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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Coffee Pudding Cake - Caffeine Cakes #2

Many years ago, Jusco's bakery had this pudding cake that I really adore. I will never fail to get at least one box each time. But it's not cheap, I think it's RM4.99 for a few bites, say about 4X4 only. I always feel unsatisfied with just one box.

Soft sponge, with a custard/pudding like jelly filling and a slightly bitterish coffee top. I'm in heaven.

Blessed Homemaker once asked me, whether I know of Bangkok Kaya Cake. I have never heard of it. She asked me because it seemed to come from Malaysia. I totally had no idea what it was, but she showed me a picture and it resembled the pudding cake I once ate, except the colour is different in Bangkok Kaya Cake.
The thought of replicating has been put aside for many years, simply because it needed custard powder and I don't have it. Until one day, I had an extra piece of sponge and have nothing in mind. So, I better go get my pack of custard powder and make this, while I'm still wanting to do so.

Coffee Pudding Cake
Recipe source: Wendyywy
Tasted and recreated

Coffee layer
1 tsp agar powder
250ml water
25gm sugar
1.5 tsp instant coffee (I used Nescafe Gold)

Custard Layer
2 Tbsp custard powder
125gm sugar
3 tsp agar powder
50ml water
200gm evaporated milk
500ml water
1 tsp vanilla extract

One piece 1 inch tall 8x8inch sponge cake.
(bake a 9 inch sponge cake, after cooling it will shrink to slightly bigger than 8 inch, trim the sponge cake to fit)

1. Prepare a 8 inch square pan. Wet it and drip dry. Place sponge cake slice into freezer.
2. Prepare coffee layer. Mix water, sugar and agar powder together. Bring to a boil, lower to a simmer for 2 minutes. Turn off the heat. Mix in instant coffee. Pour into prepared pan.
3. Prepare custard pudding layer. Bring 500ml water to a boil. Meanwhile mix custard powder, sugar and agar powder together. Put 50ml water into the dry mixture and combine together. When water has come to a boil, put the mixture into the pot and stir well. Using the container that prepared the custard powder mixture, weigh the evaporated milk (sort of like rinsing the ingredients off the bowl). When the mixture has come to a boil again, pour the milk into the pot. Mix in vanilla extract and let it simmer for 1 minute. Pour this gently over the coffee layer (of which should be slightly set by now)
4. Let the pudding layer cool down. When a skin has formed over the pudding, very very gently place the sponge cake over. Very very gently press so that the sponge layer touches the pudding layer (if it doesn’t fall into place).
5. Chill for 4-5 hours before unmoulding. To unmould, with a plastic spatula, make a slight incision on the side. Then bring the cake to an almost vertical position gently. The sides will detach from the pan due the pull of gravity. Repeat with the balance of 3 sides. Place serving plate over cake (still in pan), then flip the cake over. The cake should fall on to the plate (wait for a while for gravity to work, but if it doesn’t fall, gently pry it on one side and the cake should fall out)

Everybody in the house loved this cake. I had guests over that day, Jerry, Jenny and kids all took piece after piece. It's very Asian in taste... so sorry if it's not rich enough for you.


  1. This looks beautiful...I just love all the textures. I can only imagine how good it tastes, creamy coffee goodness!

  2. Hi Wendy,

    It looks so very yummy! May I know what brand of custard powder you are using? I have this Bird's brand but I don't really like the taste.

    Really love your mini condensed milk oreo cheesecake btw. :)


  3. Lyndsey,
    Not too creamy, more agar like

    I actually prefer Birds. Use it sparingly.
    Those sold in bakery supplies shop smell even more aweful and heavily dyed.

  4. I can imagine how good this cake pudding is :) slurpping away from the screen. Hubby says soon I will be slurrping away in my dream..after seeing so many cakes online :p

  5. I have attempted Bangkok kaya cake before. Strangely I wonder how it gotten its name for Bangkok don't even have such cake!! For the recipe I attempted, it uses coconut milk.

