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Friday, December 20, 2013

Granite Tang Yuan 石头汤圆 - Balls #3

I saw this special form of tang yuan many years ago and had been hoping to try it out. Finally I did.
Every year, I do hope to make some  for the winter festival (although there's no winter here), but I just never made some, because no one bothers about it and just end up only me "shiok sendiri".

I was lazy to wrap fillings and decided to serve it 'muah chee style'. Now it looks like pebbles on sand...
I am thinking whether I can construct an aquarium bowl to serve it, complete with aquatic plants, fish and maybe prawns, haha, but that will be sooo big. It's just a crazy idea.

Mine look more like marbles and if you take a look at my source's granite balls, they look sooo real and nice.

I kept mine for more than 6 hours, soaked in room temperature water, waiting for my hubby to come home from work. I reheated the granite balls in the microwave, still submerged in water. Drained them and put them on the peanut sand. He enjoyed his after dinner dessert, saying the peanuts were the loveliest touch.

Granite Sticky Rice Balls
Idea adapted from: maimaidejianguo

200gm glutinous rice flour
14gm or 1 Tbsp butter
90ml boiling water
1-2 Tbsp water

1 tsp cocoa powder
1/2 tsp bamboo charcoal powder

3/4 cup ground roasted peanut + 1/3 cup castor sugar (roughly 2:1 ratio)

1. Bring 1/2 cup of water to boil on a saucepan.
2. Measure the flour and butter and put it in a bowl. Make a well and when the water has  boiled, measure 90ml water into the well. (You can either use  6 Tbsp or a measuring cup, or weigh 90gm of water with the mixing bowl directly on the scale)
3. Mix it with chopsticks or a fork. Add in 1 Tbsp of room temperature water and knead (it might still be very warm, but it won't  burn your hand). Add  more water if it's needed and knead until a dough forms.
4. Divide  dough into 4 parts  and  knead 1 part with  charcoal powder and 1 part with cocoa  powder.
5. Roll each part into long logs, with equal length. flatten them and stack. Cut the stack into half and stack.
6. Cut the stacked dough into smallish pieces, it's ok if they are not in exact sizes.
7. Roll them into pebble shapes.
8. Bring a saucepan of water to boil. Put the balls of  dough into the  boiling water. Let them boil until they float. Lower the heat to medium low and let them simmer for another 2-3  minutes.
9. Remove the dough balls from the water and serve with peanut sugar.

You can serve these in light syrup too, of which is the usual way.

Blog on Break :)
See you in January for AFF Hong Kong Macau with a chicken week.


  1. Look so special and unique. Like a marble stone.

  2. The tang yuen pattern remind me of guli.

  3. The Tang Yuan looks so special, looks like my childhood companion "guli" ^^

  4. Interesting recipe to know, thanks for sharing :)

  5. Hi Wendy, very creative style of tang yuan. Somehow they reminded me of marbles more than granite, heehee. Happy Dongzhi for tomorrow. And a happy Christmas. See you next year.

  6. This is so special looking tang yuan! Got to try this! Happy holidays !

  7. Very nice glutinous rice ball, Happy Dong Zhi festival to you!

  8. special & nice..... Happy Dong Zhi Festival to u & ur family!!
    BTW, may i know why must this recipe need to use butter?

  9. Samantha,
    Old fashion methods use lard to maintain the softness, but yet firm and not mushy. I substitute the lard with butter.

  10. Hi Wendy, these tang yuan are so cute.... I like, great idea. Happy Tang Chih, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014 to you.

  11. Wendy, wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas.

  12. Hello Wendy

    Your Tang Yuan balls certainly are extraordinary. Very creative and thank you for sharing your culinary talent with us.

    Wishing you and family A BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR 2014 and may all of you have many more christmas and new years to come.

    Priscilla Poh

  13. Happy dong zi and merry christmas! I'm bookmarking this to make this with my son when he is older for sure. It looks amazing!

  14. Hi Wendy,
    Thanks for sharing this special granite tangyuan, really very creative. Here is wishing you and your family a very happy new year! Btw, I finally found some filo pastry and submitted a turkish borek for AFF West Asia. :)


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