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Friday, November 9, 2012

Kuih Gedung Cak - MFF Kedah Perlis #7

The ingredients to this kuih and kuih lepat liat is actually quite similar. You can make both kuihs if you’ve bought too much of either ingredients. But which is nicer? Haha, Kuih Lepat Liat is steamed, Gedung Cak is baked. My hubby and I says, this one, the baked one.

It’s also very easy to do, just mix, wrap and bake. LOL, you can imagine baked dodol with a crust... delish!

The original Gedung Cak calls for the use of Nipah leaves, but I don’t think I can buy that anywhere. So, I used banana leaves instead. For this I would like to apologise to the Kedahans for changing this important factor.

For those of you who have no idea what is nipah, it’s the type of palm that you get attap chee from .The seeds of nipah palm is attap chee and fronds are used to make attap roofs

Kuih Gedung Cak
Source : Memori Kedah
Makes 6 pcs

60gm glutinous rice flour
100gm grated coconut flesh (can use frozen)
Small pinch of salt
50gm dark brown sugar (jaggery or gula merah)
30gm sugar
80gm water
6 pcs of 5X8” banana leaf pieces
Toothpicks or staplers
Oil for greasing

1. Put water and both sugars into a saucepan, on medium heat bring to a boil. (add pandan leaf if preferred) Turn the heat off and stir until the sugar melts, or just wait, if you want. Let it cool until warm to touch.
2. Mix glutinous rice with grated coconut and salt.
3. Meanwhile, wilt the banana leaves. (either steam them, blanch them or over open flame)
4. Preheat oven to 200(fan)/220C
5. Strain and pour the warm syrup into the coconut mixture. Stir and combine.
6. Lightly grease banana leaf and put 1 Heaped Tbsp of the coconut mixture onto leaf.
7. Wrap it up and secure ends with toothpicks.
8. Repeat Step (6) and (7) until the mixture is used up.
9. Bake for 15 minutes.

I am submitting this to MFF Kedah Perlis Month hosted by WendyinKK of Table for 2...... or More


  1. Whoa! Crusty outside and chewy inside. Sedap lor!

  2. I think I would like the crusty one too.

  3. Hi Wendy,
    This kuih gedung cak of yours look so yummy..
    I think i like the baked one too!

  4. hi Wendy, taste like dodol, surely i will like :)

  5. Hi Wendy, just saw your winning cake from Quay Po's blog! Big congratulations to you! The cake looks very refreshing with the balls of watermelon covered the top of the cake!

  6. do you need to soak the glutinous rice first? or is it glutinous rice flour?

  7. Looks like crispy the way you used the coconut shell, very nostalgic :)

  8. Hello wendy, i couldnt thanks you more as i am really, desperately looking forward for this recipi! I am penangites but i really love this kedongcak. It brings my memory back to my childhood days!


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