  6. Hi, Wendy, what is agar powder? Any substitute for this? If it can be substituted with gelatin, how many sheet? And did you use vanilla custard powder? Thanks.

  7. Hi Wendy....

    OMG!!! look so yummi... temp to do it... but doesnt have oven at home, cant bake cake... may be buy the ready cake.. then do the custard and agar layer... hihi!!!

    Siew Ee

  8. Hi Wendy,

    this is new idea for lovely dessert to serve. Can I ask you a question? I'm planning to bake n make this pudding cake in a 7" removable base round mould. It is ok? Will the coffee layer leak out since the base is removable? Sandy

  9. Elin,
    You must have been licking his face, LOL

    I am surprised that you used coconut milk, I tot you hated it?

    Chew Lee,
    I'm sorry as I have never used gelatin sheets to bake.
    Agar-agar is a vegan substitute for gelatin, but the amounts being used is different as they have different consistencies.
    You can easily find agar-agar from places that sell vegetarian ingredients or Asian food stores.
    Yes, it's a vanilla custard powder.

    Siew Ee,
    Yes u can do that

    will leak lor.
    U don't have other pans?

  10. Hi Wendy, if I use aluminium foil to wrap the base, will the coffee jelly leak? All my pan are removable one wor...hehe..Sandy

  11. Sandy,
    If u wrap outside of pan with foil, then the coffee jelly will just be collected in the foil outside.
    The how to do u make agar agar usually?

  12. wow wendy! these are so pretty! wish i could try a bite! Delicious flavour combinations!

  13. wow! love the crytal clear coffee jelly filling on top, it should taste yum!

  14. Looks so nice..Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Hello Wendy, I use ramekins, or milk bottles or even the agar-agar mould lor..nvm la.I will find a mould which is not removable one to do...Sandy

  16. I love the layers Wendy! So glad you managed to figure out how to make this cake again.

  17. I never had this before, but the smooth and 'shining' jelly top is more than enough to tempt me. I feel like sinking my teeth onto my monitor now~

  18. Wow.....! This dessert looks really good. I would really like to try making this one day. :)

  19. thank you for all your efforts that you have put in this. Very interesting info. "Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither." by Clive Staples Lewis.

  20. Very beautifully built custard cake. I can imagine the taste ..delicious!

  21. Who care is it tastes 'asian' or not. this look so tempting. Very clever of you to replicate this and it looks wonderful.

  22. you just reminded me of this cake that long time ago i attended a baking class and they taught this..but i cant remember the name of the cake. sponge cake with 2 layers of jellies.. but i cant remember anything that came out as smooth as your top layer! the unmoulding part seems to be challenging!

  23. I remember this cake. I even tried making it once a looooong time ago but remember using fruit cake for the bottom part. Thanks for the reminder Wendy. I am going to try this out one day. I wonder when can I shorted my to-do list :)

  24. Wendy,
    Can use milk to replace evaporate milk?
    Why use evaporated milk?

  25. Okay now I really have to make it myself if I want to see what this will taste like. We can get Birds custard here and I already have some agar agar. Thanks!

  26. hehe...may be a stupid question, what is the meaning of "250 ml water on", i don't know what is "water on".

  27. Sweet Samsations,
    Take a bite off the screen then, LOL

    Ah Tze,
    It was yum enough for me


    Yeah, you probably might need to do tray set agar-agar in the future, having one is a good idea. BTW, just to let u know, I used glass pan for this.

    I was glad too, they aren't selling this again.

    Haha.. Don't, if not you'll waste money getting a new screen

    Thanks and I hope u will like it

  28. pettersmith,
    thanks for dropping by

    Li Shuan,

    What's Baking,
    Unfortunately, some do care.
    Being said, custard in the recipe, some may expect it to be super creamy and rich like how Western custards are, so a fore warning will be appropriate. I've been recieving funny feedbacks lately.

