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Monday, November 18, 2013

Orange Pound Cake - Orange Week #1

This is a very old recipe that I learnt from school's home science class.
Looking back.. it's been 20 years  since I last made this.

Memory of the wonderful smell emitting from the kitchen drawing the boys to peek into our  kitchen whenever they go to pee was funny, as the male students' toilet was not far from where we were.
When we got back to class, the boys even tried to snatch some of our cakes, but we all protected them well.

haha, I don't know why the cake looked this  way, with a funny looking side, almost like an Eunuch's hat

It was a proud moment for most of us girls. Happily we brought our cake home to show our parents.

It's quite sad that nowadays, most schools will try to skip cooking classes as much as possible and focus on the theory only.

Thank you Puan Hamsiah, my teacher.

The original recipe called for  zest from 1/2 orange. Back  in those days, we didn't use a zester or grater to get the zest. All we had was a paring knife. So, the cut was deeper and this way, we definitely had the zest more skin deep, still not bitter because we were careful to cut away the pith. But nowadays I think most will use a microplane, of if not, at least a  grater,so it won't be that much yield comparatively. That's why I used the zest of the whole orange.

This cake might be a tad sweeter, but that's how pound cakes go.. equal weight for all. You can reduce the sugar  if you like. But I just enjoy mine with a cup of orange tea, sugarless.

As usual, this type of cakes will be gone in a jiffy in my home. Everybody loves it.

cake cracked, hahaha!

Orange Pound Cake
Recipe: Puan Hamsiah (ACS 1993)

200gm butter (I used salted SCS)
200gm sugar
200gm plain flour + 1 tsp baking powder
4 eggs (Grade B or C)
Juice from 1 orange juice (50-60ml)
Zest from 1  orange (original was 1/2 orange)
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven at 180C (fan off). Grease an 8inch  round pan and line the base with paper.
2. Cream butter with sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Beat in eggs, one by one, beating well after each addition.
4. Add in vanilla and beat for a while.
5. Sift the flour with baking powder and put half the flour in. Beat on low speed until no lumps  are seen.
6. Add in orange juice and beat on low speed until combined and add in balance of flour and zest, and combine  until smooth.
7. Pour the batter into the pan and level it.
8. Bake  for 50-60 minutes, until golden, or until a skewer comes out clean.

*If the oven fan cannot be switched off, then go with 160C.



  1. Lovely fine crumbs, I love pound cakes too but they are really sinful!

  2. Lovely cake and look at those crumbs! Don't mind having a slice to go with my coffee now.

  3. how timely... i was just looking for an old school orange pound cake recipe! thanks for sharing Wendy

  4. I love this type of cake. What more for me to say....yes, I love it!

  5. Hi, i just want to know if i use grade A eggs how many do i need? By the way the cake loooks delicious...thanks


  6. Wonderful cake! Made it today following exactly, turned out just like the one you made! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Victoria,
    LOL, u had me in stiches!
    It's literally one, hahahaha!

    I don't recommend using Grade A eggs, maybe you can buy some Grade B or C (better still) to bake as Grade A has higher moisture content. Going with 3 Grade A is a bit too little and 4 Grade A is too much.

    Oh my, you are so fast!
    Glad you liked it!

  8. you certainly still have those skills. the cake looks so fresh, light and densed at the same time...nice pictures too!

  9. Hi Wendy,

    I have been following your post for quite sometime.
    If you don't mind, may I know whether will you take any order for coming CNY?
    Especially your most popular "The best melt in mouth pineapple tarts (enclosed version)".
    Just FYI. I'm located in KL ;)

  10. Ling,
    Thank you for taking interest.
    I don't take CNY orders as I can't afford the time, sorry ya!

  11. I wish that my mum had allowed me to go into domestic science stream in secondary school. This is a nice cake for sure, orange is so fragrant!

  12. Looks wonderfully light but moist at the same time! LOVE that story about the boys pretending to use the toilet so they can smell your cakes! Haha! I agree, the smell of baking is irresistible, especially when coupled with the wonderful citrusy scent or oranges! I even read somewhere that having your house smell of either vanilla or cinnamon (no surprise they are used in baking a lot) is a huge turn on for men hee hee hee.

