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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fruit Ring Cake 水果圈蛋糕

My brothers and I usually celebrate Mother's day late, because on the actual day, eateries are crammed with families celebrating their mothers. We did it yesterday, and I made this cake for my mom.

It's an orange chiffon cake with canned peach, fresh kiwi and strawberries. The fillings consist of the same fruits aranged in the same order.

Mom liked the cake.... well, my mom likes everything I bake for her. She loves all my bakes, just the way she loves all of me.


  1. I like the way the almonds are sticked so neatly onto the side.

  2. Thanks!
    I stuck them on piece by piece, instead of pressing them on by the handsful.
    It's more time comsuming, but looks much better.

  3. the color combination is so pretty! and the sides of the cake is so unique...beautifully decorated! I wish I can be like you!!!

  4. Carine,
    I tot you could make very pretty cakes, I remember seeing lots of pretty cakes in your blog.

  5. wendy..

    the cake is lovely and so are all your cakes...

    am new to this site and was going through the different cakes...."wow" is all i can say....

  6. Anonymous,
    Thank you and hope to know you name.


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