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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wholemeal Cream Bread - Loaves #2

I've  been chatting with my friends on FB  about getting a Made in China mixer known called B5 or B7. Still thinking thinking.. another US KA or China B5/7. Decisions decisions.

If not bread baking will retire in my home. Or maybe partially retire because bread made with all purpose flour could still be managed with manual kneading

My husband hates wholemeal breads. Remember I purposely made wholemeal Char Siew Pau to make him control his portion in one sitting? LOL, evil wife.

The texture was soft and stayed soft for 2-3 days. Properly kneaded bread and hydrated bread (of which is harder to knead manually) stays soft for a longer time. I can't do that manually because I am never that diligent to give it a 45 minutes by hand to get to that membrane stage,. what more if the dough has high moisture, sticky sticky!

I didn't dare to put more whole meal flour just in case the bread turns out heavy,and hubby will really hate it, and I added some bran of which feels lighter.

all from one loaf

Wholemeal Cream Bread
by WendyinKK 

300gm bread flour
100gm wholemeal flour
20gm wheat bran
40gm cake/superfine flour
8gm instant yeast
60gm sugar
7gm salt
50gm milk powder
180gm water
1 egg
110gm whipping cream

Supposed weight: +-930gm
After 1st proofing: +-900gm

1. Put everything into mixer and mix to form dough. Knead until membrane stage (I used KA speed 4 for 25 mins).
2. Cover and let it proof for 1 hour or until double.
3. Knead again for 1 minute on speed 2. Let it rest while you butter a 13 inch Pullman tin and the lid.
4. Divide dough into 3 pieces, around 300gm each. Lightly flour them, roll them flat and roll it up again.
5. Place dough into buttered pan and let it proof for 1 hour until 80% full in tin. Cover with lid.
6. Bake in preheated oven at 160(fan)/180C for 30-40 minutes. (Mine is always done by 30)

very light weight and high in fibre


  1. Tq Wendy darling.i sedang cari resipi yang seperti ini.Sekejap lagi nak mula meroti.:)

  2. Wendy, your bread turns out so nice. After eating wholemeal bread, now I don't like white bread. Been thinking of getting a KA mixer but it is so pricey.

  3. i agree with Phong Hong that this is a very nice loaf,,, makes me want to eat it everyday

  4. Hi, I have been reading your post and recommending to anyone interested to cook /bake. One question: How did you managed to slice so evenly? Do you use any tools to guide your slicing?


  5. Cik Manggis.
    Lama lagi wendy tak leh meroti... Enjoy urself ya

    Phong Hong,
    Tak payah KA la.. find other brands better

    Victoria Bakes,
    then have to bake it very often, hehehe

    Thank you for recommending to your friends :)
    I use just the plain ole cheap long straight knife bought from regular crockery shops.
    I have been slicing fresh bread since I was a kid, around 30 loaves a day,

  6. Wendy your bread looks so soft. This is the texture that I'll always look for in homemade bread. Wah, slicing 30 loaves of bread a day, your family must be operating a kopitiam, right?

  7. Hi
    Your breads all look lovely.
    Mine is a Bosch mixer...can knead using the hook too?


  8. Veronica,
    Yaya, in the olden days, next to the Padang.

    little devil,
    Sure can. But check the dough capacity of your model.
    You've never kneaded dough with it yet?

  9. Hi Wendy,

    Have you ever made bread using the tangzhong method?

  10. c. linda,
    Yes I had, but not blogged.
    I am happy with the direct method as I tend to do high hydration dough recipes. And my bread stays soft quite long too, long enough to be finished. Any bread longer than 2 days in the house are always toasted,so I don't bother much about them lasting super soft for 3 days. But in my experience, I am not very impressed with it.

  11. Hi kak Wendy..

    I've just dropped by. Also just started meroti sekarang ni. Your bread looks so nice . drooling , tempting etc etc...

  12. Hi wendy... I have tried your bread recipe... the bread looked good but the problem is that is doesn't raise enough to 80%... any possible reason why is it so? Thanks

  13. cantigal,
    maybe the weather is too cold. Temperature is a factor to determine the rate of rising. If the weather is not warm enough, it won't rise as fast. Try to proof it longer.

  14. Thanks wendy will try to proof longer next time... by the way the bread texture is good still stay soft on day 4 yummy!!!=)

  15. My loaf pan is 12" n is for 750g loaf. Is my loaf pan the correct size

  16. michelle,
    Mine is a 13 inch loaf pan, as said in instruction line #3. You can use 12 inch, just don't cover the top and let it grow tall.


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