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Monday, August 8, 2011

Maria's Cherry Cake - Stone Fruits #1

This is the cake that I've been wanting to make for the longest of time.

I recieved this cookbook from Aunt Grace for Christmas when I was 15. I was totally taken by the look of the cherry cake featured in the book. During that time, fresh cherries are unheard of.  I had my first taste of fresh cherries when my friend Yoke Waie gave me some after his parents returned from a holiday in Australia. That was when I was 18. My 2nd time eating this was when I was 21, buying 100gm for RM15 at Petaling Street with my then boyfriend. Expensive right? But it's so hard to come by that I didn't care much for its price. That ex-boyfriend paid for my cherries :p

These few years, the price of cherries have gone down a lot, making it more affordable. Last year I didn't make this, so this season, I just have to try out this recipe that has been bugging me for 18 years. The recipe came in decilitres and I had to convert the amount from a 12 inch pan to a 9 inch pan.

Maria's Cherry Cake
Recipe source: Adapted from Cakes and Dessert (MPH Publishing 1987)

250gm cherries, cut into half, seeds removed (1 punnet, the recipe called for 1L of cherries, and used whole. That's too expensive and I don't fancy the taste of the baked seed).
100gm butter
125gm icing sugar (reduced from 200gm)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon zest
2 medium eggs (grade c)
150gm all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
icing sugar for dusting

1. Preheat oven to 150(fan)/170C. Prepare a 9 inch pan. Line the base and grease the sides.
2. Cream butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Beat in eggs gradually.
4. Add in vanilla and lemon zest.
5. Sift flour with baking powder and fold into the beaten butter.
6. Spread out the mixture onto prepared pan and arrange halved cherries. No need to press in.
7. Bake for 35 minutes or until golden. When cake has cooled, dust with icing sugar before serving.


  1. Wah this one looks nice .I think I can make it

  2. oilai,
    You ate the cherries too when Yoke Waie brought it to my house. LOL. Hope to see ur cake in FB :)

  3. Wendy, I want a big slice please. Looks super delicious and the cherries...... yum yum

  4. Looks simple to me...but don't know whether i'll make a success or not! oh these days, i saw at the market the cherry is pretty nice and red...

  5. Oh another lovely stonefruit recipe to add to my collection:D Looks so delicious, I shall have to shop around for the cheapest cherries on offer in the supermarts:P

  6. simple recipe and must be taste great too!

  7. Very pretty cake and must be yummy too!

  8. Awesome and very pretty, you make me wanna bake it ...tonight, argh!! hehehe, thanks for the boost!

  9. DD,

    Haha, can finish or not?

    Yeah, the season will be over soon, so quickly go and buy, unless you wait for the southern season year end.

    Giant's pretty cheap :)

    Yeah, very simple to make.

    Yummy Bakes,
    It's a very nice tea cake

    Great! I hope to know the outcome. BTW, fresh cherries are available in Kota Kinabalu?

  10. Looks very delicious.....I happen to be in Spore and every supermarkets is selling cherries now. I might like to try this too. Thanks for this recipe.

  11. Wow... waited so long to bake this cake. It happens to me too... I would think of making this or baking that.... but it always another long wait before I finally bake/cook it.

  12. Oh, it looks nice and tempting. Tell you horr, I never try eating fresh cherry before...LOL! I always wonder how the taste is like..kekeke! OK, maybe will try out one day, then if I like it..I'll make this!!

  13. Mel,
    If they are cheaper than RM10/250gm, then grab.
    Jusco is selling for RM10.99 and Giant is just RM9.89.

    I waited 18 years leh. LOL.

    WOT? U had blackberries which are far more expensive than cherries but not cherries.
    Please go and buy some. If not u won't know what you are missing

  14. you are better than me, i only started to eat my first fresh cherry last year, i think! it's been quite some time since i last saw your cake post, glad to see one today! very nice cake and not complicated! That day i bought some from the fruit stall, wanted to eat..RM58/kg, not that really sweet.

  15. lena,
    I just posted a cake last Friday! LOL.
    Giant's quite cheap, saw in newspaper.
    But I usually get mine from Jusco.
    250gm is only 10.99 only leh.

  16. Oh! This is yummy delicious. Can I use canned fruit instead of fresh one.

  17. This cake looks so delicious ... thks for sharing the recipe ^_^

  18. Yes, the cherries season is here again and I have been wanting to do something with them as well... from the looks and the sound of it, this cake must be good!

  19. Happy Flour,
    Canned cherries? Hmm.. will that be too watery?

    thanks, No prob :)

    I had this with a cup of tea and it was delicious :)

  20. What a perfect timing... I got cherries in my fridge... will try this recipe... yay!!

  21. Wah u still remember yoke Waie brought u cherries,that was 15 years ago.I saw him in Damansara perdana few month ago with his gf.I just bought 500g cherry today want to make it tomorrow.

  22. Oh this looks so pretty! Do you think this would work with any fruits? like if i use plums instead or sth!

  23. Food Dreams,
    Great! Hope to hear of the outcome

    Sure do remember!

    Shu Han,
    I think plums will work great. Any stone fruits will be great. But if with peaches, the colour contrast won't be there. Even blueberries will be fine.

  24. Another great & yummy cherry cake from you :)

  25. That reminded me that I still have some pickled cherries in my fridge....I think mine already expired

  26. Много нежно,красиво и вкусно!Поздрави:)

  27. hey, thanks for sharing this recipe, i baked this cake yesterday, it smells good, but i don't know why the cake is a bit dry. This is my first time baking, may be you can share some baking tips. =)

  28. Cassandra,
    The cake won't be like very very moist, but it's not that dry as it has fruits in it. The baked fresh cherries provide the cake with moisture as it bakes.
    Leave it overnight and more moisture from the cherries will seep into the cake, making it moister if you like it that way.
    But I like this just the way it is.
    Keep cakes covered after cooling to prevent drying out.

  29. Simple elegant & tasty cake! ^.^

  30. Here is my version of the lovely Maria's Cherry Cake! :)


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