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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Coffee Marble Cheesecake - Baked Cheesecakes #2

I created this cheesecake for a wedding reception of 150 guests.

My husband's cousin got married last November. The groom's mother, our aunt, requested that I bake some desserts for the reception because the only dessert the caterer offered was fresh fruits.

I made quite a number of things and 2 cheesecakes. One of the cheesecakes is this. The other is a light tasting slightly fluffy orange cheesecake. I planned it in such a way that the guests will have some taste and textural contrast, and everything is bite sized. The rest of the dessert was Designer Chocolate Baby Grands, Kumquat Almond Tea Cakes, Vanilla Cream Puffs and Rainbow Jelly. I wanted to make more, but time  and manpower was a constraint. I was the only person doing almost everything until the final 12 hours. Baking is easy, cleaning up is not.

In the end, the whole dessert table was very well received. Some of the guests came chatting with me and their favourite dessert of the day is varied. Each bake was nominated as the best of the day by different people except the jelly. It wasn't touched much because of they thought it was nyonya kuih lapis due to the colours, LOL. I even got enquiries for another wedding, but then again, I had to say no because it takes up too much of my time and I stay too far.

When I made this for the wedding, I used a digestive Biscuit base and it was easier to slice. An Oreo base seems more appropriate for a chocolate marbling effect, but it was mushier. So, it's up to you on which to use.

My husband was so happy that I decided to bake this cheesecake again after the wedding so that he need not have bite sized pieces, but a whole big piece to himself, LOL.

Coffee Marbled Cheesecake
Created by: WendyinKK

100gm oreo (with cream)
250gm cream cheese, room temp
125gm sugar
1 Tbsp cake flour
100gm sour cream
100gm whipping cream
2 large eggs (Grade A)
1.5 Tbsp instant coffee dissolved with 1 Tbsp boiling water
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 Tbsp cocoa powder dissolved with 1 Tbsp boiling water
½ tsp cornstarch

1. Prepare a 6X9 rectangular pan, fully lined with foil or a 8 inch round springform pan wrapped on the outisde and side greased on the inside. Preheat oven at 150C, top and bottom heat (fan off). Prepare a kettle of boiling water.
2. Grind oreo and press them onto the base of your pan. Transfer to the freezer as you do the next steps.
3. Cream cream cheese with sugar until it looks lump free and creamy (still gritty with sugar, it's ok). Put in 1 Tbsp of flour and mix until smooth. Put in sour cream and whipping cream and mix until smooth. Crack in the eggs and mix until smooth. Mix in dissolved coffee and vanilla.
4. Mix dissolved cocoa powder with cornstarch. Spoon 3 Tbsp of the cheese batter into the cocoa mixture. Mix until smooth.
5. Pour the coffee cheese batter into prepared pan. Drop dots of cocoa batter onto the coffee batter. Draw the marbling with a knife.
6. Place cake pan in a slightly larger  pan. Put this into the oven on the lower racks. Pour boiling water into the larger pan half way up the cake pan.
7. Bake the cheesecake for 1 hour. Remove the waterbath and let the cake cool in the oven with door ajar for 1 hour. Remove from oven, let it cool down totally. Chill for 5 hours before serving.


  1. Coffee and cheese. All time fav. Love the swirls too !

  2. Can't help falling in love with this cheesecake !

  3. lovely marbling effect! Am sure it tastes heavenly since it's COFFEE! I always tell my hubster i want two fridge next time. One as pantry ingredients, the other to keep leftovers and chill stuff like this cheesecake cause am sure my current fridge now sure got no space.

  4. hi Wendy,when you made this bite sized, did you bake in mini muffin tins or cut it into small square pieces? I want to bake bite size cheesecakes for a party and this looks like a perfect choice. Do you have any pics of how you displayed it at the wedding ?:) Thanks, A

  5. Wendy, the marbling on top is very pretty! I am so craving for cheesecake now :) Eh, boleh buat catering already, hor??

  6. coffee and cheese - nice combination.

  7. hi wendy, can i substitute the cake flour with normal, plain flour & replace the sour cream with plain yogurt?

  8. Hi Wendy,
    I love coffee cake though i can't drink coffee.
    Wow! you are so awesome prepared so many types of desserts at once, Any chance for you to show your pictures of your desserts on that wedding party? :D


  9. Wow Wow Wendy! This looks amazingly smooth and cheesy...

  10. Hi wendy , this is a chill cheesecake can it be serve n stay outside . Will it be soft tks

  11. Hi wendy. This cheesecake is chill can it stay outside long n turn soft tks

  12. hi wendy, are all your whipping cream liquidyy one or the already whipped cream?? sorry.. am pretty new to your site :) thank you for your clarification!! i've tried few of your recipes and loving them!!!!!


