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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Chinese Cabbage with Pacific Clams 珍珠鲍元宵白

I bought a can of pacific clams for Chinese New Year and I didn't use it that time.


5 leaves of Yuan Siew Pak (Chinese long cabbage, imported from China, it does taste different than local long cabbage)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 can pacific clams
1/2 cup of clam brine (from the can)
1/4 cup water
3/4 tsp corn starch
1 Tbsp cooking oil


  1. Boil a pot of water. Add in salt.
  2. Blanch Yuan Siew Pak for 1 minute. Drain and cut into desired length. Arrange on a serving plate.
  3. Mix clam brine and water with cornstarch. Cook mixture until it boils.
  4. Add in pacific clams, and simmer for few seconds. Off the fire and add in cooking oil.
  5. Dish up clams with gravy onto Yuan Siew Pak.

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