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Monday, August 27, 2012

Cinnamon Vanilla Poached Pears - Pears #1

I am beginning to love pears. I used to hate pears.

I never liked western pears. I have always preferred Asian pears that are juicy and very juicy. Western pears seems harder, sometimes astringent and more things that could end up sticking between my teeth. Maybe back in those days, there is only Packham pears available. Yes, those days when fresh lemons were unheard of. It's just calamansi or green limes available should one ever need some citric acid besides oranges.

the pears I used, small packhams
 Lately these few years, more western pears have been brought in, Anjou, Bartlett, Bosc, Crimson, Paradise, and this year I seem to see Forelle pears. And these pears changed my mind. I begin to love pears, especially Anjou pears that are soft and buttery. I no longer feared having another pear, worrying that it's astringent.

After  I made double boiled pears with osmanthus, of which was really nice to eat.. I tried to do it Western style poaching instead. Somehow, I am too stingy to open up a bottle or red wine to do it and was thinking if I could just poach them in spices.

I loved the end result a lot! I let the pears sit in the syrup for a few days and they got sooo infused with the all the flavours, yum yum! After I finished up the pears, I drank the syrup because it smelled sooo good. I mixed it with hot water and it became a warm beverage... absolutely comforting, the smell of vanilla and cinnamon... Ahhhhhh..................

I was so in love with these that I made these again to share with my fellow bloggers at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Swee San made some kick ass pecan ice cream and it paired so well with the poached pears. Haha.. But then again, taste is always a personal matter, what I am in love with may be your poison. And it's poison for my hubby.

Cinnamon Vanilla Poached Pears
Recipe source: WendyinKK

5 small pears (mine weighed about 530gm)
500ml water
100gm sugar
1 vanilla bean that has been scraped before (or just use a ew one)
2 inches cinnamon stick
2 Tbsp lemon juice

1. Combine everything except the pear into a small pot.
2. Peel pears, rinse and put them into the pot immediately. Coat them with the lemon infused mixture.
3. Bring a boil and lower to a simmer for 20-30 minutes, until pears are tender.
4. Fish out the pears and turn heat to high to reduce the syrup to about 1 cup.
5. Keep the pears together with syrup into a deep container and chill. Serve cold or warm


  1. I never like western pear either but Carlos loves it especially Bartlett. He prefer it soft so I will usually leave it on the kitchen counter for a few days. I never make this before but it does look really good. Maybe I should try it with Asian pears since I still have a few in the fridge.

  2. wow! looks so inviting. I also thought this is v difficult to do, esp after watching all the Masterchef shows..=)

  3. I like them poached in red wine and I think I will like your style of poaching them too :) who doesn't vanilla and cinnamon...great combo !

  4. Ah...I used to hate pears too and I think I still do but not as much. I am beginning to appreciate Asian pears more. I find it cooling.

  5. I am not a fan of pears either, especially those mushy type lol! My son poached pears once with red wine and I don't like it, due to the wine which I don't like... maybe I'll try it your way when I have pears in my freezer:D yours looks refreshing!

  6. Selamat Hari Raya!
    Do visit me for pre-loved and new items for sale!

  7. I love how you throw in that last sentence as the punch line LOL! Why ur hubby didnt like?

  8. haha i on the other hand love pears.. but cooked ones lol..

  9. i love this, i shall make this too, i was lucky to try that..must make, must make!!


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