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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Autumn Chopped Salad - Pear Week # 2

There's no autumn here. It's summer whole year long, 365 days a year, oh next year will be 366.

Over the northern hemisphere, cranberries, pecans, pears and apples are in season few weeks back (some still are), and as usual, they land on our shores pretty much later. It may be Christmas soon, and it's usually associated with winter (but that's not the real thing anyway) so, it might be weird to serve an autumn salad with cranberries, pecans, apples and pears for Christmas, but then again, it's not really important because seasons don't play a major role here, except with the availability if imported fruits and vegetables. We just eat anything, anytime of the year.

Autumn Chopped Salad
Recipe sourced with adaptations from : Espresso and Cream

1 big head of romaine lettuce
1 apple
1 pear
½ cup dried cranberries
½ cup coarsely chopped pecans
Dollops of cream cheese
Crispy bacon bits (I skipped this)

Whole Grain Mustard Dressing
2 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp honey
1 Tbsp whole grain mustard
¼ tsp salt

1. Chop romaine lettuce and line the base of a big plate with this.
2. Dice apples and pear (skin on). Sprinkle these on the lettuce.
3. Top with cranberries, cream cheese and chopped pecans. Add fried bacon bits if preferred.
4. Combine Dressing ingredients and dress just before serving.


  1. Love salad of any kind :) fish and salad for me would be perfect meal. Fruit/veggie salad great combination . Mustard dressing...thumbs up!

  2. Love the colouring of 1st photo, its was perfect match with blue table cloth.
    It make food looks tempting! :)

  3. That looks so refreshing...I am not much of a salad person, which is not healthy so I literally have to make a conscious effort to have some greens in my diet!

  4. wokay, the most difficult part is the dressing (just exaggerate)...

    Love this simple yet colorful salad, but I'm gonna replace pecans with raisins, not a huge fan of nuts :)

  5. that is very healthy.. i would love to have that for lunch.. have been eating a lot lately.

  6. Hi wendy, am replying from my ipad, somehow this works. Lovely salad!

  7. that salad looks healthy and wholesome... I think I ll make this for my family this Christmas! Thks for sharing as usual... ;0)

  8. Mmm...crisp romaine and sweet pear and kick from the mustard...sounds perfect. ;)

  9. Elin,
    I've only recently begin appreciating mustard. I hope I get converted about cranberries! LOL.

    thanks! It did look "plain" without the table cloth, haha!

    Sometimes, it's refreshing to have salad as a change, it's my favourite thing to order at Tony Roma's.

    Haha, the pecans are used because it's so autumn. Feel free to subtitute :)

    Love for food,
    Haha.... good good.. clear the intestines a bit

    Oh.... lately I do get some complains about my blog..glad it worked this time

    Food Dreams,
    Hope they'll like it

    Yeah.... :)

  10. Wendy! Its u with your ever so creative food again! Really love your blog.. lots of inspiration and tips..

    Just did pineapple jam using ur method and really, it doesn't splatter a lot and its not as difficult as i thought! But it seems a bit undercook and watery.. will try cooking it again tomorrow! Thanks for the tip!

  11. Delicious looking salad! So glad I found your blog through a fellow foodie, you've got yourself a new follower! XO Jessica @ Cajunlicious

  12. iceamericanos,
    Oh no, I won't take credit for being creative with this, it's Madison from Expresso and Cream's idea.
    I'll be glad if you'd give the feedback on the relevant post itself for the benefit of the other readers.

    Welcome to my blog :)

  13. you're right that we eat anything anytime of the i'm going to keep my cranberries till when i got the mood to do it:)

  14. i was sold when i saw the pecans, then i saw the cranberries! love this salad and will try it as soon as i get myself some pears!

  15. Do you use spreadable cream cheese or those that comes in a block that we use to make cheesecake?

    Is there anything that you do to prevent the pear/apple from discolouring?

  16. Lyn,
    You can lightly coat them with lemon juice.
    Both type of cream cheese can be used, but block types are creamier and intense.

  17. Btw, Of all the salads you've made, which is your favourite? I'm still thinking whether to try this autumn chopped salad or your caesar salad to go with BBQ...

  18. Lyn,
    Hard to say. They all taste different. I love all salads. If the salad is not going to be eaten instantly, as in like a BBQ, it's better to go with something that doesn't have cream cheese becos it will soften and get mushy all over. Or replace the cheese with other cheeses.

  19. Wendy, Thanks for your advice. I think I'll go ahead with your caesar salad for the BBQ as it doesn't have cream cheese...


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