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Friday, March 14, 2014

Nutella Bread Pudding - Nutella Week #3

Rarely, the man remembers what I bake.
He tends to not know what food is in the house and eats what I serve him.

He knows I'm baking when he sees me doing it, but doesn't remember, won't go looking, won't bother until I asks him if he wants a serving, of which the usual answer will be yes.

But no... not with this. Hahaha.
I baked this in the morning, and served it for breakfast. The kids weren't in, so we can't finish it.
That night after dinner, he asked me if I still have that thing... that thing I served him that morning. He doesn't know what are the names of my bakes, haha.
And the following night, he asked again.

He kept on telling me, he likes it a lot.
It's actually quite rich, that's why!

I am surprised, pretty much am, still am, hahaha!

I tried to do a cris-cross pattern with the nutella sandwiches, but it didn't quite come out the way I wanted.
I was thinking twice about sharing this recipe, since the outlook is not as expected. But my man likes it sooo much. Who knows there's some of you out there will be smitten by it as well.

So, if you don't want to spend the time doing what I did, just coarsely cut up the sandwiches and dump them into the pan. After all... they are all going into the tummy :)

Nutella Bread Pudding
by WendyinKK

8 slices of sandwich bread*
4 Tbsp of Nutella

200ml whipping cream
100ml milk
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

2 Tbsp sugar for sprinkling
Butter to grease pan

1. Spread one slice of bread with Nutella and top with another slice to create a sandwich. Make 4 sandwiches in total. Freeze for 10 minutes.
2. Remove one piece of sandwich from freezer. Trim the sides off, and cut each sandwich into 16 pieces.
3. Grease a 6X8 inch baking tray or a 7 inch square pan. Arrange the small pieces of sandwiches in the pan (refer to picture).
4. Beat cream, milk, eggs, and vanilla extract together. Pour 1/3 of the mixture over the bread. When you see the custard mixture has been absorbed, and pour the another 1/3. Wait for half an hour and pour the balance over. Let the bread sit for 1 hour or overnight in the fridge (covered)
5. Preheat oven at 180C. Prepare boiling water for waterbath.
6. Sprinkle sugar over the bread and bake the bread pudding in  water bath for 45-50 minutes, or until the surface is golden to your liking.

*Use bread that is a few days old for best custard absorption. I prefer Massimo for thicker slices, Gardenia is slightly too thin


  1. Wendy, thank you for your recipe! beautiful :) i will rush to costco to buy nutella to make this!! ha~

  2. Hmmm... my son will love this. Yummy

  3. Wendy, why are men like that (same problem here)? hah..hah....Though can't see the pattern, this is still beautiful as the crust is so goldenbrown. I am very eager to bake this bread pudding even though it might destroy my diet hah..hah...

  4. Thanks for sharing. It sure looks good!

  5. May I know what u mean by whipping cream? Is it the same whipping cream tet is used in making Japanese cotton cheesecake ( this whipping cream can be beaten until light and fluffy)? Thanks

  6. Hi, Wendy, I'm new to your blog. Just want to ask if I can use those normal, basic oven to bake these? Will it burn or can I achieve the same result?

  7. Esther Ngu,
    The carton box clearly writes "Whipping Cream".
    It can be whipped.

    As long as it's not a toaster oven or microwave oven (unless it comes with convection function) you can use it to bake.

  8. I baked this last night.Yummy.Thanks

  9. Hi Wendy, what do you mean with "waterbath"? is it the same thing as bain au marie? thank you

  10. Hi Wendy.. do u think it is nice if I replace the white bread with wholewheat bread?

  11. Rena,
    Yes, same.

    Yes you may, just a matter of preference

  12. I try it this morning.. but I failed. Sad. Not sure why. Perhaps my bread not thick enough. The bread appear to be sticky and wet even after 1.10hr..

  13. Ching,
    thickness has nothing to do here. did you use boiling water for the waterbath?

  14. Hi wendy, ya I am using boiling water following every step except I am using the wholemeal bread. I am not sure if my oven spoilt or wat. At 50 mins my bread still very wet. I put another 20 mins at 190°. At the end, the top is dark brown still acceptable. But the inside still wetwet. Then I give up le. How long u beat the custard? My custard cover all my bread and I put in fridge overnight.

  15. Ching,
    Oh.. top is brown ah.. not wet.
    Bread puddings are moist, like a kueh.
    As long as the custard isn't like runny runny.. then it is cooked.

  16. oh icic ... so it is moist. I imagine it is crunchy. Thanks Wendy. I love ur blog so much.

  17. What if i just baked it without water bath?

  18. Caca,
    you can do it without a waterbath. the outcome will be drier and puffier, less tender.


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