    UNmoulding agar is a piece of cake for us Malaysians who are so used to this.
    I have been asked by some on how to release agar from mould.
    So, using gravity to release the sides is the best way to prevent ugly prying marks on the cake.

    Fruit cake? Then there will be a huge difference in texture, right?

    Milk burns easily and bubble like crazy when it boils.
    If you boil agar-agar powder for few minutes in the milk.... you could end up having burnt milk and a lot of wash, or burn your arms as you stir all the time.
    So, adding evap milk at the end, could save a lot of headache.

    I hope you like this. Let me know how it turned out

    Pei San,
    Water on?? Where?

  29. I have never bought this cake before even though I have seen it a thousand times.

    Yours looks so enticing. Makes me regret not buying it then. Now, I will have to make it.

  30. wendy, i never try to make cake with agar-agar before, is the cake will definitely stick together with agar-agar ? (or any skill of making it)

  31. wendy, i love this dessert very much, do i need any good skill to make the agar-agar stick together with the cake? thank u.


  32. Hi Wendy,

    How are you ?
    This cake looks so yummy, I must try it out :)


  33. Poh Lin,
    Last time in Jusco right?
    Now, no more.

    bee bee loh,
    No special skills, but you need to observe the timing well, read the intructions properly and you will understand.

    I'm fine and I hope u will like this

  34. Hi Wendy, what do you mean by "put 50ml water into the dry mixture? SAndy

  35. Sandy,
    Dry mixture: The sugar + custard powder + agar

  36. This is a very pretty recipe! Have the "ying & yang" factor, never thought of combining a soft sponge cake with jelly/pudding together, very special!

    I'm very tempting to try making the coffee & custard layers but skipping the sponge cake section becoz I'm lazy, haha! I've bought 1 bottle of coffee essence & have no idea how to use it for other recipes besides the coffee cheese chiffon that I've made earlier. Want to have a encore of this cake so now, at least I can use it for other recipes. Thanks. Will let you know after making this coffee custard pudding!

  37. HI Wendy,
    Thanks for sharing the recipe, i am a big fan of jellies and now with cake its even better.. Will try out your recipe!

    Candice Saw

  38. Wow, what a beautiful and flavorful all the layers :)
    Thanks for sharing such an awesome recipe Wendy!

  39. Jessie,
    what if I tell you, the custard layer is not enough to stand on its own? It needs the cake to boost its flavour. Jusco's version does not have a strong tasting custard.

    When you've done it, don't forget feedback yeah ;)

    U're welcomed.

  40. wow the combi of agar and sponge cake is not something I've seen before.. cool! really would like to get my hand on one to try (but don't think I can find in S'pore except to make it myself =P)

  41. U really makes me wanan do this. Damn!!

  42. ohh that looks so yummy :O
    I really wanna try to make this, but I don't have agar powder - only the 'strands'.. do you know the ratio by any chance? :))

  43. cookie,
    19gm of strands for the custard layer and probably 5 gm for the coffee layer. I get about 3 Tbsp of agar powder from a sachet of 28gm.

  44. Hi Wendy,

    May I know what is the purpose of placing sponge cake in the freezer in step 1? Is it okay to have a sponge cake at room temperature and place it on the custard layer when it is ready?

    Please advise. =)



  45. Lynn,
    the logic is that, when the cake is super cold, the moment it touches the agar-agar, contact surface solidies immediately and the liquid agar won't penetrate further.

  46. Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for the prompt reply. =)


  47. Can i use any regular cake like butter cake instead of sponge cake for this recipe?

  48. Anonymous(Please leave a name),
    Personally, I won't.
    Butter cakes taste hard when chilled.
    And warm agar + pudding is not nice to eat at room temperature.
    If you don't mine either hard cake or warm agar, you can try it with butter cake.

  49. Hi Wendy, can we use the store bought chiffon cake? Thanks/Mindy

  50. Mindy,
    Before I answer you further, I'll ask u this first.
    If you use a chiffon cake, what will you use to set the pudding?

