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Monday, May 12, 2008

Candied Coconut - gula melaka 椰糖椰干

When I was in primary school, the canteen man sold candied coconut for 10sen a small pack.

Many years, I never came across this again.

Then, when I was in uni, I saw it in Petaling Street, wow , it’s turned into something pricey. Still bought it, cos I like it.

2 months after my daughter was born, I saw this again in SS2 pasar malam. And they don’t only have the regular white candied coconut, they even have a gula melaka version, which is palm sugar. This stall also sells candied ginger, lotus roots, and water chestnut.
And they are going for RM3.50 for small pack of 150gm. RM10 for 3 packs, but RM13.50 for 4 packs, weird way of marketing huh?? I bought 3 packs.

I saw in pwmf’s site on how to make candied coconut. But didn’t think that I’d make my own one day, cos it seemed too troublesome to remove the coconut flesh from the hard shell. Then I saw in Kuala Kangsar wet market’s coconut milk stall, there’s coconut flesh for sale. Yahooo!!! Bought 1 kg of it. I want to make it the night itself, substituting the white sugar that pwmf uses with gula melaka, adding in some pandan leaves for extra aroma. I was worried about the pot burning, but luckily it didn’t. Pwmf uses medium high heat until water evaporates, but I used low fire all the while… Scared ma!!!

Candied Coconut Recipe

1kg coconut flesh (without shell)
500 gm gula melaka (pounded or chopped)
Few blades of pandan leaves, shredded.

Trim coconut flesh to remove all brown skins, wash and slice into desired thickness,
Mix coconut flesh with pounded gula melaka, and let it bleed for a while.
Put everything into a heavy bottomed pot and cook until a thin layer of sugar powder coats the coconut.
Place coconut shreds onto a flat tray and let it cool down before putting it into an air tight container.

By using low heat all the time, it took me 1.5 hours, pot uncovered.

I find the amount of sugar a bit too much, as there were a lot of sugar dust on the bottom of the pot, so, the next time I’ll make this, I’ll just use 330gm. I used up the remaining sugar in the pot by making egg drop agar-agar.


  1. can teach me how to make this egg-drop agar-agar?
    when or how do youput in the egg? thanks!

  2. Melody,

    Just make the agar like ordinary way. Beat one egg with a teaspoon of water to thin it down.
    While agar mixture is ready and bubbling away drizle the egg into the agar, stirring slowly all the while.

  3. I just saw this, through Pei-Lin's blog. You know what, this is one of my favourite snack too! But I don't remember seeing it anymore now.


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