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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fresh Mango Oatmeal

Never thought that I'd eat such healthy stuff right???

Actually I pretty much like oatmeal...... cooked my way.
When I was pretty much younger, in my early teens, I tried cooking according to the instructions on the packet, and I pretty much hated it. It was too too milky, so thick and yucky. The oatmeal was cloying and overloading for me.

But when I grew up later in my teens, my brother taught me to cook it in a much diluted method, then sweetened with condensed milk. Wow.. that was an eye opener. Truly different. It tasted much like wheat porridge, what we call in Cantonese as Mak Chuk, or in Malay Bubur Gandum/Terigu.

Then when I went into Teacher's Training in JB, I ate breakfast daily because break time was much later and I'll be so so hungry by then, so I made breakfast. It's almost oatmeal daily. Oh if you want to know whether I lose weight by eating oatmeal daily.. hahaha, no I didn't. And I will always try to put in fresh fruits to make it even nicer, strawberries, and bananas usually, because I could buy more and store. But I didn't use condensed milk anymore simply because condensed milk ain't the same stuff that it was when I was a kid, it became condensed filled milk or creamers and they tasted inferior. So I used fresh milk with a bit of sugar.

After the training ended, I was posted to rural oil palm estate where the nearest town was 68km away with nothing insight except oil palms all the way. So, keeping oatmeal in the pantry was a must. And whenever I get back to the estate from KL, I always pass by a large fruit stall. My friends and I always make a point to stop and buy fruits. I think I ate the most fruits during these 2 years I was working there. Mangoes were always the choice fruit to buy when it was in season. Simply because it could keep without referigeration and I definately prefer this than apples or oranges. It was during this time that eating oatmeal with mangoes started. My housemate who doesn't eat oatmeal, was converted after I made this for her. She totally changed her perspective about oatmeal and said it was so good, just like eating sweet soups.

So, here, maybe you'd like to try my way to convert your man or your child into eating oatmeal.
My 2 kids finished these 2 bowls.

1/2 cup quick cooking oats
2 cups water
1/2 cup fresh milk (if you are making this for your kid, you can use your child's milk formula, dissolved with some water)
1 Tbsp sugar
1/2 cup diced mangoes or more

Put water and oats into a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Lower heat to medium low, lid off and simmer for 5 minutes. Put in milk and sugar. Turn off heat and put into serving bowls. Top with diced mangoes.
Simply divine.

I used much lesser milk than traditional oatmeals and I find this just nice. Enough to make it creamy but not too much to make it cloying.

*Please note that the simmering time will affect the texture of the oatmeal. The longer you simmer it, the smoother it becomes and thicker it will be. And it thickens further when it cools down. So better gauge your consistency preference. The amount of liquids I use here is just right for me.

You may use strawberries, but it may be tart, so feel free to add in more sugar. Bananas are nice to go with this, and it is sweet and fragrant. Blueberries will be nice and slightly cooking it will bring out a nice colour from the skin.

To non oatmeal eaters, I dare you to try this.


  1. Woah! What a healthy meal! Nothing can beat this healthy and refreshing breakfast!

  2. my mum once cooked the salty type of oatmeal with ikan bilis, spring onion, minced meat and onion oil = = geng or not har? hahahhahaha

  3. Kitchen Corner,
    Haha, actually I made this for dinner :)
    Hubby was sick, so we ate something lighter for dinner.

  4. I used to eat quick cooking and instant but after trying rolled and steel cut oats, they tasted much better as there was something more to chew and bite on.
    and I love the idea of having mangoes in it.
    I think coconut milk would really bring the oatmeal to a good match with mangoes :)

  5. Tracie,
    Yeah, I do agree that rolled oats are actually nicer. But because I have kids, it's gentler on their tummies.
    With added coconut milk, it'll really taste like a tong sui, just like mango sai mai lou. Imagine the oat bits giving it some texture like sago pearls. I'd love to have that for dessert.

  6. Wendy, where were you about in Selancar last time? We used to go champing at Reserve Forest in there which is really hardcore!

  7. this is best to serve in breakfast time, look really healthy and good!

  8. comment missing. Posted something earlier but did not appear.

    Anyway, came back to check on how you prepare the oatmeal again. Will try to cook this tomorrow morning for b'fast since I have all the ingreadient.

  9. Hi, Wendy. Can i use instant oatmeal?

  10. Manglish,
    I do know some people cook salty oatmeal, just like we normally do rice porridge.
    I bet your mom's version is really good.

  11. Kristy,
    I was in Selancar 2. Yeah, I know lots of people go cross country 4WD way at the back of Selancar.
    I miss that place... seriously.