  13. Hi Wendy, my long forgotten cake. Must bake one soon. Thanks for reminding.

  14. Hi Wendy,

    I have not try this recipe but i certainly just did the Mrs NgSK's butter cake recipe. As i am not able to post any comment on the butter cake link, i thought i must do it here as i feel there is a need for me to thank u & Mrs Ng for the cake.

    It was indeed a "hit" from my husband & we finished half the cake in no time. Another half, i gave it to my helper as i knew that having it at home, we will still finish the whole cake in no time. It is the best butter cake recipe & it reminds me of the childhood butter cake i truly miss.

    Thank u, thank u & thank u….

  15. Omg!!! This look absolutely delicious!!

  16. Hi Wendy,

    I love to read your blog and have tried out quite a few of your posted recipes...great recipes. Thank you so much for sharing them.

    Don't mind if you could let me know the weight of grade A and B eggs.

    Thank you.

  17. Coco,
    Thanks for trying out the recipes on this blog,and glad that you liked them
    Grade A is 64-70, B is around 58-63

  18. Hi Wendy to i know the egg is Grade A or Grade B?
    I just use normal eggs and turn up V gd,but my top cake have seen to be a small layer of different colour, or seem like wet tone colour,are able to solve my doubt ?

  19. Huiqi,
    It is always stated on the box, and if we buy the eggs packed in bags, we can always ask, Eggs come in AA, A-E sizes.

  20. Wow jus an egg got so much knowledge.thank you wendy

  21. Hi Wendy
    I just baked the cake using 3 large eggs and I found that its a bit dry with coarse crumbs. I also reduced the sugar to 180gm.
    I shared the cake with neighbours and relatives, they like it.
    Thanks for sharing. My hubby ask me to improve the cake texture. Do u have any idea?
    Next I will try the Mrs Ng SK's butter cake.

  22. Esther,
    Use the right amount of eggs. The egg yolk is crucial for a fine textured cake.

  23. One doubt, I have measuring cups ....200 ml volume... how do I take equivalent to 200 gms?

  24. Can I steam this cake I have no oven

  25. Dear Wendy, for this recipe is it okay to add in some poppy seeds? Please advise if there's any adjustment to be made. Thank you. Love all your recipes.

  26. Dear Wendy, thank you for all your great recipes. I'm going to bake this cake and wondering if it's alright to add in some poppy seeds. If ok, please advise your recommended weigh for poppy seeds. Thank you Wendy.

    Warm regards,

  27. Keat,
    If you want to use poppy seeds, I think 2 Tbsp will be alright, and increase the orange juice by another 30ml.

  28. I would like to bake in an 9inch cake pan, should I increase flour, sugar and butter to 250? Liquid 120mls? And 5 eggs?

  29. An Choo,
    9 inch square - 6 eggs and everything else +50% as well
    9 inch round - 5 eggs and everything else +25% as well

  30. Hi Wendy

    Tried this recipe yesterday without the zest only orange juice and also used leftover cake flour. Instead of plain flour I used self raising and reduce the amount of baking powder. Came out nicely. Hats off. Thank you so much

  31. Ms Zyed,
    Yes, you can use self raising flour and omit the baking powder, it will work just as well.

  32. Wendy, Thank you for sharing this delicious cake recipe. Ijust had it bake and it taste so good....I hv reduced the sugar portion to 180g but it taste a bit too sweet for me. Could it be the mix fruits I added?

  33. Jean,
    Mixed fruits are usually very sweet. If you want to add in mixed fruits like a fruit cake, I suggest you try out my Alcohol Free Orange Fruit Cake. It has a lower sugar - flour ratio.
    But then again, sweetness is something from one individual to another individual. You will have to adjust it to your liking.

  34. Dear Wendy, Thank you for this beautiful recipe. I tried the recipe with sugar reduced to 175 gm and it turn out so good. Everyone in the family loves it especially the crunchy part at the edges and it goes very well with hot black tea without sugar. This recipe will be one of my classic cake recipe collection. BTW I went to home science class too, Puan Hamisah must be proud of you. Thank you so much for this delicious recipe. Anis

  35. I love the colour of the cake. Was wondering if I could reduce the butter as well. Will it work?


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