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Monday, November 4, 2013

Pork Panang Curry - Thai Curries AFF #2

We seriously love this!

If you avoid consuming coconut milk, then it's hard for you to make this because I used 350ml coconut milk to cook this plate of curry. Personally, I love coconut milk for it's health benefits with all the short and middle chain fatty acids that used to be confused as BAD. Rich with lauric acid that benefits the heart. It helps with weight loss and I will need it desperately if I ever get Alzheimers. Read here . 

If you have never drank freshly squeezed coconut milk, you don't know what you're missing. That's why you always see coconut trees in places that people nickname as Paradise! Joking.

Ok, back to the dish... It taste almost like a rendang, but better than a rendang, that is to us.
Panang Curry is said to originate from Penang and Penang was once under Siamese ruling. This curry uses peanuts as one of its ingredients. So there is a light nutty flavour in it.
Usually cooked with beef, but one can use pork or chicken as well. I went with pork. 

No regrets no regrets! 

Pork Panang Curry
Source: Real Thai Recipes

300gm pork
1 Tbsp thinly sliced kaffir lime leaf
50gm coconut milk
2 tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp palm/coconut sugar

Panang Curry Paste
10 dried chillies
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 Tbsp toasted peanuts
½ inch galangal (20gm)
2 pcs of coriander root
1 lemongrass
2 shallots
4 cloves garlic
1 small cube of shrimp paste/ belacan (eyeball about 1 tsp)
250gm coconut milk

Thickened Coconut Cream
50gm coconut milk
50gm water
½ tsp rice flour

1. Snip the dried chilli into sections and rub to remove seeds. Soak in water to soften.
2. Toast coriander seeds and cumin seeds until fragrant. Let them cool down slightly.
3. Slice galangal and lemongrass thinly .
4. Mill coriander, cumin and peanuts together. When the have become fine, add in galangal and lemongrass. Mill again. Lastly add in softened chilli, shrimp paste, shallots and garlic and mill until fine. (if it’s way too dry can add some coconut milk from the 250ml portion)
5. Put ½ of the coconut milk into a wok and bring to a boil. Put in spice paste and cook on medium low heat. Let it cook until you see some oil, and it looks glossy, but not yet dry. Add more coconut milk gradually (2 Tbsp at a time) as you cook so that they turn to oil. Cook until the paste is almost dry
6. Put in all the pork, turn heat to high and let it cook for a few minutes until the flesh is cooked.
7. Put in kaffir lime leaf shreds and palm sugar.

before adding the pork


  1. What a mouth-watering dish! The colour looks beautiful too. I shall try this. Thanks for sharing yet another fantastic recipe Wendy.

  2. Hello Wendy,

    My hubby's buddies totally enjoyed Pork Panang Curry with their beers! Thanks so much.

  3. Helen,
    so nice of you to make such a tedious dish for them to enjoy with beer!


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