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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Chives Soup Noodles

Few days back, we were stranded at home with both our girls sick. And I only have limited stuff in the fridge, and oh ya, I haven't been making chives soup for a long long time. It's time for this again

I used soy bean noodles(dau chim) and added extra filament crab sticks, and prawns to add a touch of luxury to the poor man's chives.
Even sick and weak Lydia had a bowl of this, and found it good cos she ate the whole bowl of noodles, drank up the soup, but left the goodies behind. Mike and I ate up her prawns, fishballs and crabsticks.

Mike gave me 2 thumbs up for this simple meal. :)

Above is his, this one is mine.


  1. The whole bowl of treasures! Dau chim :-)) This is something so Hokkien, mom-styled, and so good.

  2. Angie,
    Yeah, just home style noodles, all natural goodness.

  3. Wah! Plenty of fillings for a bowl of soup. Very generous, this couldn't get from any stalls bought one :)

  4. I've not tried cooking chives soup before. Will try it one day, I hope my family will like it.

  5. Kitchen Corner,
    Haha, homemade ma.
    Can put as much as you like.

  6. Blessed Homemaker,
    Chives soup is very sweet, do try it out one day.

  7. Wow, your bowl is totally filled in with all those wonderful stuffs! I've green eyes! hehe....
    Have a great day!
    Cheers, Kristy
    p/s my email :

  8. This is such a lovely soup with lots of yummy ingredients. Can imagine the "sweetness" of the tasty broth..yum!

  9. wah this soup i guess cost rm10 - a lot of ingredient! nice food presentation!

    feel sorry to hear that Lydia sick.

  10. wendy, i checked out ur recipe, anchovy is kang hu kia is it? btw tat is in hokkien hahaha anchovy-kang hu kia or kiam hu?

  11. HOney Bee sweets,
    Yup, the broth is very sweet. All natural sweetness :)

  12. Voon,
    Rm10 ah, ok, I sell to you:)
    Both my girls are ok now. Thanks for your concern

  13. Manglish,
    I'm not well versed in Hokkien.Sorry.
    But I guess that is correct gua. Kia means like chai in cantonese, and hu is fish right?. It's Kong Yu Chai in Cantonese.

  14. Wow, my first time here and loving all your recipes! I love seafood and this soup looks so appetizing. Yum!

  15. tak ada diskaun ar... Rm10 is commecial one mah... for me diskaun 60% la... ok?

  16. Sook,
    thanks. Hope to see you more often here

  17. Voon,
    ookokla, diskaun for you.
    But brin g your own prawns oh :)


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