  51. Wendy, as yr recipe mentioned, agar powder sets the pudding right?

  52. Mindy,
    sorry for not making my self clear.
    what container will u set the pudding cake in?

  53. Wendy, a square cake pan, i've never tasted how this cake is & only seen fm yr blog. I'd really like to make this cake as an offering to the monks & nuns as they like coffee a lot but i hv no time to bake the sponge cake thts y am considering buying chiffon cake fm shop & just make the custard & coffee. Tq

  54. Mindy,
    The chiffon cake is round with a hole in the middle, how can you set that round holey cake in a square pan?
    Sometimes, we have to think of our utensils before deciding on a certain thing.
    BTW, are u sure they can consume coffee? Coffee contains caffeine and it's a stimulant.

  55. Wendy, am gonna cut the cake up & place them nicely without the holes. Yup, coffee they like very much. Nescafe in Nepal is very expensive so its like a luxury item. Many ppl offer 3in1 coffee to them. So since the nuns are here, i'd like them to savour some nice things that we lay people sometimes take for granted, tq.

  56. Mindy,
    Ok then, should be ok to cut them up.
    But still it's a bit too soft.
    What about you order a piece of plain sponge from the bakery? or ask them for a piece of sheet sponge intended for swiss roll?

  57. Wow i didn't know bakery can do that..thanks so much Wendy.

  58. Mindy,
    Don't go to chain stores or big bakeries.
    Those neighbourhood bakeries will be able to do that for you.
    Last time during my teens, I have to be on time at the bakery, just before they roll up their swiss rolls, then I just buy the whole sheet.

  59. wow, you did it again. this cake is so unique and special.

  60. Hi Wendy,
    Wonderful cake, going to try it tomorrow. May I know what does step one mean about "wet it and drip dry"? Thanks :)

  61. Ying,
    wet it and let excess water drip off, upside down. There should be drops of water left on the pan

  62. Hi,Wendy.

    Can i use full cream milk instead of evaporated milk???

    Thanks ^^

  63. sherene,
    You can, but use 500ml of full cream milk and reduce the water to 200ml.

  64. Hello Wendy,
    I tried this recipe today, but I failed it ! ;(
    When I poured in the custard pudding layer, the set coffee jelly layer floated and now the coffee layer is surrounded by the custard XD May I know what might be the possible reason that caused this?
    Also,is it normal that the cake is sucking up some of the pudding liquid?
    Thanks ! =)

  65. clare,
    Were you gentle when you poured the custard over?

  66. I think so... Is it because I'm too rough? Or maybe the liquid is too hot when I pour it in ?

  67. Clare,
    I didn't leave mine to cool before pouring, you have to be really gentle and pour from a lower height

  68. Hi Wendy,

    Is it ok to used a regular cake pan (from alumunium) instead of glass pan? Will it leak? It's a cheap alumunium cake pan I bought frm local supplier. They fold the alumunium sheet to shape the cake it's not a one piece cake pan like wilton quality. :) I hope I describe it well enough for you to imagine. I always bake with this cake pan with no problem. Thanks in advance.

  69. Grace,
    I know the type of pan that you have.
    It's ok, as long as it doesn't leak.
    As coffee is on the acidic side, I just want to avoid corrosion.
    Personal choice :)

  70. Hi Wendy,

    Thank yu for your prompt respond, just in time for me to do this for birthday party :) may i know how talk this oudding will be ? I have a 9" round glass pan with 4 cm height. Can i used this instead ? Thans gain Wendy, i love ur blog and admire how you manage to become such an organize housewife..

  71. Grace,
    It will work with a 9 inch glass round pan.

  72. Hi Wendy,
    The cake looks really good!
    Can I use gelatine instead of agar?

  73. MengLin,
    If you use gelatin, it will not stay solid in a room temperature higher than 25C.
    Measurements are not the same, method is not the same.


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