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Friday, September 13, 2013

Honey Peach Ice Cream - Stone Fruits #3

I made this a long time ago, before I got my ice cream maker.

The ice cream isn't as peachy as I hope it'll be as my peaches are not really that fragrant. You can use canned peaches if you want. I misread the recipe and pureed all my peaches, and so with the high moisture content in the ice cream, it wasn't very smooth.

Lately, the weather has turned wet and cool. Clothes are hard to dry... gloomy weather whole day long.
When it's gloomy, we only want one gloomy day and a sunny day tomorrow,as the laundry can't wait. Or maybe sunny morning, gloomy late afternoon, so that we can dry the laundry and enjoy the cool breeze later.

Perfect weather to laze around with a cup of coffee of tea and good slice of cake, but ice cream? LOL.
Sorry la, clouds, I didn't know you wanted to stay around for so long.

Honey Peach Ice cream
Recipe slightly modified from : Ezra Pound Cakes
Original source: Dorie Greenspan, Baking from my Home to Yours

3 large peaches (about 550gm)
65gm honey
250ml milk
250ml whipping cream
3 egg yolks (from large eggs)
75gm sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract

1. Bring a saucepan of water to boil. Cut a small X underneath each peach. When water has boiled,blanch the peaches for a short while, about 3-5 seconds. Remove and dunk them into cold water. Peel the skin and cut along the slit. Twist each half in opposite directions and pull away. Remove the stone and dice the peach halves.
2. Put diced peaches (no liquid) into a small saucepan, add the honey and slowly simmer until soft, stirring gently occasionally. Puree the softened peaches.
3. In another clean saucepan, bring milk and cream to a boil.
4. Meanwhile, beat egg yolks and sugar together. When milk has boiled,slowly pour it into the eggs, stirring all the while. Return the mixture back to saucepan and on low heat, cook it until it coats the back of a spoon (thickens very slightly).
5. Mix in vanilla and peach puree. Let it cool down, then chill it.
6. Manufacture according to ice cream maker's instructions.
If you don't have a maker, prepare the base the night before and start cranking in the morning. Put the ice cream in the freezer for 1 hour, then beat with mixer, another hour and beat, when it turns thicker and thicker, repeat beating every half an hour until the desired texture is achieved.


  1. 厉害厉害,用了新鲜桃子做雪糕,一定很好吃!

  2. Hi

    Pls advise what type of milk should we use - fresh, evaporated or condensed milk. Thanks.

  3. Anonymous,
    Milk is always fresh milk or you can use recombined UHT milk.
    Evaporated milk and condensed milk is processed milk that is specific.

  4. Hi

    Thanks for the quick response. Will try to buy the necessary stuff over the weekend to try this great recipe... Thanks for sharing.

  5. ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.comSeptember 14, 2013 at 9:34 AM

    Wendy, may I have double scoop pls? A bit greedy, huh? Btw, have great weekend with your family :)

  6. That single photo of the peach looks amazing Wendy! I love my ice cream machine and find that I don't use it often enough! Peach season is going to start soon here so hopefully I get to try this recipe out soon.

  7. Hi, i love ur blog! I am looking for an ice-cream maker, but don't know which brand is better? Can you recommend one?


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