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Friday, March 7, 2014

Urab Bali @ Balinese Salad - Indonesia AFF #3

An addictive salad that made me keep on munching.

I remembered an urap on my Balinese Rijsttafel that I had in Kunyit Bali restaurant that was quite unforgettable, but I forgot the name, not the taste. Haha. After cooking this... I found that it wasn't what I was looking for. Nonetheless, it's still a very nice dish.

The dish that I was actually looking for was Jukut Urab, oh... too late too late. Never mind, I'll save the recipe for another day to cook. The problem of not knowing the local name makes google search soooo difficult.

The difference between the two is that Jukut Urab has a refreshing taste of naturally sweet coconut milk with no grated coconut in it, whereas Urab Bali has the wonderful aroma of a fried coconut sambal. I remembered my husband looking at me slurping up all the gravy from the Jukut Urab, hahaha!

Urab Bali
Reference: Cooking Tackle 

7 pcs long beans
1 cup bean sprouts
4 stalks water convolvulus (kangkung)or amaranth (bayam)
1 cup grated coconut
2 Tbsp coconut oil or cooking oil

Blend to a fine paste
5 shallots
3 clove garlic
2 candlenuts
Birds eye chilli and chilli according to your preference
Galangal, lesser galangal, shrimp paste, eye ball 1 tsp each
3 young kaffir lime leaves, midrib removed

1 tsp brown sugar
3/4 tsp salt

1. Toast coconut in pan until slightly golden. Remove and set aside. Heat coconut oil in pan and saute the paste until it starts to release oil. Add in salt and sugar and then the toasted coconut. Combine it well. Taste it, it should be very slightly over salted.
2. Lightly blanch all the vegetables, dunk them into cold water and cut into preferred lengths.
3. Put the cut vegetables into a bigger bowl and put in all the spicy coconut. Toss it around with hand and if you can, using a gentle squeezing motion, as if you are marinating the vegetables.
4. Serve with some crispy shallots if preferred (I didn't put).

The aromatic coconut sambal that is going to dress the blanched vegetables

I realised all the Balinese food I cooked for this week's postings all looked shreddy. And so, the photography looks a bit boring.. believe me, it's no fun taking pictures with dishes with the same visual characteristics. I'm not a creative person to come up with different settings, and I am seriously bored with taking pictures nowadays.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Indonesia Month


  1. I love this dish, its enough to give me this urap with hot rice and a piece of salted fish, those meaty salted fish, I never find it here in Singapore, in Indonesia we call it jambal salted fish, nice but very pricey
    Btw, I still find your pic is real good lah :)

  2. This dish certainly looks appetising. Perfect for summer.

  3. as Indonesian I need to give you 2 thumbs up for you, Wendy .. you are really have an adventures in taste .... :))

  4. Hi Wendy,

    A Warm hello from Bali.
    Thank you for the mentioned and linked back to my blog, appreciate it

    ps: You've had great recipes collection here, I enjoy blog walk here



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