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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Off Day, I wish! - Random Sunday

Break Day!
My Off day,

Fat hopes.

Still have laundry to do
Still have diapers to change
Still have kids to bathe
Still have baby and kids to feed

I wish it's really an off day!

But, one happy thing to share.
Lydia tried to surprise me with this card she coloured in school.
At least one trait she didn't inherit from the old fashioned papa.

I was bathing and she put this card secretly somewhere where I will definitely see when I come out from the shower.
Sweet.... isn't it?

To all mothers and grandmothers out there
Happy Mother's Day!


  1. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you deserve a day off today !!! Have a blessed day with the kids and hubby :) Lydia is so sweet !

  2. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you deserve a day off today !!! Have a blessed day with the kids and hubby :) Lydia is so sweet !

  3. Happy Mother's Day! She is soo...cute know how to give surprise !

  4. so sweet....
    Happy Mother's day to you..:)

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you, Wendy!! ;) xoxo

  6. Hahaha, last time when my kids were in Kindi, every year i received these kind of no more lor, you still have few years to receive it..Happy Mother's day to you too. Have fun!

  7. wendy, happy mother's day to u, she is so cute and lovely

  8. That is so sweet! Happy Mother's Day to you, Wendy!

  9. Elin,
    LOL, are you coming over to babysit?

    Oh yes, she learn from TV, kekeke.

    Siew Hwei,
    Yeah, sometimes she's sweet, sometimes very naughty

    thanks xoxo

    Yeah... when kids grow bigger thwy won't do these things oredi,.... malu leh. LOL.

    sometimes she is really like what you said , :)

    thanks ;)

  10.'ve got a card from your girl, how sweet! Happy Mother's Day!

  11. This is my first mother's day. Hubby is away again, but as long as I have my girl with me, I'm more than happy.
    Happy Mother's day to you!

  12. HAppy Mothers Day to u..

    Are u sure, it's an off day...?? Ehmmmmmm... motherhood is a 24hrs job, no pay... no day off & yet resignation is impossible... Hehehehe..

  13. Happy Mother's day...I got this all the time till dunno where to keep.

  14. Jeannie,
    Hehe, yeah, first card,

    little inbox,
    when you have the kid, can shove the hubby into store room oredi, hahahaha!

    I said I wish la.... mana ada off day.

    Action la u. LOL.
    It'll be my turn to action few years later when 3 of them attend kindergarden, LOL.

  15. A mother's job will never end ha ha..ask your hubby to take care of the 3 kids so you can have an off day. Go shopping, a day at the spa etc.. Happy Mother's Day to you!!

  16. Yes no days off, still I am sure your heart melted when you got that card

  17. I'm sure some day (when they finally grow up) it will be all worth what you're going through today. Happy Belated Mother's Day to you :)


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