  12. mNhL,
    You must have forgotten to type in the verification code. :)
    Let me know how it goes. I'll love to hear your feedback.

  13. Sonia,
    I always eat these for regular meals...
    They are really good.

  14. Xianxian,
    Yes you may.
    Just that quick cooking oat's texture is my preference. You need not cook this that long if you're using instant oats.

  15. I used to have these for breakfast in my teens, mixed in milo/ holicks/ ovaltine plus milk powder and sometimes raisins until at one time i was so sick of it. Years after that, about 12yrs ago, when my youngest sis was in the Uni, she started eating it plain w/o anything to "keep fit" and introduced it to me saying that it's "not so bad". So now whenever there's not enough rice or porridge, i'll make it thick and eat with the dishes.

    It's been a long time since i had it sweetened, and your version looks yummy...will try it one of these days.

  16. Wendy, I always eat my oatmeal with walnut cum pinenut powder and flaxseed, taste nutty. sometimes wil add in banana which is much more tasty. nvr think of mango, must b gd too

  17. Very beautiful photos! Possibly my favourite photo on your site!

  18. Mel,
    It's just mildly sweetened. Don't worry about it :)

  19. Jess,
    Try this with mango, I'm sure you'll love it like crazy.
    I'm not really an oatmeal person and I only eat it with fruits :)

  20. Shirley,
    Haha, thanks. I just started not long to photograph on my window sill, and this was an ultra jump queue pic. :)

  21. Very, very healthy! I eat oatmeal occasionally and I love mangos...just never thought to combine the two. What a wonderful combo :)

  22. great idea...colorful and healthy :)

  23. Xiao Yen,
    Try this, it's really nice.

  24. :-) I think my husband will love this one with his instant oatmeal.

  25. I always have my oatmeal with green tea powder and peanut butter, this would be a nice change!

  26. Angie,
    Unless that person doesn't love mangoes,
    I don't see how one wouldn't love this.

  27. Pigpigscorner,
    Wow that's new to me, green tea and peanut butter!!!

  28. Yea, mango in oatmeal would be nice! I myself prefer rolled and steel-cut oats. I also love mine thicker because it'd make my brain think that, "Hey, there's something to chew on!" I love the fibers there. I was only recently introduced to the idea of mixing condensed milk to oatmeal, which sounds frugal. Probably because of my days in the U.S., I'm used to having mine with some ground cinnamon, brown sugar/maple syrup/molasses, and sometimes apples. I'd say yours is definitely a good Malaysian touch! Very tropical indeed!

  29. Wendy, I didn't know you cook your oats this way too! :)

    I used to cook oats based on the instructions on the packaging but it turned out coarse and cloggy (like you said). I never like oats then. But whenever my mom cooks it for me, I will eat up the whole bowl. Her "trick" is to cook the oats with room temperature water and let it boil (just like your method). And yes, it does make a great difference. The cooked oat is so creamy and smooth, texture is just like congee. My mom used to add condense milk for me too ;-)

    Whenever I'm pressed for time, I cook oats for my kids. They like it both sweet and savoury. For sweet oats, I usually add brown sugar and an egg, and kids will eat with dried fruits and cream crackers, yummy! For savoury, I like to use stock(ikan bilis/chicken stock) and add in some minced meat/egg and veggies.

    I only like the sweet version :P

  30. Pei-Lin,
    Mine is pretty frugal too, as I only used so little milk :)
    Maple syrup and apples seem like a good idea, but I prefer something soft to go with soft.
    Or maybe you cooked the apples until they are soft? If that's the case, then I think I'll love it.

  31. Blessed Homemaker,
    Like as you said, we seem to have telepathy, and we also have much in common, culinary wise.
    We both cook ur water cress the same way, stems first, leaves later, I've never seen another doing this besides you. Made roast pork the same day... hahaha, I don't know what to say.

    I do wish one day we can meet up :)

  32. That looks beautiful and healthy! :)

  33. Wendy, you forgot another thing in common, steam rice ;-)

    Besides condensed milk, my mom also added milo and I love it! The only thing I don't like is when she adds formula milk as I hated milk then, maybe that explains why I'm so "malnutrition", forever underweight.

    Yes, we should really meet up one day, if time permits.

  34. Blessed Homemaker,
    If you are ever travelling to Msia, do let me know, but JB will be not feasible to me :)

    It'll be great if you can stay at my house for a few days. Our kids can play together.

  35. Thanks for your kind offer, we'll be travelling to Melaka late Jun but I think it's still too far for you huh? It's our first drive into Msia :P

    Maybe the next time if we drive up further, we can meet up ;-)


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