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Monday, April 21, 2014

Pandan Water Chestnut Jelly - Jelly #1

I saw this green thing dessert at a dimsum shop. I was curious and so I ordered one serving. To my surprise it was waterchestnut ‘cake’ that wasn’t made of waterchestnut flour and instead was made with konnyaku jelly. It also has some canned tropical fruit chunks in it and so it didn’t taste much of waterchestnut.

I came home, planning to replicate it, without the pineapple. I hoped I could go without food colouring, but the whole thing turned very dull and unappealing after I added citric acid. I put in 2 drops of food colouring to brighten up the green. If you ask me whether the citric acid can be omitted, Hmm..since I wasn’t using any canned fruits, it’s a must. Canned fruits usually have citric acid added in, so, it’s ok to omit any additional citric acid especially if you’re going to use the syrup from the can too. Konnyaku needs something acidic to aid in the setting..if not, it’ll be rather wobbly. Lime or lemon juice is not suitable here, I feel because it will give the jelly a light tang. That is why I chose to use citric acid. You can use malic acid if you want.
I made this for some guests who came to my house. My attempt used 250gm of sugar as said on the packaging, but personally I find it too sweet. I recommend 200gm instead.

Pandan Water Chestnut Jelly
by WendyinKK 

8 water chestnuts, chopped
3 cups water (750ml)
200gm fine granulated sugar
10gm konnyaku powder
¼ tsp citric acid
1 cup pandan juice (from 1 cup snipped pandan leaves + 1 cup water)
1-2 drop green colouring (optional)
1 egg white

1. Bring water and waterchestnuts to a boil.
2. Meanwhile mix sugar and konnyaku powder. Spoon and sprinkle in the sugar mixture into the boiling waterchesnuts. Stir to make sure everything is dissolved.
3. Put in pandan juice. Bring everything back to a boil. Lower to medium heat (just enough heat to keep it at a boil, but not enough to overflow)
4. Put in citric acid. (The green hue of the pandan will turn dull). Add in food colouring to your preference.
5. Beat egg white and slowly drizzle in (stir all the time as your drizzle the egg white in).
6. Turn off the heat and pour into the mould to set.


  1. Hi Wendy, never interested in jelly making. But this one looks lovely and delicious. Bookmarked.

  2. Very nice! I love the green colour!

  3. I came here after seeing the lovely green color. Tempting indeed!

  4. Lovely colour ! May I know how do you extract the juice from pandan leaf ?

    Thanks in advance

  5. Hi! Wendy, I tried to make this jelly but it just doesn't set at all. Is the amount for the konnyaku only for 10 grams correct? Thanks, Ling

  6. Ling,
    Make sure the one you bought does not come with sugar.
    If it's pure konnyaku powder, even 6gm will set, only that it will be very soft

  7. Thanks Wendy for your reply. I thought all types of konnyaku in the market are the same, never know there is different. I use the brand "Happy Grass" and the instruction on the package does request us to add sugar. Is there any problem?

    thanks again,

  8. Ling,
    Is yours the one with 250gm packing or 13 gm packing?

    1. I am using the 250gm one. Now I think it is different from yours. I'll try it again. Thanks Wendy for your clarification! From, Ling

  9. Ling,
    the one u used has sugar not pure konnyaku powder

  10. Sugirain,
    Konnyaku needs an acidic agent to help it set firm.
    If you omit citric acid, you need to replace it with another acidic component. Lemon juice or lime juice may interfere with the taste, if you don't mind.


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