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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Soy Sauce King Prawns 士油皇虾

No no.. the prawns aren’t that large, not king sized. It’s just the name, translated literally from it’s Chinese name.

I first tasted this about 5 years back at a friend’s wedding. And I found the taste to be very special, simple and light, infused with sweet smell of garlic and green onion.

Restaurants will first fry the prawns in deep oil in big batches and then proceed on to the flavouring part. But I don’t think cooking at home u’d want to use so much oil, and discard them later. So, I just pan fried them.
You might want to cook this for ur Chinese New Year reunion dinner. Simple and tasty. Cooking time is less than 5 minutes :)

Here is my recipe, recreated what I first tasted.

Soy Sauce King Prawns

-300gm large prawns (about 12 pcs, snip off the eyes, the sharp point of the head, and the feelers)
-Half bulb of garlic, peeled, cubed (abt 1cm)----Do not smash or crack the garlic.
-2 Tbsp quality light soy sauce
-Handful of green onions, cut into 2 inch lengths. Sprinkled on serving dish.
¼ cup oil or more

1. Clean prawns and dry them properly on kitchen towels.
2. Heat wok until very hot on high heat. Put in oil. Carefully put in prawns and make sure they are spread around with one side of its body touching the wok. Turn to medium heat.
3. When the prawn starts to curl, flip them over and push them aside, not too far off tho, just away from the oil will do.
4. Put garlic cubes into the center of the wok and let it fry until fragrant and golden. Meanwhile flip the prawns one more time.
5. When both sides of the shell looks well fried , Turn to high heat again.
6. Push the prawns back into the oil. Put in 2 Tbsp light soy sauce and toss a few times. Or until the soy sauce dries up a bit. Careful not to burn the sauce.
7. Place hot prawns over green onions. Yes, the green onions are cooked only with the heat of the prawns.
If u do not like to eat garlic or green onions, do not leave them out. They are crucial to the recipe. Just discard what u do not eat after u’ve eaten the prawns.

Lyanne: I'm flabbergasted!!!!!!! Scroll down to see why.


Here's what happened..
After dinner that day,  I was doing the dishes and Mike was bathing. Suddenly I smell a wift of fragrance. I went out of the kitchen, saw my room light(table light) was on.. and there was Lydia playing with talcum powder... Lydia was smiling at my wide opened mouth.. No words, I have no words for her.
I quickly carried her out and asked Mike, who was out from the shower by now to quickly take pics of her, so that she'll know what she has done when she was 2. Hehehehehe.... recording her childhood embarassments. She thought she was very pretty, until I brought her to face a mirror later on. She looked at the mirror .. and was stoned by the zombie in the mirror. She quickly requested to wash off everything. Now, she no longer plays with talcum powder.


  1. This remind me I have long time did not cook this type of prawn, ya, I know, this is yummy. Your daughter is so cute..

  2. LOL your daughter made me laugh esp when u said she saw herself n was stunned!!! LOL she is adorable. enjoy her!

    mmm yummy prawns...thse king prawns are so expensive...saw some at the market today n changed my mind ..heh.

    yes Bake wth Yen's cheaper chocolate is inferior. the more expensive on is better...I looked at some in thesupermarket and saw some good ones too.. maybe nxt time ill try those.

  3. Gosh, your daughter is so cute!
    The prawns look so yummy!
    Unfortunately we can’t get fresh prawn here
    , we can only get frozen one or cooked one.

  4. First, Lydia is adorable!!! She was playing 'make-up', right? [LOL]

    These soy sauce king prawns look delicious (however, my husband is quite picky and always wants me to peel the shrimp first before cooking. Sigh. The presentation looks so much better this way).

  5. LOL.. Lydia has the potential in acting ghost in the movie!
    Look a bit scare la… hahaha
    You are really a “God of the food”!
    But I scare to take some much prawn…
    I takut mati because doctor say I high kolestrol : (

  6. Sonia,
    Ha! Then when will u cook ur version and blog about it??? Can't wait to see.

  7. Zurin,
    The name of the dish is Soy Sauce King---- Prawns. Not Soy sauce--King Prawns :)

    I didn't buy King prawns, which are sold at about RM15/kg at pasar pagis. Currently CNY season, prawn prices sure go up the ceiling.

