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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Galbitang @ Korean Beef Rib Soup - AFF Korean Soups #2

The local market nearby often has the whole rack of beef ribs hanging at the beef stall. Usually I will see them, drooling... haha, yeah, they are raw. But I'm trying to imagine how nice they will taste. This is usually not available in my hometown.

When I saw this recipe, I knew I will have the chance to cook it as I know it's easily available now.
The butcher had to use an axe to chop the ribs, and if you were to see it being done.. you will know these cows are well nourished with calcium, hahaha. Local cows are grass fed. So much energy went into chopping them small.

I have to agree with my recipe source, that something seems missing. If one were to compare the recipe with other versions, it seemed pretty standard. I think the missing element..if one were to eat out, would be beef stock. Just one teaspoon of Korean beef stock granules will create a huge difference in flavour. I do have that, but didn't put in.

1kg seemed a lot?? Yayaya, a lot of teeth breaking bones!!!
Meat, not that much.

Adapted from Korean Cuisine

1kg Beef ribs
400gm daikon, peeled and  kept whole
1 onion
20 black peppercorns
4 cloves garlic
3L water

2 Tbsp light soy sauce
1 Tbsp sesame oil

2 egg yolks

Sliced spring onion

1. Blanch beef ribs in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, until you see scum on the surface of the water. Rinse it under running water until water runs clear.
2. Bring  3L water to boil in a clean pot. Put the cleaned ribs,whole daikon, cracked black peppercorns and garlic. Bring back to a boil.
3. Reduce to a simmer and after 1 hour, remove the daikon. Let it cool and slice it. Marinate the sliced daikon with light soy sauce and sesame oil.
4. Meanwhile fry the egg yolks into a thin omelette. Slice the omelette.
5. When the ribs are tender to your preference (mine took 2.5 hours in total), season with salt and soy sauce.
6. Serve with a generous topping of spring onions and some omelette strips.

I had some with Korean glass noodles. The condiment is made with soy sauce, sesame oil, chilli flakes and spring onion.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Korean Month


  1. I have make this before with a spicy version . Is really yum. The recipe I follow is from a Korean lady - AerisKitchen Galbi Jjim. Maybe you can give it a try, am sure you will like that too.

    Happy Easter Wendy :)

  2. Hi Wendy

    I boiled this soup. Didn't put the beef stock granules and its turns out very tasty.

    Thanks Wendy for the recipe.



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