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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!!!!

All the uncles aunties out there...
I'm tired of posing already. So, no more photos of us until further notice.

I need my angpow.
I can give u oranges in exchange :)

Want or not??

Pictures taken a week before.


  1. Owh wendy they're so adorable.. :) Happy Chinese New Year!
    Sorry ah I'm not auntie yet.. he he..~

  2. They are so cute! Happy Lunar New Year :)

  3. wakakaka Gong Xi Fai Cai!
    So early wear cny clothes oledi ar...

    Angpao.... how to mail to u?

  4. So cute! Happy New Year to you, Wendy! Here's wishing you and your family all the happiness and prosperity in this New Year.

  5. Gong Xi Fa Cai to you & family. The two girls are so cute in cheong sam...

  6. Hahahaa ... Pretty Girls in Red, just comes to auntie house, sure you will get angpow.
    Wendy, Happy Chinese New Year & Valentine to you & your family.

  7. Tracie, Happy Homebaker,Voon,Shirley, HomeKreation and DG,

    Thank you for all ur dear wishes and compliments about how cute we are.
    Wish u all Happy Happy Happy New Year, 新年快乐。

    Lydia and Lyanne

  8. Hey, let's match make our kids! Ee Sync with Lydia and Ee Chao with Lyanne! Ha Ha....
    Happy CNY to u and family!!
    Melody, Joo Huat, Ee Sync n Ee Chao

  9. Mel,
    HaHa!!! No problem. But it seems to many friend's sons have taken a liking to Lydia :)

    Need to compete a bit to win her heart, kakakaka!!!!

  10. Lyanne looks so much like you , she has the cheeky grin like are like two giant " ang pow "

  11. AFTH,
    Haha, yup. Lyanne resembles me more than Lydia.

    Chinese New Year ma, sure must ang ang. :)

  12. wow wow Wendy! They are so adorable!

    I bet they keep you very busy!

  13. They are too precious!!!! I love these photos!

  14. Hi Wendy, Gong Xi Fa Cai to you & your family! I like the new look of your blog. Very pretty. Your girls are just adorable!!

  15. Thank you for yr wonderful and delicious recipes. I m currently living in States and really craved all the local foods. Will try out yr yummy recipes soon. Theresa

  16. Oh yes, BTW, yr 2 girls are so cute and adorable. Best Regards, Theresa

  17. Theresa,
    thank you :)
    I hope you like the recipes


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