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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Banana Greek Yogurt Cake

that missing corner was gobbled by my prince who happened to be in his high chair and was in reach of it

I thought this post will never be done. Until this month's Aspiring Baker's theme is Lightened Up Cakes.

So, here comes this aweful tasting cake.
It tasted like bread....dry chewy bland banana tasting bread right after filling.
The next day, it taste more cake like, but still, not delicious at all, just more edible.

My MIL and I tried very hard to eat half of this cake over a few days. Nightmare.

Here's the original recipe from Fresh Ways with Cakes (Healthy Home Cooking)

The Cake90gm soft brown sugar
10ml safflower oil
2 eggs
3 large bananas, peeled and mashed
1 tsp lemon zest
175gm wholemeal flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp ground all spice
60gm rolled oats
1/2 tsp icing sugar

Yogurt-banana filling
175gm Greek Yogurt
1 banana, peeled and chopped

1. Preheat oven to 180C. Line a 9X7 inch pan.
2. Whisk together brown sugar, oil, and eggs until thick and pale. Stir in the lemon zest and mashed bananas
3. Sift flour  with baking powder and all spice into the banana mixture. Add the bran left in the sieve into the mixture.
4. Add the oats into the batter and fold the batter with spoon.
5. Transfer batter to the lined pan and level surface.
6. Bake it for 30 minutes. Leave to cool for 10 min in tray, then transfer to rack to cool down totally.
7. Split the cake to half  horizontally and then half again vertically.
8. Combine ingredients for filling and fill the cake layers with the filling.
9. Dust top of cake with icing sugar.

*I only made half of this recipe.

I am submitting this to
hosted by Qi Ting of A Dessert Diet


  1. Wahahahha!!!! What a laugh! Wendy, seriously lah, any "healthy" cake or recipe sure "beh chiak" one.

  2. Phong Hong,
    I am so with you.
    I'd rather have a small piece of indulgence than to have a huge piece of torture.

  3. far the so called healthy bakes I tried also dun taste good to me also >.<"

  4. Don't know about the taste, but I've got to say the cake looks lovely.

  5. Wendy, it sounds pretty bad taste yeah the cake. Sometimes, healthy recipes always turn out to be a nightmare, agreed. Anyway good try!

    I just submitted a Melaka dish to Cindy.Here's the link:

  6. Kak Nita,
    LOL, u can have it all, if I still have it

    I think nice ones exists, just not those that we tried, LOL.

    Sama sama orang Kampar, I think our tastebuds not much different la, hahaha. Trust me, not nice.

    I'm not giving up, haha, one day something so called healthy will taste nice
    Thanks for joining MFF Melaka

  7. Taste awful? Looks good though. 10ml oil, no wonder dry ler. Rolled oats summore heehee. Takes a real confident, accomplisee baker to submit an 'awful tasting' creation to a blog bake heehee.

  8. Wendy, I like you being so out spoken hahaha...

  9. Esther,
    Looks can be decieving, jangan percaya!
    Well, I do post some bad bakes at times, haha, as a warning to others, LOL.
    It's ok la, it's a bake done by me, not created by me, so I dun mind submitting, hahahaha!

    LOL, that's me lor, u know me right, hahaha.

  10. But looks good leh, pity taste wise not so nice...maybe you can modify it abit:D

  11. Jeannie,
    Since this was the first time I baked from this book, I thought, TRUST it first.
    But then frankly, how come I so stupid follow blindly, with bananas surely must put baking soda, maybe that's why it tasted weird.
    Ah.. no thank you la, I dun event want to try and make it better. Greek yogurt's too expensive to play around.

  12. Hi Wendy,
    Sorry to hear about this cake! Maybe it would be better with plain flour instead of wholewheat flour! At least you have tried it, and can put it out of your mind instead of going back to that page over and over! :)

  13. Hi Wendy,
    Agree with u that healthy good not really taste good. Give u a big *LIKE* for your work and word.

  14. I'm sorry it turned out bad, cause it sounded pretty good! And the pictures are great too.

    By the way, I'm hosting a giveaway at my blog, you may want to check it out :)


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