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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Kiymale Pide @ Turkish Minced Meat Pita

Pita as known by many  is as round flat bread with a pocket inside.

But in Turkey, the local pita known as 'pide', is a pizza like food with toppings.One can use Turkish wind dried beef, Turkish sausages, chicken, minced beef or lamb, cheese, potatoes and many other ingredients.

I made this as soon as I saw the recipe because I have all the ingredients at the moment in the fridge. If I waited any longer, the parsley and everything  may have spoiled. So, I must do it ASAP! But  most of all, it seemed easy.

I kneaded the dough and then let it rise while the meat thaws..... Everything went smooth.
When it came out of the oven... it looked sooooo pretty. I sprinkled more parsley and paprika over and snapped the pics.

One bite into it and I'm in heaven. I loved this more than borek. I was so tempted to finish it up, and leave none for the man, hahaha! The crust is crispy and not heavy. The herbed beef minced was great.

Regret! Regret! I Regret!
I should bake two of these next time.

When hubby came home after work, the pide was cold, but the crust isn't chewy like a cold pizza. It just turned softer.

Turkish Minced Meat Pita
Adapted from Fahriye and Anne

Pide dough
125gm flour
20gm water +1/2 tsp instant yeast
20gm natural yogurt
20gm milk
1/4 tsp salt
1tsp sugar
1 Tbsp olive oil

100gm minced beef
1 tomato, seeds removed, diced
2 Tbsp onion
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 egg
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp Salt
Black pepper to taste

1. Dissolve yeast with water. Combine all  the dough ingredients and knead for 2 minutes by hand. Leave to proof (covered) for 2 hours.
2. 30minutes before the dough has finished proofing, combine filling ingredients together (except egg) and let it  sit on a colander so that excess  water will drip away.
3. Preheat oven at 180(fan)/200C.
4. Roll the dough into a longish oval, 5mm thick. Put the dough onto a  piece of non stick baking  paper on a dark coloured baking tray. Put fillings onto the dough leaving 1 inch border. Fold the sides in, pinch the ends together. Crack the egg in, break it if you like, but I like the yolk whole.
5. Bake for 30 minutes or until the crust is golden. Brush the crust with olive oil and serve.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest West Asia Month


  1. it's look so lovely and tasty too...

  2. Like most people I reckon, I also always associate pita with the round flat hollow bread. This turkish version is new to me! And looks amazing! I had to click on it when i saw it appear on my feed! Such a cute dish, and a perfect combination, reminds me of.. a bao haha (bread stuffed with meat) but open and baked instead. yum!

  3. Sounds tasty. I guess with the used of yogurt in the dough make this crust light.


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