  13. I'm so addicted to your blog since I discovered it a month ago! I click in almost every day to look for recipe inspiration or just for a short break during working hour (opps :P). I have tried your recipe steam brinjal with garlic vinaigrette, it was so delicious, my darling licked the plate clean! Please keep posting recipe and pictures, love it! :D

  14. hey ...beautifull beautifull.. .... i never get this effect despite trying so many times....

  15. I love cheesecake, this looks so nice!

  16. thanks everybody for the compliments

    I just cut it into about 1 inch square pieces.

    Phong Hong,
    LOL, no lor..... catering is too much work

    the R's,
    You may, the taste will be softer, less rich, because yogurt contains more moisture. Greek yogurt will be a better choice.

    Mui Mui,
    FB :p

    anonymous ,
    The cake is baked, not chilled.

    Whipping cream is liquid
    Whipped cream is whipping cream that has been whipped.

    Joey Y,
    Glad ur darling loved it, I hope you try out more recipes :) let me know how they all turn out

  17. Hi , Wendy . thanks for sharing . May I know is it possible to skip sour cream ? and the whipping cream in your recipe is dairy or non-dairy ?
    from : Kit Wai

  18. Love coffee n cocoa combo too. As usual beautiful swirls :)

  19. Dear Wendy, kindly advise gm to ml for whipping cream and sour cream. I find its difficult to look for sour cream but I have told can mix natural yogurt and lemon. How much lemon I need?


  20. Kit Wai,
    Whipping cream is dairy with 35% fat
    Non dairy will be topping cream

  21. Cindy,
    Natural cream with yogurt will not give you sour cream. Mixing double cream with lemon will give you better luck.
    I do not know how much they are in ml, as I weighed them that time.

  22. hi wendy I'm a coffee fan^^..heh...thanks for recipe sharing....
    im now yr follower^^

  23. hi wendy I'm a coffee fan^^..heh...thanks for recipe sharing....
    im now yr follower^^

  24. Hi Wendy,
    Thanks for sharing. Lovely coffee marble cheesecake. I have not done any cheesecakes before, gonna bookmark this on my pinterest. :)


  25. Hi wendy, I'm a coffee fan^^
    thanks for recipe sharing.
    i'm now your follower^^

  26. Wendy, check with you as I tried this recipe how come my cheesecake is thinner than yours? Can the sour cream replace by yogurt?

  27. Elisha,
    what's your pan size?
    If you used yogurt, the cheesecake will be slightly 'wetter'

    1. im using round 8'' pan..but the taste is good...i bake another 1 by using the 8'' round pan again but i double up d ingrediants but i add up some baileys in and the smile tat for my mum birthday cake..:)

  28. Hi Wendy, thanks for the clarification. With 100gm of double cream, how much lemon I need?


  29. Cindy,
    I can't tell you exactly, but just use enough to thicken it. Should be less than 1 Tbsp. You will notice it turns really thick.

  30. Hi Wendy... I did the cake for my hubby birthday today. The cake was very nice.. He loved it.. Thanks..: )


  31. Have just encountered your page and I guess you should be complimented for this piece. More power to you!

  32. Hello! Great job:) would it be ok if I use 500gm of Cheese instead? I want to produce a really REALLY rich cake

  33. Amanda,
    I think so, add an extra egg and more sugar, taste as you go.

  34. Hi Wendy,
    I baked this yummy cake and posted in fb to share with my friends and tadaaa.. everyone asked for the recipe! Thanks for sharing this wonderful cheesecake recipe :)

  35. Wendy, the cake tasted very delicious. Thank you. Just wonder if I want to bake a birthday cake, should I double the filling ingredients using 8 inch cake tin? Would it be too rich? Or should I just increase by 1.5? If increase by 1.5, do I bake it for 1 1/4 hour? TIA Lynn

  36. Lynn,
    1.5x will make a higher cake. This recipe can fit into a 8 inch pan, making a less than 2 inch tall cake. Bking time, I can't tell you exactly now, you need to judge it yourself by touching, it should not stick to your fingers

  37. Hi Wendy,
    Can I replace the 100gm whipping with 100gm sourcream instead? Meaning 200gm sour cream used in this recipe. Will it work? What would the taste n texture be affected?
    Also, can I omit the coffee in the cream cheese filling, only do the cocoa powder? If yes, do I have to increase the cocoa powderPortion?

    Thank you

  38. Hi Wendy,

    I made this cake on the weekend, it was delicious!! It tasted divine, someone even said it's exactly like those cheesecakes in the cafes!! Thanks for the recipe :) Looking forward to making more of your recipes :)


  39. Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. I have a few question, hope you don't mind answering:

    1. Can use any type of coffee powder ?
    2. U mentioned heat up oven fan off, but when baking is it also fan off?

    I will give this a try, hope u can revert 😋

  40. jazzmint,
    1. any type of instant coffee you prefer
    2. Yes, fan off at all times.

  41. Hi Wendy. I made this cheese cake for a party yesterday and it was a hit. Thanks a lot for sharing


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