  8. SK Fong,
    Thanks for dropping by. I love ur blog.

    U can use frozen ones.. no problem.

  9. Tangled Noodle,
    Oh... u can't cook the prawns shelled.
    The fried shells gives out wonderful fragrance to the dish. W/o it, the whole thing taste different. May I suggest u cut a long deep slit on the back of the prawn for easy removal when u eat them.

  10. Somewhere in Spore,
    Thanks,do come by more often

  11. Voon,
    I'm not Stephen Chow ler.
    U eat the whole plate meh??? Take some only.... but anyway, prawns not as bad as sotong la.

  12. but i like eat sotong as well!
    yummy yummy!

  13. hahahaha....鬼灵精怪....she is so adorable ! When my girl was two she climbed in and out of her play pen and think she is spiderman...the prawns are lovely , I like to cook this method too !

  14. Ha...ha...ha...Lydia's so cute!! This is one of the things we should be enjoying while they'r growing up, right? Thanks for this, for I have to constantly remind myself about that...Ee Sync has grown to be a real "terrorist" who makes me want to tear my hair out a few times a day! I'm torn between enjoying my two-yr-old and wanting him to be mature + sensible...sigh...!
    Btw, your prawns looks fab, the colour...esp the 1st pic, mouth watering...tho i'm not a prawn lover.

  15. AFTH,
    Terrible twos.... every child has their phase.
    :) I'm sure Racheal has grown out of her spiderman days. Does she know that she was once spidey?

  16. Mel,
    Haahahaha... Don't worry abt Ee Sync. If he's so mature and sensible at age 2, there'll be nothing to look back to when he grows up. All prim and proper is no fun
    BTW, as the chinese saying goes, "男人不坏,女人不爱“
    Don't worry, he'll be a fine gentleman when he grows up. Wanna match make our kids??? hahahahah!!!

  17. The prawns look amazing! Great shots. But your little girls are just adorable!!! :)

  18. I love anything with garlic but need to abstain from it for now, else will definitely try this out.

    Rgdging Lydia, don't know to cry or to laugh if I were you. And I don't think I have the mood to take pics of their mischieves, imagine all those cleaning up!

  19. Blessed Homemaker,
    If what happened was dangerous or life threatening, I will not have the mood for pictures at all.
    But playing with talcum is alright la.. She was tapping the talcum out from the bottle onto her palms, and from there she applied the talcum. So, it wasn't too all over the place.

    It's her little mischiefs that makes our life colourful, if she's so gwai gwai, there's nothing much to look back to when she grows up.
    She's currently learning to dance (follow steps, not crazy dance) and sing.. very cute.

  20. Ya, children should not be so docile. I especially like the pic of your younger daughter. Very cute.

  21. Vien,
    Will you be back to KK for CNY??

  22. These prawns reminds me of Chinese New Year reunion meals...LOL. Your photos are getting really good!! Thumbs up.

  23. Shirley,
    That's why I posted this about CNY time.. kekeke
    Haha.. I only discovered the advanced editor for Blogger when I changed template, that's only when I found out I can post bigger pics.
    Bigger + better detailed = looks more delicious :)
    I suck at daylight pics....wish I can photograph using daylight like u do.

  24. Wendy,
    Hubby left KK for Ipoh when he was a toddler. He is not in contact with any relatives in KK now. As for me, all my siblings left Kampar already. I will be going to PJ for CNY. I really miss Kampar and Ipoh.

  25. Vien,
    Yeah, Klang Valley is getting more and more yit lau over the years when people no longer go back to their hometowns. Guess when the older folks are no longer around, there seems to be no reason to be back. And last time newspaper will always show how empty KL is during CNY. I guess in a few more years, it'll show a bustling KL.

  26. Wendy,
    To quote my MIL, "kids must be naughty at this age, else you have to start worrying now". Come to think of it, it's true as they are always up to some mischief, if they sit still, it's time to worry.


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