indian Mackerel (ikan kembung), about 7 inches long
7 pcs of Asam Gelugor (how much to use depends on the maturity of your asam)
1 lemon grass
1 torch ginger bud
1 small pc of belacan (3x1x1cm)
4 sprigs of Vietnamese mint (Daun kesum)
1.2L + 500ml water

Blend together
500ml water
2 fresh red chillies
7-10 bird's eye chilli
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
1 Anchovy stock cube
2 tsp salt or more

1. Bring 1L of water to boil in a 3L (minimal) capacity pot.
2. Meanwhile, bash lemongrass, half the torch ginger bud. Rinse the asam gelugor and vietnamese mint. Put all these and belacan into the pot of water as it boils.
3. Clean the fish well and when water has boiled, put the fish in and boil for 3 minutes. Remove the fish and let it cool down. Let the broth continue to simmer on medium low heat.
4. Meanwhile, prepare the ingredients for blending. Put everything into the blender. Blend it finely. Remove the cooked fish flesh and discard the bones. Put the fish flesh into the blender as well and blend it again.
5. Pour everything from the blender into the pot and rinse it with the final 500ml water. Pour this into the pot too.
6. Bring it back to a rolling boil on high heat. Season with stock cube and salt. No sugar is used. Taste it now to check the heat and tang level, add more chili or asam if needed. Lower the heat to medium low and let it simmer for another 30 minutes. Taste again to make sure the broth is slightly oversalted, sourish and hot.

To serve

1kg Wheat laksa noodles
Coarsely julienned cucumbers
Sliced lettuce
Sliced red chilli
Sliced onions (I forgot!!)
Calamansi lime (for individuals to add sourness)
Hard boiled eggs
Penang Shrimp Roe Paste

Blanch 150gm noodles per portion. Ladle around 1.5 cups of broth over and top with some of each condiment. Add some shrimp roe paste if preferred.

I forgot the Onion!

I am submitting this to Malaysian Food Fest Perak Month hosted by WendyinKK of Table for 2 or more

This post is also linked to Little Thumbs Up organized by Bake for Happy Kids, my little favourite DIY hosted by Yen from Eat Your Heart Out


  1. So nice! may i order one bowl ?Thanks :)

  2. nice.
    kalau kami buat laksa guna ikan sardin dari ikan kembung ni
    ikan mesti 1kg ke atas sbb dari situ la dari rasa ikan sebenarnya
    belacan mmg guna belacan pure cap pak ali
    tmbh udang kering sikit
    mmg betul2 terangkat
    bunga kantan jangan lupa

    klu buat laksa pahang or laksa kelate lain plak
    guna ikan kayu ke ape namanya
    jenuh mencari dari google
    klu balik pahang mmg makan selalu
    belajar buat juga tapi tak bape la nak pandai sbb bila orang jawe belajo masakan melayu
    lidah and tekak jawe tu lain la

  3. Sidratul,
    Lain kali bila datang Kuale, jemput makan kat Kompleks laksa, cair sungguh banding laksa utara. Kalo kuah diaorang pakai 1kg ikan dengan 2L air, pekat macam laksa johor dah.
    Laksa semua negeri memang lain lain, dari utara sampai ke selatan.

  4. Nice bowl of Laksa ... My comfort food :D

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a big surprise to see someone posting about Laksa Kuala Kangsar! KK is my hometown and, oh, how I miss the laksa! We only got to eat once a year when we went back for CNY. Yes, the star must be the wheat noodle. But ops, with Mr Aji :-(

    I have only tried one recipe on your blog - the famous Mrs Ng's butter cake! And it's absolutely gorgeous, the nicest butter cake I have tasted so far!

    Is your husband from Tsung Wah?

  7. my fav. sedapp..

  8. ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.comAugust 28, 2013 at 8:30 PM

    Wendy, so tempting and already drooling....

  9. Hi Wendy,

    I'm always clueless knowing which laksa is from where... Please pardon my ignorance. I reckon this Kuala Kangsar laksa looks quite the same as the famous Penang laksa... Or maybe not! :p

    Nice to have you linking with us at LTU!


  10. Sedap, lor! Must have the hae koh then only very syiok!

  11. this is so tempting! may i hv a bowl please :)

  12. Never tried this version of laksa, but it looks fantastic to me! The Penang laksa that the Malays in KL sell looks pretty similar to this.. thanks for linking to LTU!

  13. This evening came back from Penang trip with my mother and my two young adults children. All four of us non stop eating Penang Laksa when we were there and don't forget all other delicious other food. Penang Laksa sooooo sedap. I just love it. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Wendy, you make me want to drive to your house now for that bowl of laksa. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this type of laksa.


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