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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Shark and Pumpkin Thai Red Curry - Thai Curries AFF #4

When I saw this recipe.. the slices of chicken looked sooo enticing, and the pumpkin just sends my Ooo-Lala siren going off.

But I wanted to try something different, and changed the chicken to shark as I happened to have it. Red curry is very versatile and you can use any type of protein.

Shark is commonly available here, and is widely consumed as a protein source.
So, if you feel disgusted, it's ok. Just change the type of fish, any firm white fish will do. Or just change it back to chicken.

The pumpkin taste so delicious in this curry. It added a sweetness to the curry and I love this more than potatoes :p

You can use any red curry packaged paste you like,or DIY it, then the proportions is up for you to play with. Add more of  what you like, less of what you don't quite like. But then, the coconut milk is a must have ingredient

Shark and Pumpkin Thai Red Curry
Idea from Temple of Thai 

300gm shark, sliced 6-7mm thick
300gm pumpkin, diced
70gm red curry paste
1 handful of thai basil, leaves detached, stems discard
2-3 pcs of kaffir lime leaf, torn and lightly rubbed
125 + 75 ml coconut milk
Fish sauce to taste

1. Put 125ml coconut milk into wok/pot and heat it upon medium heat until oil is released (partial release is enough).
2. Put in red curry paste and stir it around, make sure the coconut milk is homogenous with the paste.
3. Add in around 2 cups of water and bring it to a boil.
4. Add in pumpkin and kaffir lime leaf, and cook until pumpkin begins to soften (but not mushy).
5. Reduce gravy to preferred amount (you can add water if you want more gravy), then season with fish sauce, make it very slightly oversalted.
6. Add in shark slices and remaining coconut milk and gently stir it. Let it come back to a boil.
7. Throw in thai basil leaves and turn off the heat. Dish up.

**Amount of curry paste to use may differ with store bought brands

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Thailand Month


  1. this looks so appetising.... shark and pumpkin... need to try this someday

  2. The coluor alone makes this curry look very appetizing. I will zoom in on the pumpkins :)


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