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Monday, April 30, 2012

Baked Apple French Toast - Eggy Bread #1

This week will be about 2 french toasts and 1 bread pudding.

So, anyone of you with a loaf of sandwich bread but don't know what to do with it, maybe you can try out this week's recipes to clear stock.

I made this for lunch with my girls. Lydia and I  walloped this up. Lyanne as usual, just gave a sniff and walked away. She doesn't eat bakes with fruit pieces, except fresh fruit pieces in cream filled cakes.

I used to hate cinnamon, but now am madly in love with it.

Baked Apple French Toast
Recipe source: WendyinKK

8 slices of white sandwich bread (Gardenia, High 5 or Massimo)
2 medium sized green apples
50gm soft brown gugar
½ tsp cinnamon powder
2 large eggs
1/8 tsp salt
50ml whipping cream
50ml milk
½ tsp vanilla extract
Butter for greasing pan

1. Beat eggs with salt. Mix with cream,milk and vanilla. Set aside.
2. Preheat oven to 180(fan)/200C. Butter an 8 inch square baking dish.
3. Combine the brown sugar with cinnamon powder. Set aside.
4. Peel the apples. Slice 1+1/4 apple for the filling, and slice 3/4 apple for topping. Place them in 2 separate containers.
5. Dip 4 slices of bread in the egg mixture(both sides) and arrange them to cover base of pan. Squish them to fit if needed. Use quick swift moves to dip the bread. Do not soak the bread
6. Toss the apples for filling with half the cinnamon sugar. Spread the apples on the bread in dish.
7. Dip the other four pieces of bread in the egg mixture and arrange them on top the apples.
8. Pour balance of egg mixture (if there still is) over the bread. Tilt dish to distribute well.
9. Arrange balance of apples on top of bread.(If lazy just toss them in) and sprinkle balance of cinnamon sugar over the apples.
10. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until puffy golden brown.
11. Let the French toast rest for 30 minutes in pan before serving (10-15 mins if you’re from a colder climate)

Crispy sugary top.... fragrant    with cinnamon and apples....
Hmmmmm.......................................................  :P~


  1. Hi Wendy, can this be prepared in the night and just warm up in the morning ? Am always out of ideas for school scaks as the food got to be packed early in the morning and can last till recess time in the late afternoon e.g 3.45pm.

  2. I've just finished typing your egg tart recipe because I want to bake it today, then I see this yummy-looking pudding! I love cinnamon too. Didn't llke it at first until I was introduced to cinnamon buns.

  3. great idea for leftover bread and it's a versatile dish for breakfast, lunch, snack, tea... anytime of the day!

  4. look yummy...i think my mother will love it....

  5. Mae,
    Should be fine.
    Or you can prepare everything and put into the fridge and bake in the morning?

    Ooo.. leave me ur link in the post when you post the egg tarts.

    Haha, I had this for lunch. Toasts aren't only for morning, you're very right, LOL.

    I hope ur mom will love me for this, LOL.

  6. Hi Wendy , this looks very very very very good .... OMG , me too used to hate cinnamon , now I love cinnamon . I am really gonna try this very very soon . ;)

  7. Another great idea for breakfast! Mouth-watering at the mention of apples and cinnamon!

  8. When my kids start to like cinnamon more, then I can try this out..simple and yummy!

  9. wow! that looks amazing and i love my cinnamon. Great idea!

  10. French toast with apples for breakfast definitely is a great start of the day! I like it very much. For me, cinnamon and apple is always the prefect match.

  11. I've always done french toast in a pan, very good idea to bake it, so much less hassle and you can just slice into it like a cake!

  12. This must be super delicious!! You created this yourself?? I know I will loves this.

  13. Abbygail,
    We both have matured, so have our tastebuds, LOL

    It's a perfect combo, right? i always love apples with cinnamon.

    Can try it w/o cinnamon too, if your kids don't like it


    I feel the same too

    Shu Han,
    Oh, baking french toast is not something new.
    It's not my idea :)

    Sort of. I've seen some other baked french toast and came up with this version myself.
    I didn't invent baked french toast la.

  14. what a good idea of making french toasts! i dont mnd eating this for potlucks even! i think cinnamon is really good in breads, you're not too late to love cinnamons..i see when you will start to love green tea..hehe..

  15. lena,
    Yeah, please hope I'll love mooncakes too, LOL.
    I'm ok for green tea, as in Ocha for drinking.
    I eat la matcha stuff, but I'm not crazy or have the urge to try to make anything with it.

  16. Now I know this is one recipe that I would not pass over, especially for breakfast! Looks so good and it's baked not fried! less oily, less fat? I doubt it huh? lol! What da heck, eat first worry later haha!

  17. Just like a quick apple pie.... what a fantastic idea

  18. I made it this morning..... sedaaap! TQ Wendy.

  19. Thanks Wendy for the suggestion. Herewith is my variation, in case anyone like to check it out:

  20. Never tot of this...yummy....
    gonna do this for my breakfirst soon :)
    thanks for sharing dear....

  21. Hi Wendy,

    I have been having problems accessing to your blog site lately. It seems better now that I've re-follow you.

    Love your French toast idea. Apple and cinnamon are always delicious together.

  22. Hi Wendy
    May I know if I can omit the cream ? Tks

  23. otopusmum,
    You can use 15gm melted butter +35gm milk to substitute the cream.

  24. Carole,
    Sure, thanks for offering.

  25. Great that you linked in, thanks.

  26. Holy Moly... I gotta bookmark this!!! ill surely have this for breakfast tomorrow.. looking at picture got me drollin already! wohooo! :D

  27. Made this today but cut down portion by half :) it's yummy!! Thx for sharing :)



  28. Jesz,
    Oh my, ur nick made me laugh so hard!
    Glad you liked it.

  29. good idea lah- at first cinnamon makes me pening, now i am quite accustomed to it, but if i were to make my hb makan, i will use it jest 'sikit'.tq luv


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