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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Malaysian Food Fest, Come join the fun!!

Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook will know that lately I’ve been cooking a lot of state food. Wonder why?
I’ve been preparing ahead for this upcoming event due to be launched on Aug 1 2012, in conjunction with the National Month of Malaysia

Now, basically it’s an online event, where we submit entries of food that we’ve cooked at home that is popular in the named state. Anything that is made, eaten and popular there. Be it traditional or modern, authentic or fusion, savoury or sweet, dishes or dessert, Malay, Chinese, Indian or Indigenous. Not the western version of Nasi Lemak please (if there is)… do the local version. Versions of food, found and eaten in the featured state.

If you have a story to tell us and share with us about how special the dish is, or how different the dish is from other states, we sure do want to hear from you. Even if you don’t have a story, but just a picture and recipe, it’ll still be warmly welcomed. The monthly host and organizer (me) will provide a few recipes, so don’t worry about not knowing what to do if you have none of your own. Let’s just try…. Enjoy the learning process.

Come come join the fun! Bloggers, Facebookers, just anyone.
For more information, visit Malaysian Food Fest Information Page.

These are some of the dishes I've prepared in advance for the event. As you all know, I need a lot of lead time and I always find it hard to join events that only gives me 1 month of notice. I need time to arrange for a day to buy things and time to cook and prepare the post. So, don't be surprised to see me preparing something for Johor that is due in March 2013. LOL. Being the organizer, I am providing minimum 3 recipes for each state, that means.. I have to cook 36 dishes and another 9 if the vacant states are not taken and I'll have to host them.

Oh yes, currently some states are still open for hosting
1. Kedah + Perlis
2. Pahang
3. Selangor +KL

Contact me if you’re interested.

The first month featured in the Event is Melaka…..
Go go go
chicken rice balls!!!

Don't forget to visit this Page for more information and to see the hosting schedule


  1. All the best Wendy..hope you will have a successful one.

  2. That's a lot of effort and times to organized such event. Thanks for giving us opportunity to learn and share. Wish you all the best.

  3. Wow! What a great idea! A lot of work for you too! U are so rajin.....

  4. Wow, sounds fantastic - something that I'd definitely love to join! ^^

  5. I'll definitely be keeping a lookout for this event, sure to find many delicious food to drool over and maybe cook some for myself! :D You are very hard working indeed to plan such an event!

  6. Wow, I am amazed! This is definitely an event to watch out for! Looking forward for all the wonderful Malaysian cuisines, and also to join!

  7. damn.. that's a lot of food to prepare - that's dedication!

  8. Wendy, you are great of organizing MFF. I'm sure lots of your friends and hop over would love to join too... Good Luck.

  9. you are a fantastic organiser to come up with minimum 3 dishes each for each state!! salute!

  10. wow, wendy,a big project and a very meaning event that bring us as 1 Malaysia, u are so great!


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