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Friday, August 12, 2011

Plum Oatmeal Madeira Cake - Stone Fruits # 3

A cake that I can pass around making people think it's healthy. LOL. I just said, this cake has oats in it and they replied, "It's healthy, yumz" LOL.

So, if you want to make yourself 'feel' better when devouring a cake, try this out. LOL. Reasons, whether valid or not, just eat.

One regret with this cake. I shouldn't have used fortuna plums, instead go for black plums. Black plums when baked are very very pretty. It stains the cake pink, bright pink instead of being pale pink. I'll never bake with fortuna plums again.

Plum Oatmeal Madeira Cake
Recipe source: Waitrose

250gm /3 red plums (I used Fortuna plums, I recommend black plums instead)
100gm butter
100gm golden caster sugar (I used soft brown sugar)
2 medium eggs (grade C)
125gm cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
50gm oatmeal
100gm icing sugar
Few tablespoons of orange juice

1. Remove seed from plums and cut into chunks.
2. Sift flour, baking powder and baking soda together. Mix with oatmeal. Set aside
3. Preheat oven to 160(fan)/180C and line 1 large loaf pan or 2 small loaf pans
4. Beat butter and sugar until pale and fluffy.
5. Beat in egg, one by one, beating well after each addition. Remember to scrape the bowl after each egg.
6. Put half of (2) into (5) and beat on low speed until well combined. Scrape sides of bowl.
7. Put in balance of (2) and orange zest and beat until well combined.
8. Fold in 2/3 of plums and fill pans with batter. Top with balance of plums and gently press them in (I forgot to reserve and threw them all in into the batter! Hahaha)
9. Bake for 35mins-1 hour, depending on pan size, until skewer comes out clean.
10. Cool in pan for 20 minutes before turning it out.
11. Mix icing sugar with enough orange juice to preferred consistency. Drizzle over cooled cake.


  1. Good choice. Everywhere is selling plums now in Spore! It is selling for $2.00 for 11 pieces. I love fresh fruits in cakes. Thanks for this recipe.

  2. Delicious cake, Wendy i don't mind to have a big slice with a cup of tea. :)

  3. never try plums in cake, thanks for sharing the recipe...bookmark this :)

  4. Wendy...have bookmarked this and will use black prunes :) I still think it is healthy haha..after all the butter is just 100gm to 170gm of flour plus oatmeals :p

  5. Mel,
    that's pretty cheap!

    Healthier, drink green tea with this. LOL.

    when u get to make this, do let me know

    Great! Hope you love this 'healthy' cake, LOL.

  6. I usually go for the black ones as I find it sweeter.

  7. ha... cake is never healthy, but at least adding oats is better than using all flour. And, there is plums... adding to vitamin C.

  8. i'm thinking this is a pretty colour..but if i ever make a plum cake, i'll try it with black plums as you suggested and see how it stains the cake. btw, i dont want to be lohmaichee seller, if i choose, then i sell ice need to cook anything!haha!

  9. i'm thinking this is a pretty colour..but if i ever make a plum cake, i'll try it with black plums as you suggested and see how it stains the cake. btw, i dont want to be lohmaichee seller, if i choose, then i sell ice need to cook anything!haha!

  10. edith,
    I'm trying out every plum I could see, to see how they taste like. But my favourites are black plums and dark prunes. So, far, I've tasted greengage and yellow ones too.

    Yeah, cakes are never healthy, it's only them who thought it was healthy, simply becos I said it has oats. I was laughing inside when they gave me that reaction.

    Pandai! Ice kacang is nice! Open stall next to my CKT and we go hand in hand.
    BTW, still need to cook the kacang merah, buy canned ones too high costs la.

  11. Hehe, you say it perfectly, Healthy is the word that will make me eat slices. :)

  12. hi wendy! i found your blog while googling for the reason why my pavlova wept. your pav looks perfect and your blog's breathtaking!

    i made the pav successfully according to your recipe (tweaked it a little) and you can see it here

  13. i see a lot of plums selling in the supermarkets idea what to do with them, now you give me a good (a very good one) reason to buy them!

  14. Still a beautiful cake although I prefer your cherry cake, that was so gorgeous!

  15. good lah, got oatmeal...some fibre in the!

  16. A colorful attractive looking fruit cake! Who will say No? I will never thought of using plum to make cakes. Thanks for the idea.

  17. Love what u're doing here. The recipes are enticing and accessible at the same time. I added u to my blogroll, I hope you don't mind :) have a great week ahead! - shaz

  18. Other than the color issue, are the fortuna plums as sweet as the black plums?

  19. hanushi,
    Haha, you got my joke

    Your pav looks great!
    Glad it came through this time for you after all the weeping :)

    Plums are also good to eat, besides baking. I love plums :)

    Hah! me too

    fibre's good, so this cake's good :)

    plums can be used in a lot of bakes, hope you bake more with plums

    sure, glad to be in your blogroll.

    Hmm... not as sweet, I find.
    But then, years ago, even black plums imported into Malaysia were very sour. But they are sweeter now.

  20. This looks sooo simple and delicious, I love fruity loaf cakes! Thanks for sharing! :)


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